Chapter 825

Zhang Fakui's meeting of officers and cadres at the division level and above ended soon.

This meeting preliminarily determined the defense of the national army in the Jiujiang area.

The general deployment plan is to use Huo Kuizhang's Fourth Army as the rear force in the northwest of Jiujiang; Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army as the general reserve, stationed in the north of Lushan Mountain and southwest of Jiujiang, and can support the front line of Jiujiang at any time.

Wang Jingjiu's No.20 Fifth Army was assigned to Xingzipu on the west bank of Poyang Lake and southeast of Lushan Mountain, in case it landed along Xingzipu and then outflanked it.

As for the Li Hanhun Corps, it is guarding Hukou Town and the position after the Meijiazhou Bridge.

So here comes the question, where should Zhang Tianhai's first regiment of guards in the ninth war zone be guarding?
Zhang Fakui quickly gave Zhang Tianhai an answer, and he called Zhang Tianhai to the temporary headquarters.

Yes, this temporary headquarters is Zhang Tianhai's previous regiment headquarters, but it was first occupied by Wang Jingjiujiu, and then temporarily requisitioned by Zhang Fakui, Chief Zhang.

Chief Zhang Fakui is not very old. He is only 41 this year. It is not easy to be the commander of a corps at this age.

Zhang Fakui's height is not considered tall, about 1.6 meters [-]. His figure and cheeks are extremely thin, and the row of beards under his nose shows that he is quite experienced.

At this time, Zhang Fakui was wearing a uniform of the Central Army, and the two gold stars hanging on his collar badge proved that he was a lieutenant general!
After seeing Zhang Fakui, Zhang Tianhai immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Report sir! Zhang Tianhai, Colonel of the [-]st Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth War Zone, is ordered to report to you!"

"Head Zhang, please sit down!" Zhang Fakui pointed to the stool in front of Zhang Tianhai.

"Yes, sir!" Zhang Tianhai was not polite, he just lifted the stool and sat down.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai sitting down, Zhang Fakui didn't say anything else, and went straight to the point: "This time, I called you here because I have a combat mission to assign."

"Sir, please speak." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Now all the troops have basically assigned combat missions. Now I want to appoint you as the commander of Jiujiang City Defense. What is the decision? I want to hear your opinion." Zhang Fakui did not use that very strong tone to force it down. Instead, he spoke in a negotiating tone.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Tianhai said, "Report to the officer, I think this is inappropriate."

Zhang Tianhai expressed his thoughts very boldly. After all, if he didn't speak at this time, he might not have a chance to express his thoughts in the future.

"Oh? You have to give me a reasonable reason." Zhang Fakui was obviously a little surprised, he just wanted to be polite, but Zhang Tianhai actually made an opinion.

"Commander Zhang may not know too much about our regiment. This humble position would like to introduce to you the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone. First of all, we are a reinforced regiment of more than 6000 people, with cavalry, artillery, and engineers. Wait for all kinds of troops. For artillery alone, our regiment has twelve seven-five mountain cannons, so I think that the humble army should fight in the wild to give full play to their advantages." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, without bringing the slightest Beat around the bush.

"Twelve cannons plus a cavalry battalion, your regiment is well-equipped after all. I'm afraid only the teaching corps back then can compare with what you have?" Zhang Fakui smiled, but changed the topic to the other side.

"Compared to the teaching corps back then, I dare not say that I will be able to match them. But I can guarantee that sooner or later, the troops of the humble rank will be able to surpass them in terms of combat effectiveness!" Zhang Tianhai stood up after speaking, Guaranteed to Zhang Fakui as if in a military order.

"Head Zhang, please sit down! Regarding this point, I believe you are capable." Zhang Fakui stretched out his hand and pressed down, motioning for Zhang Tianhai to sit down and talk. In the battle, they all achieved good results, and I believe in the combat effectiveness of your regiment. But why are you unwilling to defend Jiujiang County alone?"

"Sir, the reason is very simple. Once Hukou falls, the Japanese army will be able to drive straight in through the Meijiazhou Bridge and encircle Jiujiang County. By then, Jiujiang County will be a place of death. I don't want to bring such well-equipped troops with me. Died in the city." Having reached this point, Zhang Tianhai also felt that there was nothing to hide, so he immediately expressed his thoughts.

"Then according to what you said, what kind of combat is your regiment suitable for?" Zhang Fakui asked Zhang Tianhai very seriously, because after investigating Zhang Tianhai's record, he also knew that this guy should not be the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death , so you might as well listen to his views more.

"Mr. Zhang, let's be blunt about the lowly position. I hope that the sir will not blame the lowly level." Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "The lowly level has always believed that lowly level troops are full of aggressiveness. Whether it is artillery or cavalry configuration, It has reached a level that ordinary troops do not have, and although the low-ranking troops suffered heavy casualties before, our old foundation has not been wiped out."

Zhang Fakui just listened quietly to Zhang Tianhai's words. The latter paused, and then continued: "If the troops of our regiment are to defend Jiujiang County to the death, then our regiment's advantages will not be able to be brought into play at all. So the cup is thicker. Shameless, I implore Chief Zhang not to pin our troops in Jiujiang County, lest they be overwhelmed by the firepower of the Japanese army, land, sea and air. The firepower of our regiment should be used in some key offensive operations instead of being wasted. On the matter of defending Jiujiang County."

Listening to Zhang Tianhai's words, Zhang Fakui kept nodding his head, obviously agreeing with Zhang Tianhai's statement.

"Indeed, what you said is very reasonable. Commander Zhang. The strategy we implement in China should be protracted warfare, rather than worrying about the gains and losses of one city and one pool. The focus should be on continuously consuming the vital strength of the Japanese army in order to weaken the Japanese army." The purpose of offensive potential and war potential. Your regiment is so well-equipped, it would indeed be a pity if you were nailed to Jiujiang County and exposed to the firepower of the Japanese army, land, and air forces and could not display your skills." Zhang Fakui concluded.

Then, without waiting for Zhang Tianhai to speak, Zhang Fakui continued: "Let's do this! Simply, your troops will follow Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army as an emergency combat force! As for the troops defending Jiujiang County, I will start from the Fourth Army." Draw out a regiment from the army and fill this vacancy!"

I don't know if Zhang Tianhai's brain twitched, but he subconsciously said: "Is a regiment of the Fourth Army an independent regiment?"

"What independent regiment? Hasn't the hair set of the independent regiment been canceled long ago?" Zhang Fakui said a little strangely, and he also knew that the number of the troop that Zhang Tianhai mentioned was the one that Mao Zedong led the troops to fight during the Northern Expedition. The independent regiment of He Shengqiao.


PS: This is still the old rule, make up for yesterday's second update, don't say anything, there will be another update in a while.

Please wait and see!

(End of this chapter)

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