War of Resistance

Chapter 827 Hukou Falls?

Chapter 827 Hukou Falls?

In this front, which is less than five kilometers long, a brigade of the national army has already assembled here.

The strength of a brigade is about [-] people, which seems to be a lot of people, but it is not too many when it is spread out.

In addition, the firepower configuration of the national army is not as good as that of the Japanese army, so it is still relatively hard to fight.

If Zhang Tianhai's [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone was here, it might be able to severely damage the arrogant Japanese army in front of them.

However, if it is always the if, if Zhang Tianhai's troops were stationed here in this battle, they may have suffered heavy casualties in the front-line counterattack against the Japanese army.

"Deputy division commander, we only have such a small force, and we are defending such a large plain, I'm afraid there will be many disadvantages..." Cheng An, the brigade commander, also asked worriedly.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Tell Commander Peng that our troops can't fight anymore, or report to the commander that our brigade's troops are retreating without a fight?" Kong Kequan turned his face around and looked at him coldly. With Cheng An.

"Yes! I understand!" Cheng An shuddered, quickly came to his senses, and immediately saluted Kong Kequan with a military salute.

At the present stage, they are not ignorant of the determination of the national army to resist the war-Chairman Jiang even shot Long Muhan in the first phase of Whampoa, and even Xue Weiying who was weak in fighting in the Madang Fortress was also taken down.

But don't forget, these two are not just teachers, they are also the first batch of Whampoa students, the most upright disciples of the Son of Heaven!

Perhaps, in the 21st century, many people do not understand the status of the word "Whampoa students" in Chiang Kai-shek's heart, which is quite important.

Especially the first-term students, who devoted the most effort to Chiang Kai-shek's students!
The first batch of students in Whampoa, especially Zeng Kuoqing, Guan Linzheng, and Song Xilian, were the most loyal faction to Chiang Kai-shek. People can command them!

If we talk about why these people are so "deathly loyal" to Chiang Kai-shek, it has to do with what Chiang Kai-shek paid when he was the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy.

According to the memoirs of the first batch of students in Whampoa, Chiang Kai-shek paid great attention to the military training and ideological dynamics of these students, almost treating these students as a counselor. There are more than 600 students in the school, almost every month. Was approached by Chiang Kai-shek for a conversation.

Moreover, among these students, it can be said that they are uneven. If there are particularly outstanding students, such as Zeng Kuoqing, Wang Jingjiu, Song Xilian, Guan Linzheng, etc., he will meet him once a week, and even invite him. Eat at home or something.

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek was not the later Chairman of the National Committee who had power over the whole of China. He was still a poor principal at that time, and when he invited students to eat, he used money from his own allowance to buy food, and his wife Chen personally cook.

Yes, this Chen family is Song Meiling's previous wife.

Because of this, when Chiang launched the April [-] counter-revolutionary coup, only forty or fifty students "betrayed" him.

Even when Sun Yuanliang led his troops to capture Nanchang and later fled without authorization, Chiang Kai-shek was not willing to shoot him. For example, when General Chen Geng was fighting with his troops, Jiang told the Whampoa students below, "You must treat him well and don't shoot him. "

It can be seen from this that the students of the first batch of Whampoa held an important position in Chiang Kai-shek's heart, which was not comparable to that of the officers of the Whampoa department in the sixth batch and after the sixth batch.

Therefore, when Chiang Kai-shek shot Long Muhan and captured Xue Weiying, who was also in the first phase of Whampoa, it caused a sensation within the national army.

This kind of sensation is second only to the news when Chiang Kai-shek ordered the execution of Han Fuqu, deputy commander-in-chief of the Fifth Theater, chairman of SD Province, and commander-in-chief of the Third Army.

With such a situation, people who can be in such a position will not fail to understand.

"We can't ask for help easily. The scorched-earth war is not empty talk." Kong Kequan frowned and said, "Behind us, there is a No.70 Army, and now Zhang Fakui, Chief Zhang, has led the troops of the Second Corps in the theater We've arrived, we can just fight. If you retreat lightly, don't blame me, Kong, for not thinking about brotherhood."

"Yes, sir." Cheng An replied.

The Japanese army's offensive became more and more fierce, and the national army began to struggle slowly.

Seeing that the troops were almost out of control, Kong Kequan immediately ordered the Cheng'an Brigade to shrink the line of defense, delaying the time as much as possible, and severely injuring the Japanese army.

However, things always backfired.

The slightly loose position of the national army was not long before the Japanese army used the "pig burst tactic" to break through the first-line position.

Yes, this method of attack will certainly cause heavy losses to the Japanese army, but it is also a good way to break through the national army's position as quickly as possible.

"It's not good, deputy division commander, brigade commander, the frontline position has been broken by the Japanese army, and now the two wing troops are launching a roundabout outflank to the Japanese army that broke through the center position!" A battalion commander ran into the bunker in a panic and reported Then, even his iron-blue military uniform was covered with a lot of dust, and he didn't have time to take pictures.

Bing is expensive and fast, and the situation on the battlefield is fleeting, so he can't help being nervous!

The troops of the Cantonese army and the No.20 Ninth Army of the National Army fought bloody battles with the Japanese army for days. After all, they retreated from the front line because of the heavy casualties. Even the news that the Japanese army had attacked Hukou Town soon spread to the Second Corps headquarters.

In the Jiujiang mountain area, there is an inconspicuous house hidden in the continuous forest.

After hearing the news, Zhang Fakui, who was not tall, clenched his fists tightly, but his tense face fully exposed his pretending calm posture.

"Junzuo, do you need the humble Fourth Army to help Hukou Town?" Wu Qiwei, the commander of the Fourth Army who was watching Zhang Fakui who was in an extremely unbeautiful mood, said, logically speaking, the troops of the Fourth Army As the general reserve, their troops can directly support the front-line troops.

More importantly, it makes sense.

Zhang Fakui sighed, and said: "No need, the troops of the No. 70 Army will provide support. Even if you want to send elite troops to support, there is no more elite troops under the Second Corps than Zhang Tianhai's theater guard regiment. gone."

"However, I have a hunch. If our army cannot support the battle in Hukou Town in time, Hukou Town may not be able to last long." Wu Qiwei said very calmly. No matter what he said, he was also a man with rich combat experience. The general, in these details, he will not fail to understand.

Zhang Fakui pointed to Hukou Town in Jiujiang County across the Meijiazhou Bridge on the map, and said, "Hukou Town is indeed the bridgehead of our army stationed in Jiujiang. However, the terrain here is It is very unfavorable for our army to launch a battle. We want to defend Hukou to the death, but it is absolutely inappropriate to send too many troops to entangle Hukou Town and take charge of directing the reenactment of the tragedy of the Songhu Battlefield.”

Hearing Commander-in-Chief Zhang's words, Wu Qiwei already understood his attitude.


PS: Make up for the second update last night!

There should be another update in a while, the first update tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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