War of Resistance

Chapter 829 Preparation

Chapter 829 Preparation
Hukou Town eventually fell, but it was not easy for the Japanese army to take Hukou Town.

When the Japanese army attacked Hukou Town, it could be said that the sound of artillery was rumbling and the sound of killing was loud. The desperate resistance of the national army also caused a lot of casualties to the Japanese army.

Under the joint attack of the Japanese army's sea, land and air firepower, Hukou Town, which was desperately defended by the [-]th Division of the Cantonese Army, finally fell.

However, after the Japanese army took Hukou Town, it seemed that they were exhausted and had no tendency to move forward.

After the remnants of the No.20 Ninth Army and the No.60 Fourth Army withdrew, they immediately joined forces with the No.70 Army to garrison their positions.

Li Jue's No.70 army name sounds really bluffing, after all, it is also an army, right?But this is not the case, it only has one No.19 division under its jurisdiction, the division commander Li Jue.

Zhang Tianhai was not very surprised by the news of the fall of Hukou Town. After all, according to the historical process, after the fall of Jiujiang, the Japanese army began to use the strategy of the [-]th Division going south to De'an.

It was after the attack on De'an that the Wanjialing battle took place.

But it was also after learning of the fall of Hukou that Zhang Tianhai gradually became clear about the situation of this battle to defend Jiujiang.

Sun Tongxuan's No.12 Army and Huo Kuizhang's Fourth Army are stationed in the northeast and southeast of Ruichang respectively, and there is a certain distance from Jiujiang. That is to say, only Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army can be used. Army and Wang Jingjiu's No.20 Fifth Army, plus Peng Shan's No.11 Division and Zhang Tianhai's Ninth Theater Guard First Regiment.

As for Li Hanhun's No.20 Ninth Army Corps, it is basically useless——

The No.20 Ninth Army's main force, the No.60 Fourth Army's two divisions have been disabled in the frantic battles with the Japanese army on the front line, and the No.70 Army No.19 Division is left. Although it is a veteran division, it is If you have to face the ferocious Japanese army, it is quite stressful.

Looking at the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, in addition to actively focusing on training, this is also the third time that the main officers of the regiment have held a progress meeting on the frontline battle.

What made everyone feel a lot of pressure was that the hundred-year-old calmness on Tuan Zuo's face disappeared, replaced by a serious and positive response.

"Ruiwen, tell me your opinion! If you were the Japanese army, how would you fight?" Zhang Tianhai cast his gaze on Li Chunfei, his number one confidant general.

After thinking for a while, Li Chunfei said: "Sir, if you are a humble commander of the Japanese army, the target of the attack is naturally Jiujiang County. However, if you want to break through the battle line, you must not be too far away from the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River is the only way to get the support of naval artillery firepower. In addition, there are certain advantages in transporting supplies. The advantage of being close to the Yangtze River must be great.”

"Well, this is indeed the truth. Then for a unit like our regiment, where should our greatest advantage be?" Zhang Tianhai's eyes were still fixed on Li Chunfei, and there was still infinite expectation in his eyes. He hoped that Li Chunfei could Success!

At this time, all the battalion-level officers of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone had gathered in the small village of Jijia Village.

That's right, Zhang Tianhai's regiment headquarters naturally requisitioned the largest house in the village - before the war of resistance, everyone must make certain concessions, otherwise, they will have to face the entire first regiment of the guards of the ninth war zone anger.

The hall of the main wing had already been designated as the staff headquarters and headquarters, so the east wing was naturally requisitioned as a meeting room.

The condition of the meeting room is very simple, it is made up of a few tables and stools.

Due to the special nature of the gendarmerie, He Jiguang also participated in this meeting among the main officers.

"Reporting to the regiment, I believe that the biggest advantage of our regiment is that it is well-equipped, its combat effectiveness is stronger than that of ordinary brigades, and its firepower configuration is also stronger than that of ordinary national army troops. I believe that the arrogance of the Japanese army will definitely treat me The army's security is not that deep. We can start from this point..." Li Chunfei started his long speech.

But in the middle of talking, Zhang Tianhai tapped the table lightly, and then interrupted Li Chunfei: "Speak briefly, and get straight to the point."

Li Chunfei was interrupted by this sudden reaction, and he quickly reacted, and then said: "Yes! Tuanzai! I think that the best way is to fight them in an ambush like the one at Yangzhuang, and fight them all. Caught off guard!"

At this moment, He Jiye, who is usually not very talkative, said, "The humble staff also agrees with Li Battalion Commander."

"Oh? Then let Section Chief He tell you what you think!" Although Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised, he still chose to let He Jiye play freely.

He Jiye stroked his thoughts for a while, and then said: "The current state of our regiment is far inferior to the state at the beginning of the Lanfeng Battle, let alone comparable to when we just broke out from Nanjing. Although our regiment is now The number of troops has been nearly doubled, but there are also problems of insufficient coordination and tacit understanding among the various troops."

With that said, He Jiye paused for a moment, and then continued: "So, if we want to carry out combat operations, we can only use these operations to coordinate the combat capabilities of the various battalions. Especially the cavalry battalion, the cavalry battalion is being reorganized Before, we have been training on mobility. Now our troops have entered the mountains in the south of the Lingnan Mountains. The situation is also a little different. Therefore, it may be more difficult for the cavalry battalion to get off their horses to fight the Japanese army now. Pay attention."

As soon as He Jiye's words came out, the Northeast Dahan Wang Yongcheng's face flushed immediately, and he said in a somewhat angry tone: "He Section Chief is worrying too much, our cavalry battalion, even if we get off the horse, then It is also the fastest infantry, and it is also a unit with not bad combat effectiveness!"

Seeing that the scene might get out of control, Zhang Tianhai intervened and said: "Indeed, Chief He's worries are unreasonable. But I still want to make one request to the cavalry battalion, that is, to be able to stand up at critical moments, whether it is As cavalry, or as dismounted infantry, it's all the same."

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! The humble job promises to complete the task!" Wang Yongcheng assured Zhang Tianhai, almost patted his chest.

"Okay, don't be in a hurry to make sure. First, the troops must be captured and trained. Now the Japanese army has occupied Hukou Town, the bridgehead of Jiujiang, which means that they can cross this line at any time to attack us. Therefore, We must be ready." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai changed the subject and said: "But one thing is for sure, the Japanese army will not come over so quickly. They need at least a week's rest time. During this period, I plan to send an engineering company to break up the After that, they entered each battalion to carry out training in fortification construction. The engineering company of our regiment, no matter how you say it, was selected from many talents, and all troops must pay attention to this training.”

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

"Okay, it's not too late. We'll start working on this work now. I want to see results within a week, otherwise, the battalion commander will be dismissed on the spot! The meeting will be adjourned!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, but his tone was There is no hint of a joke, this is his preparation for the defense of Jiujiang, and even the battle of Wanjialing!


PS: Make up for the second update last night!

(End of this chapter)

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