War of Resistance

Chapter 814 Zhang Gufeng Incident

Chapter 814 Zhang Gufeng Incident
While Zhang Tianhai was still thinking about how to use the terrain and situation near Jiujiang to prevent the enemy from advancing westward, the main force of the Second Army of the Central China Expeditionary Army of the Japanese Army had already marched westward under the leadership of its commander Higashikurimiya Renhiko. , starting from Luzhou (that is, Hefei) and going straight to the Dabie Mountains.

The troops of the Japanese Second Army are not weak. There are four divisions under its command as the absolute main force, plus about half of the divisions directly under the army, it is already a full four and a half divisions.

A total of 12 troops marched forward from Luzhou in a mighty way, as if they were about to forcibly break through a line of defense from the Dabie Mountains.

On the outskirts of Hefei, Emperor Showa's uncle, King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko, is riding a horse, looking very high-spirited.

Indeed, the Japanese army expanded the scale of the war of aggression against China, which brought them a lot of trouble. In order to expand their troops, they even took back the guns of the instructors of the military academy, in order to use them in On the newly expanded division.

However, the difficulties encountered in the country seem to have nothing to do with King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace. His goal is to lead a well-equipped and full-fledged army of 12 to make contributions to the front line and open a way to win Wuhan. Broad road!

As for the difficulties encountered in the country, that is not something that he should consider, King Renyan of Dongkuer Palace, but something that those domestic politicians should consider!
"Long live the Emperor! Wan Sheng!!!" Riding on the horse, King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko suddenly pulled out the samurai long sword from his waist, and shouted to the sky.

After these Japanese soldiers saw that their commander was so full of fighting spirit, they couldn't help but also started to croak.

But these slogans gradually gathered into a burst of slogans, and then began to shout.

The general content of the slogan is probably only those such as "Long Live the Emperor", "Wan Sheng", "Long Luck".

On this endless plain, there is a strong fighting spirit.

King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace was riding on the horse like this, but his slightly squinted eyes were full of murderous intent.

According to the combat deployment of the Japanese army, one of the Japanese troops originally captured Zhengzhou, and then went all the way south along Pinghan Road, while the other line attacked along both sides of the Yangtze River, attacking Wuhan in a pincer shape.

But later, the national government army broke the Huayuankou levee, causing the flood to burst. The main force of 10,000+ North China was trapped in the Kaifeng area. In addition, logistical supplies and the like were immediately cut off.

Therefore, under this situation, the Japanese army could only give up their plan to go south along Pinghan Road, and instead attacked Wuhan from the north and south banks of the Yangtze River.

The Second Army led by King Renyan of Higashikuriya was the main force of the Japanese army on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

The four divisions under the command of the Japanese army led by Higashikuni Palace Minoruhiko are the 13rd division of Fujita Susumu, the 16th division of Shinohata Yoshio, and the No.[-] division of Ogizhou Libing. , Keisuke Fujie's No.[-] Division, and some independent artillery units to support, the size of the troops is not huge!

By the way, I forgot to mention that the reason why the head of the [-]th Division became Yoshio Shinohata was not because the original head of the division, Rensuke Isoya, rushed to Taierzhuang on the North China battlefield. If it weren't for this, it might not be Yoshio Shinohata's turn to be the head of this division.

Therefore, it is precisely because of the strong soldiers and horses at this stage that King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace has infinite confidence in this battle.

What's more, the current military capacity of the Japanese army is indeed in a state of prosperity.

However, what King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace never expected was that a change thousands of miles away slowly changed his fate.


To the north, a Soviet army quietly occupied Zhanggufeng and Shacaofeng.

Zhanggu Peak, also known as Knife Mountain, is called "Zaozernaya" in Russian, which means the highland on the other side of the lake. Today it is located on the Sino-Russian border 1.5 kilometers north of Fangchuan Village, Jingxin Town, with an altitude of 155.1 meters.

To the east and north of the mountain are Changchi (called Lake Hassan in Russia) and Poshet Plain, connected to Shacao Peak in the northwest, facing the 141.2 highland in the southwest, Fangchuan Village in the south, and about 2.5 kilometers to the southeast. The junction of Russia and North Korea.

Shacao Peak is located in China, 2 kilometers northwest of Zhanggu Peak, with an altitude of 77.1 meters, 1.2 kilometers east of Paozi from Shacao Peak to the Sino-Russian border.There is an earthen tablet 3.5 kilometers southeast of the peak.

In other words, to put it bluntly, this is the key point of the Sino-Soviet border.

Whoever occupies this place will be able to take the initiative in the war.

Of course, the Soviet army occupied Zhanggufeng and Shacaofeng. This is no longer a dispute between China and the Soviet Union, but a dispute between the Puppet Manchukuo, the Japanese army and the Soviet army.

The sudden military action of the Soviet army made the Japanese army suddenly fall into a passive state.

Interestingly, the Kwantung Army has been preparing to fight against the Soviet Union since February of this year, and proposed that it is best to spend the war expenses from China's incident expenses.Prior to this, the staff officer Qian Zhengxin and others were ordered to inspect the site, and at the same time reported their strong claims to the headquarters and the North Korean army.

Under such circumstances, the sudden dispatch of the Soviet army immediately affected the heart of the entire Kwantung Army-they thought it was a "provocative action" by the Soviet army, and this was the Soviet army's attempt to test their strength.

Regarding this operation, in the Japanese base camp, two schools of thought immediately emerged.

The first group of opinions is naturally the figures headed by the radicals. The leaders of the radicals believe that facing the provocation of the Soviet army this time is the time to show the strength of the "imperial army". What they want is for the Soviet army to deal with them. The Japanese troops were "terrified by the news."

For example, Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro also agrees with the views of the radicals.

And if there are supporters, there will naturally be opponents.

The opposition is a faction headed by the navy, especially the naval officers headed by Vice Admiral Yamamoto 56, who have the greatest voice of opposition.

The Army believes that their successive victories in the North China battlefield, and even the Central China battlefield, are due to their strong military force. , and must be able to win with restraint.

The navy disagreed, they thought the army was "playing with fire"!
Why did the Japanese Navy say that the Army is playing with fire?The reason is that the navy believes that the Hankou landing operation requires a large number of warship escorts to ensure the transportation of weapons and soldiers, so it must avoid playing dangerous games with its opponents.

If Japan and the Soviet Union fight on Zhang Gufeng's side, it will definitely affect the battle between the base camp and Hankou. If it becomes a large-scale war, it will be necessary to send troops from the Central China battlefield or even the North China battlefield to support it at any time. of.

In the process of deploying support, a large number of warships and front-line strategies must be involved.

Yes, this is the opinion of the conservatives headed by the Japanese Navy.

However, in response to the navy's view, the Japanese Army put forward a new point of view. They believed that ""in such a narrow area, it is impossible to dispatch a large number of troops, so it will not lead to a large-scale war.It doesn't matter even if the entire division is destroyed, this is a great time to show Japan's strength to the Soviet Union. "


PS: The first update is here!

Send the second one before two o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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