War of Resistance

Chapter 826 Approaching Hukou!

Chapter 826 Approaching Hukou!
"Oh, it's been cancelled." Zhang Tianhai scratched his head.

"Let's be like this when the time comes, your troops will be directly responsible to me, and take command as a temporary direct-controlled force of the Corps!" Zhang Fakui was also very bold, and made a decision directly.

"Thank you, Chief Zhang, for your kindness!" Zhang Tianhai was overjoyed, and immediately stood up and gave Zhang Fakui a military salute.

"Okay, don't say anything. Let's see if you can lead this army well now. I hope you can show me that murderous aura as soon as you go to the battlefield, and kill the **** little Japanese film armor No!" Zhang Fakui walked up to Zhang Tianhai, patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder and said.

"Yes, sir! I understand!" Zhang Tianhai replied.


When he walked out of Zhang Fakui's office, Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief: nothing else, just feel lucky that he escaped this time.

Jiujiang County will definitely be besieged by heavy Japanese troops. Just imagine, Li Hanhun's entire regiment can't stop the Japanese attack, let alone their small reinforced regiment, not even one division is enough !
It's true that Zhang Tianhai is not afraid of death, but he is definitely not so cheap that he wants to die.

It is obviously beneficial to follow Zhang Fakui's side, let alone other things, just say that in combat operations, there are some opportunities to capture fighter opportunities at critical moments. If they can be used well, they can also win a small victory of.


When Commander-in-Chief Zhang Fakui was mobilizing the troops under the Second Corps to adjust the established strategy, the front-line troops were already tightly entangled with the Japanese army.

In the day-to-day battles, the Cantonese troops suffered heavy casualties.

Even Li Hanguang, the commander of the Cantonese Army who always liked to lead his troops to the front line, was injured.

"Report to the army commander, if our troops don't retreat, we will be wiped out!" A soldier ran to Li Hanhun and reported, probably meaning that if we don't retreat, our troops will be wiped out soon.

Considering that the army has indeed suffered heavy losses, Li Hanhun also began to consider whether to continue the fight.

However, can things really be as he expected, come and go when he wants?

Not really—

The camera turns to the Japanese army.

Matsuura Junrokuro is a disciple of General Hata Toshi, the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army. Although he is arrogant, he should have some real skills.

Standing on the hillside, Matsuura Junrokuro's long and narrow eyes were staring at the opposite hillside. He was holding a pair of binoculars in his hand, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

On the opposite hillside, the confrontation between the national army and the Japanese army is gradually becoming more intense.

But it was clear that the Japanese army was gradually gaining the upper hand in the battle, and the national army suffered a lot of casualties and was almost unable to hold on.

"Now, the offensive strength of the Chinese army seems to be weaker. It's time for our army to launch a fierce counterattack." After speaking, Matsuura Junrokuro put down the binoculars in his hand and said to Ozawa, the combat staff officer beside him.

"Hay!" Japanese Army Staff Officer Ozawa responded.

Under Matsuura Junrokuro's order, these wolf-like Japanese troops rushed towards the national army like hungry wolves.

The combat effectiveness of the Cantonese army was not as good as that of the Japanese army. In addition, a group of Japanese troops who were like fresh troops joined the battle group, which made the Cantonese army, which was at the end of its strength, finally collapsed.

"Damn it! It's just that close!" Li Hanhun took off the military cap on his head and slammed it on the ground. His demeanor was very similar to Zhang Damiao in Bright Sword...

Cough cough cough...

However, Li Hanhun looked more refined and handsome than Zhang Damiao...

"League commander, what should we do now? The frontline troops can't hold on anymore, and even your younger brother Li Hanguang Li regiment commander was injured." Li Hanhun's chief of staff asked him for instructions.

"Retreat! Withdraw from Hukou Town!" Li Hanhun said fiercely, "Also, order the [-]th Division stationed in Hukou Town to immediately step up their defenses and strictly guard against the Japanese troops following from the front line!"

In fact, this time has come, and Li Hanhun has nothing to do, after all, the current situation is so cruel.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, it can be said that time is waiting for me!

No matter from which aspect, the national army is at a disadvantage, and many things are not in their hands.

Li Hanhun's No.20 The [-]th Division, the main force of the Ninth Army, has already lost more than half of it. Even Li Hanhun's younger brother Li Hanguang was injured by the Japanese army. Li Hanhun may not be able to fight in the next war of resistance. Those who guard Hukou Town.

Compared with the [-]th Division of the veteran army, the [-]th Division can be described as a "too new to be new" force.

The soldiers were new, and the quality of the officers could not keep up. Even if he, Li Hanhun, had appointed his capable generals as the commander and deputy commander of the division, he still could not change this predicament.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice...

Sure enough, as Li Hanhun expected, after seeing the retreat of the Cantonese troops, the Japanese troops immediately dispatched a troop of more than 2000 people to follow up, aiming to annihilate the Cantonese troops on the way to Hukou Town. Or take the opportunity to occupy Hukou Town!
The rapid action of the Japanese army was expected.

Whether it is the quality of officers, the quality of soldiers, and equipment, the national army is inferior to the Japanese army.

Let's not talk about the radio station, just talk about the semaphore and the Japanese army in the melee to quickly launch a counterattack against the national army.

The Cantonese troops withdrew all the way, and the elite Japanese troops fought behind them. After a while, they followed the route and hit Hukou Town.

Hukou Town, a quiet but murderous town, suddenly fell into the flames of war.

After the infantry goes up, the artillery bombards, and after the artillery goes up, the infantry goes up.

This is the old way of the Japanese army.

Although this Japanese pursuit force did not carry a large number of artillery, the mortars they carried and the not-so-large [-]nd Infantry Artillery can be used as their "artillery firepower".

Soon, this group of Japanese soldiers, composed of more than 2000 Kyushu iron and steel workers, launched a frantic attack on Hukou Town under the command of its commander.

The [-]th Division of the Cantonese Army, a newly established unit, suddenly fell into a bitter battle.

"Fight! These little devils also have two shoulders and one head! Let's kill them first! Throw them away!!!"

The grassroots officers of the Cantonese Army are yelling, they hope to mobilize the morale of the soldiers and launch a desperate resistance to these little devils!

"Our troops are invincible!"

Shouts filled the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke.

Shouts and gunshots rang out.

Kong Kequan, deputy commander of the [-]th Division, stood in the concealed fortification, watching the scene in front of him worriedly. He was afraid that his troops would not be able to hold on and would be dispersed by the Japanese army!
Even the brows on his Chinese-character face were almost wrinkled into an image of the word "Chuan".

As a frontline commander, commanding such a force, the pressure is not too great, it is impossible!

If the troops under his command were strong and well-equipped, he would have ordered the troops to launch a counterattack long ago!

PS: I still make up for last night's update.

Hey, more and more debts are coming, it's too difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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