Chapter 822

"Regimental Commander, I think the Second Battalion can be withdrawn, but the Second Battalion, who will take over the Meijiazhou Bridge position after returning?" Li Yinglun asked.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, so there is no need to worry so much now. The big deal is that we will ask Commander-in-Chief Zhang Fakui for instructions after he arrives. In short, these can be handled flexibly. Are there any problems?" Zhang said Tianhai asked a question.

"If the second battalion is withdrawn, where should our second battalion be placed?" Following Li Yinglun, Guo Qiliang also raised a question.

"Just like the fourth battalion, throw them into the mountains for training first. The artillery battalion and cavalry battalion are all withdrawn into the city, and together with the first and fifth battalions, they will take on the task of defending the city." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, "The cavalry battalion and The Fifth Battalion is a team with not too strong combat effectiveness, especially the Fifth Battalion, which has just been established and needs training the most. I think it is the last thing to withdraw them into the city for training. That's it. Do you have anything else to say, comrades-in-arms?"

"But in this way, including the Jiujiang garrison battalion, we already have more than [-] soldiers. Is it a bit too defensive to send so many troops here?" Guo Qiliang frowned. Two thousand troops stationed in this small county is completely enough.

"No. When Chief Zhang's Second Corps arrives, the 10,000+ troops of our army will be squeezed into the narrow area near Jiujiang. With this situation, it shouldn't be too bad." Zhang Tianhai analyzed.

"There is another question, which is about the training of the garrison in the city. Now, whether it is the second battalion, the third battalion or the fourth battalion that entered the mountain, one platoon of the special agent company has been transferred. Now there is only one platoon of the special agent company in the city. Army, how do you plan to use this army?" Li Yinglun raised another very realistic question.

Zhang Tianhai also knew that the questions they both raised were aimed at the good aspects of the current police regiment.

So, Zhang Tianhai thought about it quietly, and then gave the answer: "The first battalion is the essence of our army, and the special agent company is also the elite of the elite. Let’s help the Fifth Battalion! After the Fifth Battalion comes out of training, we will resume the normal establishment and use of the spy company.”

That's right, that's what Zhang Tianhai thought - to dismantle the unit he built the most into pieces and let them train other infantry companies.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, it is simply impossible for the police [-]st regiment to rely solely on a special agent company to defend the enemy front. Great combat power.

At this stage, both the supply battalion and the military police company have been expanded to a certain extent. In terms of managing military discipline, Zhang Tianhai also maintains a high-pressure situation as before-the first regiment of the security guard must become an army with strict discipline and use it to win troops.

"Since the head of the group has made such an arrangement, and I think it is very appropriate, I have no objection." Li Yinglun stood up and saluted.

"Xiaozhi also thinks this is appropriate and has no objection." Guo Qiliang also got up and saluted.

"Okay, you guys, since everyone has no objections, let's make preparations according to this plan for the time being!" Zhang Tianhai nodded very seriously.

Zhang Tianhai was waiting for the arrival of Zhang Fakui's Corps, but the Cantonese Army on the front line was already fighting with the Hada Detachment and Matsuura Junrokuro's [-]th Division.

The intensity of the battle is very rare.

It was basically a position lost by the Japanese army at night. With the support of land and air artillery fire, they launched a very violent attack on the Cantonese army the next day, and then regained the position.

The Cantonese army attacked the Japanese positions at night, and then took the positions back.

In such back and forth fighting, the casualties on both sides were very heavy, especially the Cantonese army. They suffered heavy casualties under the Japanese army's land and air artillery fire.

"Brothers, go ahead, be the Japanese son of Han's family belongings of Qudini Gang!!! Lose his old mother!!! Go!!!" Li Hanguang, the head of the Cantonese Army, held his pistol aloft, commanding the troops to charge, his mouth still I kept talking about "greeting" the family members of these little Japanese.

It's a pity that these curse-like "greetings" could not cause casualties to the Japanese army, otherwise the curses in Li Hanguang's mouth would be even more.

Under Li Hanguang's order, countless officers and soldiers of the Cantonese army in iron-blue military uniforms took advantage of the night to launch another counterattack against the Japanese positions.

It is true that the weapons and equipment of the Cantonese army are not good, but they have never flinched in the will to fight.

Li Hanguang's regiment has been in a state of more than half of the casualties since the start of the battle, but he still has not asked the troops to apply to withdraw from the line of fire.

Yes, Li Hanguang was already jealous.

From the Battle of Lanfeng to the present, how many of his subordinates, these soldiers from Guangdong, died in the hands of these little Japanese?Counting, Li Hanguang felt a panic in his heart.

If you don't drive these damn little Japanese out of China and count their crimes, how can you be worthy of the brothers who have died in battle?What face does he have to meet the elders in Guangdong?

Perhaps Li Hanguang's character, just like that stubborn Zhang Tianhai, would never retreat until the last moment.

"Regimental Commander, our troops are ready to be wiped out, and if we don't retreat, we will really be wiped out! (Translation: Commander, our troops are ready to be wiped out, and if we don't retreat, we will really be wiped out)" A soldier ran up to Li Hanguang to report.

"What are you talking about?! We are going to retreat?! What kind of joke are you telling?! The commander gave us an order to die! What is an order, repeat it for me! (Translation: You are saying What are you talking about? We are going to retreat? What kind of joke are you talking about here? The commander gave us a death order! What is a death order? You repeat it to me!)" Li Hanguang was cursing, but Li Hanhun was his His clan brother, without the support of his clan brother, he would not be able to reach the position he is today. In his opinion, the clan brother's death order must be carried out to the end.

This is not only a younger brother who should listen to his elder brother, but also a subordinate's absolute obedience to his superior!
After hearing Li Hanguang's words, the soldier lowered his head in shame, and said, "Yes! Commander, I understand! Fight to the death and win glory for the country!"

After speaking, the soldier threw himself into the battlefield again.

Looking at the backs of the soldiers leaving, Li Hanguang nodded lightly: "War always kills people. His soldiers and his troops can die on the battlefield of charge, but they must not die under the butcher's knife when they surrender!"

What's more, behind him, there is the entire No.20 Ninth Army as support at this time!

Li Hanguang wants to prove with his strength that he can become the head of the regiment not just by relying on his brother's support, he wants to tell the world that he is a head of the regiment who is capable of patriotism!

Thinking about it, Li Hanguang rushed to the battlefield without hesitation!

PS: The first update will be sent, and the second update will be added tomorrow!Sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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