War of Resistance

Chapter 816 Touring Nine Rivers

Chapter 816 Touring Jiujiang (Everyone will book it tomorrow)
"I don't dare to be ashamed. Please head Zhang, please check the hearts of our Jiujiang people when you are free!" Peng Dongming smiled, but his words were full of kindness.

"It doesn't have to be a time when you are free, I am free now." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, he would like to see if these gentry really want to support their army?If you really support it, you will definitely be really polite.

With that said, Zhang Tianhai was about to leave, followed by Peng Dongming and others.

It wasn't until Zhang Tianhai went out to the door that he realized that the things in front of him were densely packed.

These things are not too much, not too little, they are all rice, cabbage and the like.

Perhaps, these things are not considered rare things now, but Zhang Tianhai was deeply moved by these things—in any case, this was all the wishes of the representatives of Jiujiang County.

They are not arms dealers, they are just some simple people, even if they have done some evil things, as long as they are not devoid of conscience, they are good people at this moment.

There are dozens of carts of these rice and various vegetables densely packed, and they are piled up at the gate of the entire camp.

Zhang Tianhai turned his head and said to the people in front of him: "Everyone has worked hard for you. I am on behalf of the first regiment of the guards in the ninth war zone. Thank you all."

As he said that, Zhang Tianhai gave a military salute to everyone in front of him.

Perhaps, for many people, it is not in line with the regulations for soldiers to salute the civilians.

But for Zhang Tianhai, only this military salute can express his sincere gratitude to these common people.

"Clap clap clap..."

The county magistrate Peng Dongming began to applaud, and the applause suddenly became one piece, very enthusiastic.

Zhang Tianhai just looked at these gentlemen and celebrities quietly, and all the small calculations in his heart had already started to work.

These country gentry and celebrities can live in Jiujiang for so long, so they must know Jiujiang very well.

"Wang Liang!" Zhang Tianhai shouted.

"Report to the group! The humble post is here!" Adjutant Wang Liang responded loudly.

"Order the troops to receive the supplies immediately!" Zhang Tianhai said loudly.

"Yes! Understood!!" Wang Liang followed suit.

For Wang Liang, this is not a particularly embarrassing thing, on the contrary, he is proud of it - an army that can only get the support of the people is a really good army.

Zhang Tianhai never thought that there would be such an array of teams to welcome him as soon as he entered the city.

Such an enthusiastic team disrupted Zhang Tianhai's original plan.

"Major Peng, I have an unfeeling request. I also hope that Magistrate Peng can help me." Zhang Tianhai didn't show politeness to Peng Dongming either, and made a request directly.

"Since Mr. Zhang has already proposed Mr. Peng, is there any reason why he should not agree? But please tell Mr. Zhang, I must help him with all my strength. If there is a half-truth, please ask Mr. Zhang to act according to the rules of the army. It's okay to deal with me." Peng Dongming smiled, with a hearty and generous face.

"Magistrate Peng laughed at this remark. You are all patriots, and you must go all out to drive away Little Japan. Mr. Zhang also believes in your determination. Well, then I won't hide it. , I would like to invite County Magistrate Peng to take my troops to the surrounding villages and towns to introduce them. After all, knowing yourself and your enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles..." Zhang Tianhai smiled, his tone was full of sincerity, but, No one knows what he really thinks in his heart.

"Okay, no problem, I'm honored." Peng Dongming didn't shirk at all, and agreed directly.

However, what Peng Dongming didn't see was that in a corner he couldn't see, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Tianhai's mouth.

This smile is extremely permeating. If Peng Dongming saw this smile, he would definitely consider whether to cooperate with Zhang Tianhai.

After all, people always seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

Peng Dongming is patriotic, but he does not choose to cooperate with the devil at the cost of his precious life.

"Since Magistrate Peng is so forthright, Mr. Zhang is not too polite. After my troops rest for a day, tomorrow I will go to various towns and towns in Jiujiang to have a look and take a walk." Zhang Tianhai said heartily.

"No problem, I am waiting for Captain Zhang to visit us at the county government." Peng Dongming smiled and said, it must not be difficult for him to inspect Jiujiang.

Moreover, in terms of defending Jiujiang, his and Zhang Tianhai's interests are one. If Jiujiang is lost to the Japanese, it will be a disaster for the people of Jiujiang.

Don't you see, the blood flow of the Nanjing Massacre has not yet dried up!
Don't you see, the 30 innocent souls in the sky above Nanjing are crying loudly!

"Besides, I would also like to ask Magistrate Peng to mobilize the people of Jiujiang City to build positions and dig trenches for our army on the front line. After all, based on our current strength, we have to dig such a long trench, and the front line is also very difficult. It's not an easy task." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Of course there is no problem with this. Jiujiang is the home of the people in Jiujiang, and they will do their part to defend their home. I think these people are still willing." Peng Dongming nodded and said, making a promise.

"Okay, let's do this first! Mr. Zhang once again thanked you on behalf of the officers and soldiers of the garrison." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"You don't have to be polite, Captain Zhang. Let's go back now. But if you have any orders, please speak up." Peng Dongming said with his fists clasped.

Zhang Tianhai also responded with a clasping salute.

Soon, Peng Dongming and his group left the temporary station of the First Guard Regiment in the Ninth War Zone and went back to his county government.

The streets of Jiujiang are not much different from other places, except that the floor is paved with bluestone bricks, and the width of the streets is also almost the same as other places.

Looking at the back of Peng Dongming and others leaving, Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

"Wang Liang, let's go back to the headquarters right away." Zhang Tianhai turned around and said something to Wang Liang, and then strode into the station.

After returning to the headquarters, Zhang Tian threw away a city defense map about Jiujiang County, and another map about the entire Jiujiang County area.

Looking at the two maps in front of him, there was no panic in Zhang Tianhai's eyes. He was thinking about which way to start his inspection tomorrow. After all, the direction the Japanese army came from was also very particular.

Another point that needs attention is that if Jiujiang falls, what method should they rely on to continue fighting, and whether such a defense can resist the advancing pace of the Japanese army and the sharp long knives.

These are the issues that Zhang Tianhai should consider.

In Zhang Tianhai's memory, the Japanese army seemed to have used poisonous gas during the battle of Jiujiang.

Because of this, Zhang Tianhai had to pay special attention to some problems in his combat methods.

For poisonous gas, in addition to using gas masks, some unconventional means must be used to avoid it.

If it is really impossible to evade, then you can only find another way to open the corresponding style of play. When the regular soldiers cannot be used, the only thing to use is the strange soldiers.

"Tuan Zuo, what will be our next battle plan?" Wang Liang asked.

"I don't know yet." Zhang Tianhai shook his head. For him, the specific combat plan should be in his mind, especially referring to the correct decision made after inspecting the surrounding terrain.

Theory comes from practice, but theory can guide practice.

Zhang Tianhai wants to make a preliminary battle plan. Hukou Town to the east is already Li Hanhun's territory-according to the national army's battle plan, Li Hanhun's No.20 Ninth Army should be stationed here of.

Since there is no need to worry about the east side for the time being, then the next focus should be on how to plan the battle area in the north and keep Jiujiang.

Judging from the geographical conditions, the Japanese army can continue to fight west after at least capturing Hukou Town.

According to the historical process, in a period of time in the future, they still have at least half a month to prepare for corresponding operations.

But where exactly is the location for this battle?This is still a science.

What's more, with the strength of the Japanese army, after the 64th Army can't stand it, how can his troops withstand the strong attack of the Japanese army?

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai lit a cigarette.

The smoke filled the entire headquarters hall slowly.

Zhang Tianhai was not addicted to cigarettes, but at this time, he had to rely on the power of shredded tobacco to keep his brain as clear as possible.

But don't forget that he has just entered the city, and he hastily marched to Jiujiang without resting all the way.

Soon, Zhang Tianhai drew a small circle from Jiujiang to Hukou Town on the map.

"Wang Liang, start reconnaissance on this place from tomorrow. This place may be a good place." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Tuan Zuo, as far as I know, this is Meijiazhou. There is a bridge in front of Meijiazhou. The bridge can accommodate a large army. If we want to fight, we can use this bridge to make a fuss .” Wang Liang suggested.

"How do you know that the Meijiazhou Bridge can accommodate a considerable number of troops?" Zhang Tianhai immediately locked his eyes on Wang Liang.

"Tuan Zuo, you may have forgotten that the humble job is from Jiangxi. When I was studying in the past, I also passed the Meijiazhou Bridge. Therefore, I also know that bridge can make a fuss." Wang Liang reported truthfully.

After hearing Wang Liang's words, Zhang Tianhai's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's it, I will inspect the Meijiazhou Bridge tomorrow." Zhang Tianhai slapped his hands.

Soon, the day passed in such a hurry, and Zhang Tianhai's merits and virtues were considered complete after resting in the room.

Early the next morning, except for Zhang Tianhai who left a guard platoon to guard the camp, the rest of the troops followed him to the Meijiazhou Bridge. This journey can be described as mighty and magnificent.

Of course, Zhang Tianhai didn't forget to call Peng Dongming, County Magistrate Peng, before leaving.

Ever since, County Magistrate Peng, who was in his prime, followed Zhang Tianhai to the Meijiazhou Bridge in the same car.

Meijiazhou Bridge is said to be a bridge, but it is not the kind of big iron bridge that trains can pass through, but an arched stone bridge, because there is no railway passing here.

Of course, this place is not like what Wang Liang boasted, which can usually accommodate a lot of troops to pass by.

This bridge is only about two meters wide, and it feels crowded when several people pass by, let alone accommodate many troops passing by at the same time.

"Wang Liang, is this the bridge you said can accommodate a considerable size of troops?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, and looked at Wang Liang in surprise.

Obviously, Zhang Tianhai was not in a good mood at this time.

"Yes... yes, Tuanzao, in my impression it is a bridge, after all, it connects such a long road." Wang Liang stammered, after all, at this time, his heart still has some Imaginary.

It was at this time that Zhang Tianhai noticed the direction of the bridge. It didn't seem to lead to Hukou Town, and he said that the total length of the bridge seemed to be only over 100 meters.

In fact, if County Magistrate Peng was not on the sidelines at this time, Zhang Tianhai almost wanted to kick this unreliable guy with his big feet.

"Wang Liang, if you were me, what would you do?" Zhang Tianhai stared fiercely at Wang Liang with cold eyes.

Perhaps because of the big deviation in his memory, Wang Liang was quite guilty and didn't dare to look directly at Zhang Tianhai.

"Reporting group... I don't know... I don't know..." Wang Liang shook his head, his face was dull.

"If you were me, you would want to kick this little bastard to death." Zhang Tianhai said viciously.

Scolding is nothing but scolding, but scolding can't solve the problem after all, so Zhang Tianhai turned his attention to the surrounding terrain.

Looking at the not-so-large arched stone bridge in front of him, Zhang Tianhai's eyes showed a trace of regret: What a cultural heritage this should be... If it can be left behind, it will be another beautiful landscape on Poyang Lake .

This is a cultural heritage left over from history, but at this moment, Zhang Tianhai had to consider blowing it up!

At this time, what is left behind is no longer important. If the country is not protected, no matter how good the cultural heritage is, it will become the direction of the enemy's plunder.

Anyway, in Zhang Tianhai's opinion, the bridge must be blown up, but when it will be blown up depends on the specific time.

Of course, at least until the No.60 Fourth Army's rout passed by before it could be blown up.

Not to mention anything else, anyway, in Zhang Tianhai's memory, the No.60 Fourth Army fought back and forth with the main force of the Japanese army in Hukou Town and Pengze Town. The joint southward vanguard formed by the [-]th division!

PS: The two updates are combined into one update, let's send it reluctantly.

Please don't hit my handsome face. . .

(End of this chapter)

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