Chapter 817
As for the question of whether to blow up the bridge now, Zhang Tianhai didn't even dare to think about it.


If he, Zhang Tianhai, blows up the bridge today, he will have to be court-martialed tomorrow!
This bridge is not only a bridge on the No.60 Fourth Army's retreat route, but also a bridge for the No.60 Fourth Army to transport supplies.

The military value of this bridge, as far as it is concerned, is still great, and it cannot be destroyed for the time being.

Ever since, a battle plan for the Meijiazhou Bridge began to gradually appear in Zhang Tianhai's mind.

After a long time, Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and said loudly: "Go, go back. Go to the next point!"

The next point Zhang Tianhai inspected was none other than Lushan Mountain in the south of Jiujiang.

If you were to ask Zhang Tianhai why he chose two points that were so diametrically opposed, it could only be said to be related to his combat readiness goal.

Lushan Mountain is one of the ten famous mountains in China.

It is located in Jiujiang County, JX Province, with Wuyuan and Poyang Lake in the east, Tengwang Pavilion in the south, Jingruichang in the west, and the surging Yangtze River in the north.

Lushan's unique geographical location, coupled with its extremely close proximity to Jiujiang, makes its strategic location not unimportant. This is the last barrier on the south bank of the Yangtze River!
If it is here, the Japanese army on the south bank of the Yangtze River will be able to run amok on the south bank, and will greatly occupy the strategic initiative position!

Zhang Tianhai came to Lushan, naturally not to visit the site where Chiang Kai-shek held the Lushan Officer Training Corps. He was thinking about how he could still occupy the strategic initiative after the loss of Jiujiang.

Zhang Tianhai is naturally not the kind of person who is timid and retreats, but he is definitely not the kind of person who stands firm and waits to die. It is impossible for him not to know how powerful the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army is. The army is absolutely weak!

More importantly, this force is the reserve force of the Sixth Division!
But don't forget, in the Wanjialing battle, how much effort the national army took to severely damage this army, and almost half of the main force of the ninth theater did not annihilate it!

It can be seen how strong this department is.

As for such an army, Zhang Tianhai would not underestimate its existence if he had any brains!
So, in the face of such an army, Zhang Tianhai can only outsmart it--it's only a fool to fight head-to-head with it, it's completely unstoppable, okay?

As for what to place hope on the friendly army, Zhang Tianhai didn't even dare to think about it. The friendly army would betray him, and only he could be reliable.

In a village at the foot of Mount Lu, Zhang Tianhai was observing the surrounding terrain.

Under normal circumstances, villages are not built in low-lying places, especially when it is next to Poyang Lake, and the rainy season is even more dangerous.

And Jijia Village is no exception.

Jijia Village is located on a small highland at the foot of the hillside, just in time to see this small area to the north of Lushan Mountain, no more, no less, and the angle is just right.

"Mr. Zhang, how do you feel here?" Peng Dongming asked.

"Is it here? Looking at Fengshui is quite good, it hides the wind and absorbs the energy." Zhang Tianhai laughed, and then he turned around and said to Wang Liang next to him: "Wang Liang, let the third battalion be stationed here later. Tell Yang Jiquan. The location here is very good, you can’t lose it, if you lose it, I’ll have to ask him.”

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Wang Liang responded, he didn't believe that Tuan Zuo would be so bored, and sent a large army in for a so-called "Feng Shui Treasure Land".

This clearly has a certain military value here!
Looking around here carefully, Zhang Tianhai's face became slightly serious, he was thinking: If the Japanese army takes Jiujiang, they will come straight to Jijia Village, can they hold it with the strength of a third battalion?What's more, if you can't hold this place, where should the third battalion withdraw?
As the saying goes, if people have no long-term concerns, they must have near-term worries.

Zhang Tianhai never imagined how he could lead his troops to sweep the Japanese army. All he could do was plan ahead.


While Zhang Tianhai was looking at the surroundings of Jijia Village, Li Hanhun also brought his No.60 Fourth Army into Hukou Town.

But what Li Hanhun didn't expect was that he had just brought his troops into Hukou Town, and before he could get a firm foothold, the telegram from the chief's department came.

"Report Junzuo, the chief's department has an urgent call!" A combat staff officer ran to Li Hanhun's side and reported.

"An urgent call from the chief's department? It's so urgent?" Li Hanhun frowned slightly.

"Yes, yes. It's the telegram from the Minister's Department asking whether our army has arrived in Hukou Town!" The combat staff officer replied truthfully.

After receiving the telegram, Li Hanhun glanced at it, and then said: "Call Mr. Chen and tell them that we have arrived at the scheduled location!"


Wuhan, Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth Theater.

Commander Chen Cheng stood in front of that piece of military map, quietly studying the changes in the frontline battle.

At this moment, a staff officer ran in and reported: "Report to Mr. Chen, Vice Minister Zhou of the Political Department of the Military Commission is here, and I have an important matter to invite you to discuss."

"Well, it's good to be here. I'm also going to talk to him about something." Chen Cheng nodded.

"Mr. Chen, if Li Hanhun's troops call back saying that they have arrived at the front line, what should we do?" Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi asked.

Chen Cheng thought for a while, and said: "After ordering them to enter the front line, they immediately launched a fierce counterattack against Peng Zezhen. This is Peng Ze's new loss. It should be to take advantage of Little Japan's unstable foothold and chase them away. Get out of Peng Ze."

"But..." Wu Yizhi wanted to say something, but he stopped talking in the middle.

Before Wu Yizhi could think it over, Chen Cheng waved his hand, signaling Wu Yizhi not to speak, and then said: "Brother Xiqi, I know what you want to say, don't say so much anymore. It is important, but it depends more on Li Hanhun's personal performance, but if I am not present for the fundraising for the anti-Japanese and national salvation, our Kuomintang can't tell, even the Communists are so actively involved in the anti-Japanese and national salvation , if I shirk it, I'm afraid it's not human inside and out."

"Sir, I can understand you. The burden on your shoulders is not light. Now the Japanese army's troops on the south bank are in full swing, but the north bank of the Yangtze River defended by Commander Li Zongren's fifth war zone has not seen the slightest smoke. I understand all these." Wu Yizhi Said very seriously.

"You can understand me, that's the best. Our most powerful enemy is still the Japanese army on the south bank of the Yangtze River. By the way, I will send my order to let Xue Yue's First Corps move faster." Chen Cheng said in a deep voice In an instant, it was very meaningful: "If Xue Yue's troops don't show up again, I'm afraid Li Hanhun's No.60 Fourth Army won't last long..."

After finishing speaking, Chen Cheng walked away, leaving Wu Yizhi with a pensive face.

After a while, Wu Yizhi turned his head, looked at the map in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Give me an order to order Xue Yue's corps to speed up the southward movement. We must hurry up before Hukou falls to ensure that the troops can arrive on time." !"

"Yes! Sir!" The combat staff officer next to him responded.


PS: I have been resting for a day, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The second update should be completed before twelve o'clock, please wait and see!
(End of this chapter)

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