War of Resistance

Chapter 819 Defending Lushan Mountain?

Chapter 819 Defending Lushan Mountain?

"Use poisonous gas?" Liu Houming was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the head of the regiment to ask this question suddenly.

"Yes, if the Japanese army uses poison gas, how should we respond?" Zhang Tianhai nodded seriously, indicating that he was not joking.

"In this case, according to what you taught us before, we should bury our faces in the wet ground." Liu Houming said seriously.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "That's just a normal situation. In this case, we should retreat."

"Retreat?" Liu Houming was slightly taken aback, he thought he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, that's right, it's just a retreat. With our current strength, it's obviously impossible to fight a division of the Japanese army. And as long as they still have poison gas bombs, we can't fight them hard." Zhang Tianhai summed it up, "A temporary retreat does not mean timidity. On the contrary, it is because we need to adopt military strategies flexibly."

"You mean, let us give full play to the advantages of the night battle?" Liu Houming asked.

"That's right, that's right." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "If it's an ordinary combat force, maybe we can't beat the Japanese army hard, but if we use the night battle strategy flexibly, we can restore certain advantages, especially It is even more advantageous to use troops like the secret service company to fight."

"Yes, group seat. I understand." Liu Houming nodded very seriously.

"Okay. You just need to remember that the use of the spy company has never been the most formal battlefield, unless we have no more soldiers to use." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

Liu Houming nodded, and then savored Zhang Tianhai's words carefully.

Zhang Tianhai just stood quietly on the hillside, looking at everything around him, no one knew what was going on in his mind.

The others, although they didn't know what was going on in Zhang Tianhai's mind, they knew that Tuan Zuo must be under a lot of pressure at this time.

After a long time, Zhang Tianhai came down. After looking around at the people in front of him, he sighed heavily, and then went back to Jiujiang County.


After returning to Jiujiang County, Zhang Tianhai did not stop what he was doing, and continued to strengthen his troops.

The little devils are coming soon, how much time will be left for them?

Jiujiang is no different than Wuhan, and Japan is on the front line, so Zhang Tianhai arranges more and more training subjects, and he even personally participates in the meeting of the staff department, playing the role of the chief of staff.

"Old Zhang, is our training subject too heavy? The brothers on the front line may not be able to withstand such a heavy training..." Guo Qiliang felt a little unbearable. After all, he is the deputy head of the training. He knows how hard the brothers' training is.

"Old Guo, you're making this proposal now, but it won't work. Now that the little devil is at the front, you still relax in training? If you continue to relax like this, the brothers will all die on the front line! A little more training is better than losing a life." Zhang Tianhai frowned, and quietly rejected Guo Qiliang's proposal.

Other comments can be made, and Zhang Tianhai may accept them, but strengthening training is a major policy he personally drafted. The troops of the No. 60 Fourth Army may collapse on the front line one day. On their own.

In the past two days, Zhang Tianhai has been walking on two legs - on the one hand, the troops are focusing on training, trying to improve their combat effectiveness; Surveying the surrounding terrain everywhere, looking for all the places that can resist the Japanese army.

During these two days, Zhang Tianhai also personally led the team, patrolling and investigating all the way.

The results obtained are mostly unsatisfactory.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai could only turn his attention back to the essential subject of army training.

Because in the past few days, Zhang Tianhai has searched and thought a lot, and it seems that he can only rely on Mount Lu to fight against the Japanese army. This is the best result.

"Yes, Lao Zhang, I understand." Seeing that Zhang Tianhai did not agree to his proposal, Guo Qiliang also felt helpless - who told him not to be the official leader, and what Zhang Yulin said was indeed very reasonable.

"Now, we are the enemy... The Japanese army is eyeing them. In order to take Jiujiang, they will definitely spend a lot of effort. If I am not too afraid of the tense situation on the front line, I would like to pull the troops into Mount Lushan to practice." Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh, and there was a lot of helplessness in his words.

"Pull into Lushan Mountain? Why did you pull into Lushan Mountain? Do you want to rely on Lushan Mountain and the Japanese army to fight against the enemy's rear?" Guo Qiliang's face changed slightly.

Perhaps because he was afraid that Zhang Tianhai would really come up with such absurd idea, Guo Qiliang quickly persuaded him, "Old Zhang, please stop your naive idea. This Lushan Mountain is surrounded by water on one side and is surrounded by plains. If the Japanese army launched a large army against If Lushan is encircled and suppressed, our army will be trapped here to death. What's more, this Lushan is not very big."

"Well, let's take one step at a time. Many things are not coming to an end, and it is impossible for us to know how to implement them. It is the most appropriate. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. You will not understand this truth." Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly. said.

Why is it so sad?In the final analysis, isn't it because the combat power of the first police regiment is far from reaching the peak strength of the first regiment directly under the third theater?

If the combat power was really that strong, Zhang Tianhai would have let go of his hands to do it a long time ago, and he still can't make up his mind if he still thinks and looks around like this?It doesn't exist, because Zhang Tianhai was originally a warlike person.

"Of course I understand this truth, don't say anything, Lao Zhang. I understand the pressure in your heart now, and now our police regiment will work together to overcome this difficulty." Guo Qiliang took a picture of Zhang Tianhai Shoulder said, facing this situation, even someone as strong as Zhang Tianhai would not be able to deal with it in time.

Training a qualified army is not about chanting slogans, just dragging them onto the battlefield to kill the enemy.

In the final analysis, it still takes a lot of time to cultivate, prepare and so on.

In fact, this is not the case with Zhang Tianhai's army. Most of the national army troops in this period are like this-the troops will be replenished after they are exhausted, but most of the replenished troops are recruits, or even recruited. They are not even recruits. In this situation, how can their combat effectiveness not get weaker as they fight?
Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "I still hope we can overcome this difficulty as soon as possible! Our troops have all arrived in Jiujiang now. Logically speaking, we have one more battalion and one less battalion. Don't The troops are hard to see. How about this! In addition to the third battalion stationed in Jijia Village, the troops of the fourth battalion should also be pulled into Lushan Mountain to practice!"

"Yes!" Guo Qiliang replied, he already felt that Zhang Tianhai's combat direction had gradually tilted towards Lushan.

In the final analysis, it was still the same sentence, Zhang Tianhai did not intend to swear to defend Jiujiang County at all, but instead hoped to attack the enemy in the field.

Guo Qiliang also gradually understood that this was Zhang Tianhai's own combat style, and if he could take the initiative, he would never be passive.

Even if his troops are in an absolutely weak state, Zhang Tianhai still hopes that his troops can seize that slight advantage to fight, and then take the initiative on the battlefield.

Regardless of whether he defends Lushan Mountain or is trapped in Lushan Mountain, in the final analysis, Zhang Tianhai still does not want his subordinates to use their flesh and blood to resist the gas bomb attack of Little Japan.

As for why it is Han Xingle's fourth battalion, Guo Qiliang couldn't help guessing: In fact, it's not because Han Xingle is also his old subordinate, so don't worry about using it, etc., like Yang Jiquan, Luo Shian, etc. People, no matter what, they came from Tang Enbo's army, but they were not as easy to use as Han Xingle.

In fact, Zhang Tianhai really thinks so - subordinates, it's better to be old, and it's easier to use and more at ease.

Of course, Zhang Tianhai's arrangement was not limited to the decision of the fourth battalion to enter the mountain and the third battalion to station in Jijia Village.

In addition to these two decisions, Zhang Tianhai also ordered the troops of the second battalion to build a position in front of the Meijiazhou Bridge, and then ordered the engineering troops to start laying bombs and explosives with the established operational policy of blowing up the Meijiazhou Bridge.

At the same time, the artillery unit was also ordered to enter the designated combat location and start preparations for debugging to ensure that the shells could accurately fall into the open field behind the Meijiazhou Bridge.

The cavalry battalion is responsible for the "temporary fire brigade". Where the situation is not so good, they will lead the troops to rush up.

Li Chunfei's [-]st Battalion and the team directly under the regiment headquarters stayed behind in Jiujiang County.

It is worth mentioning that even Hao Zegui's Jiujiang Garrison Battalion was temporarily included in Zhang Tianhai's battle order.

As for the only fifth battalion that was not assigned to a combat mission, the drill was conducted according to the order of the regiment commander Zhang Tianhai, and everything was carried out on the premise of being absolutely ready for combat.

Under Zhang Tianhai's orders one by one, this military operation focused on defending Jiujiang gradually became clear.

In short, from the perspective of Zhang Tianhai's main battle line, basically all problems can be solved in the wild, and he will never go into the city to resist stubbornly.

Although there will be solid fortifications to resist when entering the city, it will definitely lose the initiative on the battlefield that Zhang Tianhai values ​​​​most.

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, Jiujiang must be unable to defend, so why not wipe out more enemy troops?
Instead of letting the little devil launch a brutal gas battle in the city, it is better to use the only artillery unit and firepower such as the Soloton cannon company in the open area to cause serious damage to the enemy.


When Zhang Tianhai was arranging troops for active defense, under the command of Li Hanhun, commander of the No. 20 Ninth Army and commander of the 64th Army, the Guangdong Army troops went to the front line in this way.

After supplementation, the Guangdong Army's combat effectiveness is not bad in general, and it is definitely not backward in terms of equipment.

In any case, the troops going to the front line have a division of more than 1 troops, which is always larger and stronger than Zhang Tianhai's regiment.

It is night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

There was silence all around. Li Hanguang, the commander of the Cantonese Army, was standing on this hillside. He was holding a pair of binoculars in his hand and looking at the Japanese soldiers who were resting at the foot of the mountain. It's time to rest.

His troops are the vanguard of the entire No.60 Fourth Army, responsible for the first counterattack of this battle, so his pressure is not ordinary.

Whether the first battle can be won will be related to the strategic initiative of the No.60 Fourth Army in the future. After this battle, the Japanese army, which has always been arrogant, will surely realize that the Chinese army, which they underestimated, dared to take the initiative to launch an attack of.

In other words, Li Hanguang could still take advantage of this battle and launch a fierce attack when the Japanese army was not aware of it.

The enemy is open and we are dark, and our own side has an absolute superiority in strength. If we can't win this battle, it will prove that Li Hanguang is just a straw bag.

Li Hanguang looked up at the moon in the sky, then at his watch, then waved his hand to signal the troops to start moving.

There are not many Japanese troops at the foot of the mountain, about one brigade. This is the front-line security force of the Hada Detachment or the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army.

The Japanese army Xinxin occupied the Madang Fortress, and they were still cleaning up the remaining national army troops near the Madang Fortress. They did not have time to drive to the front line in the first time to confront the next location, Hukou Town, and launched a fierce attack.

Of course, Peng Zezhen is also their latest victory.

Although the Japanese army was in a hurry, he was not so anxious that he wanted to hit Jiujiang immediately.

This is still related to the Zhanggufeng incident, which can be called the Zhanggufeng incident, which formed a chain reaction among the Japanese army.

Although the high-level Japanese army is actively trying to avoid the impact of the Zhang Gufeng incident, how can this impact be eliminated so easily——

The Zhang Gufeng incident caused the Kwantung Army to enter a state of first-level combat readiness, and even the North Route Army of the Central China Expeditionary Army also entered a state of strategic preparation.

To put it bluntly, this strategy is to be transferred to the north at any time.

It was precisely because of this that the North Route Army suddenly stagnated.

The stagnation of the North Route Army also led to a series of changes in the established strategic plan of the South Route Army. They must ensure that the battle of the South Route Army can be carried out as scheduled.

More importantly, it is not easy to hit the vicinity of Jiujiang. Although the vanguard has a strong enough force, it should not be too far away from the troops behind, otherwise It is easy to break away from the main force and form an isolated state.

Therefore, the Japanese army in front is essentially waiting for the Japanese army behind to follow up and get closer, that's all.


PS: Last night's update is still a dove, and it has not been completed until now, sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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