War of Resistance

Chapter 821 Small battle?

Chapter 821 Small battle?
What Zhang Tianhai never expected was that he would smoke for a whole night.

Still too much pressure.

This kind of pressure cannot be experienced by being a company commander or even a battalion commander. After all, it has been marked in military common sense that the most basic combat unit of the national army is the regiment level.

Since it is a regiment-level unit that already has a certain combat effectiveness, Zhang Tianhai must shoulder certain responsibilities.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep in this thought.

Early the next morning, Zhang Tianhai received an urgent telegram from the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone, which probably explained which troops were coming.

After Zhang Tianhai read the telegram, he realized that the lineup of the Second Corps was also very strong——

Sun Tongxuan's No.12 Army, Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army, Wang Jingjiu's No.20 Fifth Army, and Huo Kuizhang's Fourth Army!

These are not the most important, the key is that Chen Cheng, Chief Chen, even sent his trump card No. 11 Division!

These troops add up, but Wang Jingjiu's 25th Army and Huo Kuizhang's Fourth Army alone have five divisions of the Central Army, such as Sun Tongxuan's No.12 Army, Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army, and Li Hanhun's No.20 The troops of the Legion, added up, are a full eight divisions!

There are five divisions of the Central Army and eight divisions of the Miscellaneous Army, but there are a total of [-] divisions. Such a lineup is not insignificant.

Zhang Tianhai also thought about it for a while. If he counted the First Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth War Zone, it could barely be counted as thirteen and a half divisions.

"Okay... this is good news." Zhang Tianhai murmured to himself, and slowly put down the slightly trembling telegram in his hand.

"Immediately, let Deputy Commander Guo and Chief of Staff Li gather in the regiment headquarters, and tell them that there is an important announcement, so they must gather the regiment headquarters as soon as possible!" Zhang Tianhai said directly, "Especially Chief of Staff Li , must be notified immediately, isn't he going to take the inspection team of the staff department to supervise the process? Notify him immediately!"

"Yes! Group seat!"

Under the order of the evil regiment leader Zhang Tianhai, the adjutant Wang Liang was once again used as an errand.

Who made him get used to this kind of thing?

Wang Liang's ability to handle affairs is still quite high, and after a while, two officers who are second only to regimental leader Zhang gathered in the regiment headquarters.

"Okay, it's good that you are here, and now the situation has changed drastically. We need to make some strategic adjustments." Sitting at the table, Zhang Tianhai said directly to Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun.

"What's the situation, calling us back in such a hurry?" Guo Qiliang asked directly.

"It's our reinforcements that are ready to arrive, a regiment with nearly a hundred thousand troops!" Zhang Tianhai didn't hide it, and said it directly.

"A corps? Is it Chief Xue Yuexue's First Corps or Zhang Fakui's Second Corps?" Chief of Staff Li Yinglun asked.

"It's Chief Zhang Fakui's Second Corps. There are five divisions of the Central Army and five divisions of the Local Army. If you count the three divisions of the Li Hanhun Corps on the front line, there are thirteen divisions." Zhang Tianhai's face was full. said seriously.

"Thirteen divisions?" Whether it was Guo Qiliang or Li Yinglun, their expressions moved slightly.

Because this battle is no longer fought by them alone, the national army already has thirteen and a half divisions, and it can be regarded as a small battle.

The strength comparison between the two sides has been further narrowed.

"Yes, there are thirteen divisions. We should think about how to mobilize our troops and deploy them." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Deployment of troops?" Li Yinglun and Guo Qiliang looked at each other.

"Yes, we must make advance preparations. Our troops have not yet received an order from the Minister's Department, saying which troops they are going to belong to. Therefore, we have to make preparations." Zhang Tianhai said Squinting his eyes slightly, his thoughts are already clearly revealed!
If it was someone else, they might not understand Zhang Tianhai's intentions, but Guo Qiliang is Zhang Tianhai's old partner, so he might not know what the former is thinking?
In Guo Qiliang's view, Zhang Tianhai is generally a more individualistic officer, and his personality is very distinct - he will never suffer when he can take advantage of things.

Now that Zhang Tianhai has said these words, he must not want to accept the command of the chiefs of other troops. Just take a breath.

"Old Zhang, if you have any ideas, just speak up! My old Guo firmly obeys your command!" Guo Qiliang directly stated his position, and then set his sights on Li Yinglun, the "newcomer" chief of staff.

Li Yinglun felt that the thoughts and actions of Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang were a bit strange, but by now, the fate of the three of them had already been tied together, what else could he do?
Ever since, Li Yinglun gritted his teeth and said, "I also absolutely obey the order of the leader. The leader points to the east, and I will never go west!"

This sentence can be said to clearly express Li Yinglun's attitude. It is true that the attitude of these three people before facing the change is unprecedentedly united.

As the chief military officer of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, Zhang Tianhai is also the "helmsman" of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone advancing in the wind and waves. His attitude determines how this unit will advance in this battle. direction!
Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and said: "Okay. Since the two officers and comrades in arms support me so much, I, Zhang, will not be the kind of support that would be ashamed of you. Next, we will After thinking about it, how to deal with all the changes. I would like to ask the two of you to express your opinions on how to mobilize the troops."

Chief of Staff Li Yinglun rolled his eyeballs and said, "Mobilize the troops? This time is a bit rushed, and I haven't thought it through yet. Commander, can you mention your general idea now? We can discuss this aspect." our thoughts."

"Yes, I think so too. Changes are coming too fast now, neither of us have thought it through yet, so you can just mention your thoughts. As Chief of Staff Li said, we will make corresponding proposals based on your thoughts. your opinion!" Guo Qiliang echoed Li Yinglun's statement.

"All right!" Zhang Tianhai gritted his teeth and said, "My idea is that after the arrival of Zhang Fakui's corps, we will regroup our scattered troops, otherwise, when faced with new changes, we will become quite passive."

"This idea is quite good. I agree with your current thinking, but should we withdraw the troops from Mount Lu, or the troops in front of the Meijiazhou Bridge?" Li Yinglun asked.

"I want to withdraw the troops in front of the Meijiazhou Bridge, but after withdrawing the troops here, all the previous preparations we made before will be in vain. As for the troops in Lushan, I don't want to withdraw yet. This is the retreat route of our regiment , once the battle ahead is unfavorable, we will face the fierce pursuit of the Japanese army. The two of you now know that our regiment's current combat effectiveness is much different than before." Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, and finally said something Some words that he found embarrassing.

"Indeed, our army has not even been able to complete three months before it was dispatched to the front line. To be honest, it is very rare for such an army to face the Japanese attack without collapsing." Guo Qiliang nodded.


PS: Make up for the second update last night!
Thanks for the 500-point reward from starting point book friend Taihao, Level [-]!

(End of this chapter)

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