War of Resistance

Chapter 815 Zhang Gufeng Incident

Chapter 815 Zhang Gufeng Incident
Yes, from the perspective of the Japanese Army, they did not plan to fight a large-scale war, they planned to fight a "quick battle", and it was a battle between the elite.

Why do you do that?There are two reasons. The first is not to deploy a large number of troops, so as not to affect the established strategy that the base camp has already prepared, that is, to fight for Hankou;

In addition, there is another important reason. People in the base camp believe that they can still "afford to lose" a division's troops. It will not affect the overall situation of Central China.

Therefore, with the support of Prime Minister Konoe Fumimaro, the Japanese base camp began to formulate a military combat plan against Zhang Gufeng.

However, although the Japanese base camp did not plan to fight a major war, they had to prepare for the Soviet army to fight an expanded battle. Therefore, except for the 19th Division of the Korean Army (Division The head of the regiment, Lieutenant General Otaka Kamezo) was dispatched to "advance rapidly" to the conflict area, and also ordered the Central China Dispatch Army led by King Tokyuimiya Toshihiko to "stop advancing."

When he received this order, it was the time when King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace was at his most energetic.

"Report to Your Excellency, Commander, there is an urgent call from the base camp!" A combat staff officer ran to King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace to report.

"Read it! What is the news that is so anxious? Is it because His Majesty the Emperor sent a call to tell us to defeat the Chinese army in the Dabie Mountains by force? Haha, don't worry! We will definitely win the battle!" King Renyan laughed, and his words and expressions were not in the usual high spirits...

"Report...Report to Your Excellency, Commander, the meaning of the big...base camp is to stop us from advancing!" The Japanese staff officer gritted his teeth and reported truthfully.

"Nani? What's the situation?" King Renyan of Dongjiuer Palace was slightly taken aback. Obviously, he was a little caught off guard by the news.

"There is an accident in Mongolia. The base camp ordered our Northern Route Army to make all preparations and face the possible expansion of the war against the Soviet Union at any time." The Japanese staff officer gritted his teeth and reported truthfully. A slap in the face, he is even more afraid of committing seppuku!
Hearing this news, King Renyan of Dongjiuer Gong's entire face darkened: What time is it now?Now that the army is dispatched, they will be able to go to Hankou immediately. At this time, the army actually made such a mess?
Don't forget that in addition to being the commander of the army, King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace is also the uncle of Emperor Showa Hirohito!

From another perspective, he is a member of the royal family, and in the army, his status is detached.

"Baga Yalu! The army's horse dung, what the hell do they want to do?! They still want to go to war with the Soviets at this time, are they crazy?" King Dongjiuergong Renyan cursed, and something happened at this critical juncture. Can he be in a good mood about this matter?It must have been too bad to be broken.

For the invading army in China, their most important task at present is not to open up multiple fronts, but to concentrate their efforts to take Hankou as soon as possible, and then reduce the national government to the level of local government. This is the most important thing. As long as you take down the whole of China, and hit the Soviet Union or something, isn't it easy to catch?
It's a pity that for the Central China Dispatch Army headed by Hata Shunroku, Okamura Neiji, Higashikunimiya Renhiko, etc., this is a situation that God will not bless.

"Report Your Excellency, according to the secret telegram from the base camp, except for the Minister of the Navy Mitsumasa Minai and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ugaki, everyone else is in favor of this war against the Soviet Union." After learning about it, I reported it to King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace.

After listening to this sentence, King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace took the telegram in the hands of the combat staff officer and read it carefully, then waved it and shouted loudly: "Order the troops! Stop advancing immediately! Return to Hefei! "

To issue such an order, in fact, King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace was also very helpless, because he had already guessed the emperor's opinion.

For King Minoruhiko of Higashikuni Palace, he can despise Hata Shunroku, and even Konoe Fumimaro, but the only one who cannot offend is the Emperor Showa, because this is the foundation of his life!

"Let's go back first, study clearly, what is going on with this matter, and then take action!" King Dongjiuer Gong Renyan said in a deep voice. Obviously, his complexion is very bad, and it is even extremely ugly!

"Hay!" The Japanese army staff officer responded, and then hurriedly ordered someone to convey the military order of King Renhiko of Higashikuni Palace.

The expedition of the Northern Route Army with the Second Army as the main force ended in such an anticlimactic ending. This was something that no one, including the Commander of the Second Army, King Tokyuimiya Minhiko, had expected.


As for Zhang Tianhai, he never imagined that there would be such a twists and turns.

After all, when Zhang Tianhai was in later generations, he also mainly studied military theory knowledge, and he didn't know much about the biographies of these historical figures.

As for King Minhiko of Dongkuer Palace and Konoe Fumimaro, these characters are very old things for him, and they don't even have a half-money relationship with him.

However, if Zhang Tianhai knew the identities of these people, or even if these people had appeared near him, he would use all means to kill them. Of course, these were all hypotheses.

Zhang Tianhai still has to deal with these so-called gentry and celebrities.

"Ms. Zhang's conditions here are poor, and you don't have anything good to greet you when you come here. I am deeply sorry for this." Zhang Tianhai's tone revealed sincerity.

"Commander Zhang, please be polite. Now that the enemy is at hand, we should gather all our strengths to deal with Little Japan together. I am here with all the gentry and celebrities this time, in addition to expressing welcome to the officers of the garrison , we still brought some gifts here. These gifts can be regarded as a little expression of the hearts of us ordinary people, and please don’t mind it.” Peng Dongming spoke very mellowly, without a trace of falsehood To be honest, Zhang Tianhai has won a lot of goodwill on this point.

"Major Peng, we are very happy to be able to bring so many patriotic celebrities here to condolences to our army. Since you have brought some gifts, as long as it is beneficial to the overall situation of the War of Resistance, I will follow the order Accept it all, and I won't be polite to you anymore." Zhang Tianhai smiled, he is also the kind of straightforward person, and he doesn't like to circle around in many things.


PS: The second update is finally finished. For many authors, it may take only a few minutes to write a few thousand words, but for handicapped people like me, it is still difficult.

In addition, I checked the information all night tonight.

What Xiongying wants to show everyone is not only a real war of resistance, but also a deeper understanding of history, and a dialectical view of this period of history from a macro perspective.

That's all.Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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