War of Resistance

Chapter 818: Soldier strikes!

Chapter 818: Soldier strikes!

Just after Wu Yizhi gave the order given by Chen Cheng, another combat staff officer ran in front of Wu Yizhi and reported: "Report to attend, the No. 20 Ninth Army has returned the telegram, and the commander of the army, General Li Hanhun, said that their troops All have arrived at the designated location, please instruct!"

Wu Yizhi slapped his hands and said loudly: "Very good, good things come in pairs! Immediately order their troops to counterattack Pengze Town!"

"Yes! Take your seat!" The combat staff officer responded, and hurriedly went to carry out the order of the chief of staff.

Looking at the arrows and so on drawn on the map, Wu Yizhi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then gently adjusted his glasses. No one knew what was going on in his mind.


Hukou Town.

At this time, Li Hanhun's military headquarters has been set up, everything around is clean, and everything is already in an orderly state.

As the frontline commander closest to the enemy, and commanding an army of nearly 2 troops, Li Hanhun's pressure is not so great.

Therefore, when the military headquarters was set up, Li Hanhun fell into deep thought, thinking about how to defend Hukou Town.

It should be noted that behind Hukou Town is Poyang Lake, and after Poyang Lake is Jiujiang.

He will not be ignorant of the importance of Jiujiang. On the contrary, it is precisely because he knows the importance of Jiujiang that he is in such a state of anxiety.

Let's not talk about whether he loves the country or not, anyway, if Jiujiang is lost, if it is caused by his ineffective combat, then he is very likely to lose his head!
Li Hanhun just closed his eyes quietly thinking about what to do next, while his adjutant stood beside him, waiting for his decision.

"Little Deng. Let me ask you a question. If you were the Japanese army, how would you fight this battle?" Li Hanhun suddenly called out to Adjutant Deng who was next to him, and then asked a weird question.

"Ah?" Obviously, the adjutant was a little caught off guard, and he didn't expect the commander to ask this question suddenly.

"Ah what? Just tell the truth. If you make a mistake, I won't blame you." Li Hanhun frowned slightly.

"Reporting sir, if I were the Japanese army... I mean, if I were the Japanese army, I would use the powerful firepower of the three armies of the sea, land and air to launch an unprecedentedly powerful attack on Hukou, and strive for our army to annihilate In Hukou Town." Adjutant Deng said nervously.

After hearing the adjutant's words, Li Hanhun stood up and looked at the terrain of Hukou Town on the map.

Indeed, according to Adjutant Deng's words, this is the best choice, and if it works well, the Japanese army is very likely to wipe out their troops in Hukou Town.

This time, Li Hanhun couldn't help not paying attention to it. He even considered whether to take the initiative to attack and at least shift the balance of the battle towards the No. 60 Fourth Army as much as possible. It's a big loss.

Just then, a reply call from the Minister's Ministry arrived.

The same combat staff officer ran up to Li Hanhun, stood at attention and saluted: "Report to the commander, the commander's department's combat order has arrived, and he ordered our troops to attack the Japanese troops under Peng Ze!"

While speaking, the combat staff officer did not forget to pass the telegram in his hand to the army commander in front of him.

Li Hanhun opened the telegram in his hand and read it carefully.

After a while, Li Hanhun immediately said to the combat staff in front of him: "Immediately send my order, order the [-]th Division to move out immediately, launch a fierce attack on the Japanese army in Pengze Town, order the [-]th Division to stay at Hukou To build a position in the town, we must make all preparations to face the crazy counterattack of the Japanese army!"

"Yes! Sir!" After the combat staff officer responded, he hurried back.

After issuing this order, Li Hanhun breathed a sigh of relief: the attack on Pengze Town was not only because of the commander's order, but also because only by keeping the Japanese army in Pengze, Hukou Town would be safe and sound.

On this point, Li Hanhun sees it more clearly than anyone else.

Soon, under the order of Li Hanhun, the commander and head of the army, the Cantonese troops of the No. 60 Fourth Army were launched.

What they received was the death order from the head of the legion, and they must take Peng Zezhen back!
In fact, it was not Li Hanhun's original intention to issue this death order, but if he did not issue this order, would the frontline troops fight desperately?This is the most critical question.

Yes, that's right, what he wants is for the troops to let go, and then fight desperately!Otherwise, facing such a superior Japanese army in this battle, Li Hanhun's chances of winning the battle are not great at all!

Standing in front of the map, Li Hanhun clenched his fists lightly.


Looking at Zhang Tianhai, what is he doing?

As the commander of a grass-roots unit, Zhang Tianhai never had the same access to the news that Xue Yue's corps was heading south like a senior officer like Li Hanhun.

Therefore, all he can do is to think about how to do his best to keep Jiujiang, an important military town!
In order to be able to think about the operation of every detail, Zhang Tianhai even took the job of surveying Jijia Village as a real "feng shui".

It's just that Zhang Tianhai's way of "reading Fengshui" is very different from those Fengshui masters who have been practicing for many years-those real Fengshui masters are studying which direction is good and which trend is good, and then they can hide the wind and absorb the energy Help the owner choose a good grave.

As for Zhang Tianhai, he was looking at which point was high enough to set up a machine gun here to block the attack of Little Japan.

"Liu Houming, look here. If a heavy machine gun can be mounted here, guess how much the Japanese army would have to pay to take it down?" Zhang Tianhai smiled and asked Liu Houming, the commander of the spy company next to him.

"I don't know about this cup. According to the routine, they have to pay at least a small team to win this place, right?" Liu Houming said his thoughts truthfully.

As soon as Liu Houming mentioned the word "routine", Zhang Tianhai's heart skipped a beat: he remembered clearly that in this battle, Little Japan used poisonous gas, so he was When choosing a position, you must choose the right outlet. Only in this way can the poisonous gas be blown away, so that it will not stay on the position all the time. In addition, how can it be done, after the little devil suffers a little, and then they Then he took the troops and ran into the mountain to wait for the final counterattack.

"This is indeed quite good. Do you still remember what I taught you before, how to prevent and never give up? If the little devil used poison gas in this battle, how should we avoid it? You still have to pay attention to these things. Do you remember?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Liu Houming and asked seriously.


PS: The second update was finally delivered on time. It's not easy, it's pretty good for me.

(End of this chapter)

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