Chapter 830 The Japanese Army's Advance (Everyone, subscribe tomorrow!)
Under the order of Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment, the officers of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone quickly disbanded.

For these officers, the commander's order is more important than anything else, after all, they all followed the commander.

The commander's orders are all for the survival of the regiment, and more importantly, they are also related to their lives.

"Old Zhang, the situation is so serious this time, even you are so nervous. It seems that we are really going to fight a bad battle." After the meeting, Zhang Tianhai walked out to relax, while Guo Qiliang followed him beside.

"That's it. If Fang Jie was still here, I don't think I would be so troubled." Zhang Tianhai sighed, his brows were already deeply knit together.

"I also know that my ability is limited and I can't help you much. On this point, I also admit that I didn't do enough." Guo Qiliang lowered his head slowly.

"It's not your fault. Your job is very qualified, but I lack a more compatible comrade-in-arms. And you, and I are also on the same front and have fought together for a long time. We should think about how we can win This battle is over." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

Fighting in Jiujiang, their regiment is the closest unit to Jiujiang County, even closer than Wu Qiwei's Fourth Army.

It is precisely because of the short distance that there will be more times when reinforcements are needed!
Zhang Tianhai never thought that his troops could escape this battle. No matter how they looked at it, their troops could not escape.

In terms of numbers, it exceeds one brigade; in terms of equipment, it is second to none among the national army; in terms of combat effectiveness, it is also ranked first among all troops; in terms of location, it is the most convenient for reinforcements.

Judging from these four aspects, their troops will definitely not be able to escape.

On this point, Zhang Tianhai saw it more clearly than anyone else.


Just living day by day, the Japanese army seemed to be gradually recovering.

The [-]th Division and the Bo Tian Detachment finally ushered in their supplementary soldiers.

This is a supplementary soldier from the Kyushu region, as fierce as ever.

After receiving reinforcements, the Japanese troops were immediately ready to set off at any time.

Hukou Town, Japanese outpost headquarters.

At this time, a big person ushered in here.

This big man is none other than Ningji Okamura, commander of the No. 11 Army of the Japanese Invasion Army.

Neiji Okamura knows the importance of Jiujiang here better than anyone else. Whether the war on the south bank of the Yangtze River goes well or not is inseparable from Jiujiang.

Neiji Okamura is 54 years old this year. Perhaps in modern times, he is close to the age of retirement. In any case, he should not be so desperate.

However, in this era, the rank of lieutenant general at the age of 54, coupled with being the commander of an army, is infinitely close to the throne of the rank of general.

The rank of general, who can hold this position?It must be the first and second in command of the army and navy, plus the commander of the North China Front Army, the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Army, and some veterans.

The rank of general is not a military rank or a symbol of position, it is a lifelong honor.

In order to win this battle to defend Jiujiang, he must come to the front line to command.

There is no room for loss in this battle!

Outside the command post, the security was heavy, and the inside of the post was also serious.

However, there was a hint of joy in this seriousness. After all, for the No. 11 army that marched south, they won the battle after all.

Although it was delayed than expected, a series of important military areas such as Anqing, Madang Fortress, Madang Town, Pengze Town, and Hukou Town were defeated, and the national army was also repulsed. Several counterattacks by the troops.

"Our troops have already joined several important areas guarded by the Kechina Army. This is not a good thing for us, but we must launch a military operation against Jiujiang as soon as possible. To win the military town of Jiangxi as soon as possible. Get ready." Neiji Okamura's face was light and joyful.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I believe that our army must be able to win steadily. We have fought on the south bank of the Yangtze River for so long, and the casualties are only about one brigade. As long as we concentrate our forces, we will be able to break through the positions of the Chinese army in one fell swoop. ” Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro, the head of the [-]th Division next to him, said.

"So, Matsuura-kun, how many troops do you think our No. 11 Army should send to attack Jiujiang?" Neiji Okamura turned around and looked at Junrokuro Matsuura with a smile.

Matsuura Junrokuro, that is the favorite student of Hata Shunroku, the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, and his opinion is also very important.

I saw Junrokuro Matsuura's face turned serious, and said seriously: "Report to Commander Okamura! If my [-]th Division is used as the main force of the attacking force, one division is enough!"

At this moment, Hata Shigeichi next to him also said: "Report to Your Excellency, the Taiwan Garrison Brigade is also qualified for this task. If there is an arrangement, please also consider sending my brigade to arrange combat missions!"

Seeing that the two generals under him had such confidence, Okamura Ningji's confidence was even stronger: "Yo Sai! Then it's settled like this! Since Matsuura-kun made the decision first, it's up to Matsuura-kun's troops Take on the combat mission first! Let’s do this!”

"Hay!!" Everyone responded, and the entire outpost command post was full of fighting spirit.


According to the decision of Ningji Okamura, the commander of the No.11 Army of the Japanese Army, at the Hukou outpost command post, the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army soon began to mobilize for war.

Yes, it is war mobilization!
For the Japanese army, their repeated attacks also caused their own casualties not small, so in the past ten days, they were also licking their wounds and exchanging blood, and it was only now that they were relieved .

You must know that after a large number of new recruits fill a unit, it must be re-running, even an elite unit such as the [-]th Division is no exception.

The sharp whistle rang through the barracks of the [-]th Division, and countless Japanese troops began to gather.

Every move fell into the eyes of the elite reconnaissance squad dispatched by the No. 11 Division of the National Army.

That's right, it's Chen Cheng's No.11 division, the trump card of the civil engineering department!
Although the troops of the No.11 Division repeatedly competed with the Japanese troops for Hukou Town after the loss of Hukou, they made great contributions to rescuing the No.20 Sixth Division of the Cantonese Army and suffered a lot of casualties. The old-fashioned elites are always the old-fashioned elites, not the scumbags like the native troops of the Hunan Army.

Therefore, it is a matter of course to be valued.

In order to ensure that the position in front of the Meijiazhou Bridge is not lost, in addition to bombing the bridge, the troops of the No. 11 Division also entered the position in front of the Meijiazhou Bridge under the order of the commander-in-chief of the Second Corps Zhang Fakui.

From the sky above Poyang Lake, the distance here is still the shortest in Meijiazhou.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the front of the Meijiazhou Bridge is not lost, Zhang Fakui has no choice but to place the No. 11 Division of the trump card unit here, which is very well equipped and has a strong combat effectiveness.

Peng Shan, the commander of the No. 11th division, was not an easy person to bully. After entering the Meijiazhou position, he immediately set up a series of formations.

However, because the four regiments of the main force of the No.11 Division repeatedly robbed the main position with the Japanese [-]th Division in Hukou Town on the east bank of Poyang Lake and suffered heavy casualties, these four regiments have been led by the deputy division commander Ye Peigao. He was ordered to go to Nanchang to rest and build fortifications to prepare for the next stage of the War of Resistance.

Therefore, there were only two regiments of No.30 30st Brigade and one regiment of No.[-] [-]rd Brigade at the scene.

"Master, there are only three regiments here in our division. It may be difficult to face the Japanese troops. Now even our artillery battalion has been brought back to Nanchang." Long Zuocai, head of No. 60 First Regiment Open your mouth and say.

Long Zuocai was a student of the fourth batch of Whampoa who was born in Zhengmiaohong. Since he graduated from the military academy, he had served in the No.11 Division. At that time, the No.11 Division had just been drawn down from Cao Wanshun's No.17 Army.

From this level, Long Zuocai must be regarded as the backbone of the No.11 division.

Long Zuocai's opinion was quite pertinent. The artillery battalion was pulled away, and the troops were withdrawn from the front line. It is impossible not to deal with the powerful enemy in front of you without calmness.

It should be noted that a unit as strong as the No.11 Division is not without defeat—just like during the first civil war, under the leadership of the then No.11 Division Commander Xiao Qian, in the fourth " On the front line of "Suppressing the Zong Zong", the No.11 Division was defeated. The third brigade and the seventh regiment of the division were beaten down to more than 800 people.

That defeat made Chen Cheng cry for more than ten days, almost out of breath.

Since that battle, the No.11 Division's entire division has changed its arrogance, and the entire division has been cautious.

The fierceness of the Japanese army's combat power is recognized.

Whether it was in Luodian, or in Yunzaobang, or in the battle after the Battle of Songhu, the troops of the No.11 Division fought against the Japanese army several times, and they were very clear about the strength of the Japanese army. understanding.

Peng Shan thought for a while and said: "The Japanese troops have not yet crossed Poyang Lake. This is an excellent opportunity for us. We can take advantage of the terrain and deal with it calmly. After our full preparations during this period, The three regiments of our division have basically received some supplements. Their combat effectiveness has recovered to a certain extent, and they can start preparing."

"Master, I also agree with you. In addition to the Meijiazhou Bridge line, maybe other places, we have to carry out a series of defenses to prevent the little devil from landing suddenly." Chief of Staff Peng Zhancun said.

"Yes. You can come up with the specific defense plan! In addition, I also think it is necessary to ask Zhang Fakui for some artillery units to support. Otherwise, the Japanese naval guns are enough for us to drink a pot." Peng Shan said very calmly, he has already reached his position, he must be calm, otherwise it is easy to cause serious troubles.

"Yes! Sir!" Peng Zhancun, chief of staff of the No.11 Division, stood at attention and saluted. For a student who graduated from the fourth phase of Whampoa, it is definitely not an ordinary person to be able to hold the position of chief of staff of the division.

If you look at Peng Zhancun's resume, you will definitely find that in addition to graduating from the Whampoa Military Academy, he also entered the second phase of the Lushan Training Corps for training in 1934, and entered the Army University to study the following year. It's someone who stays in the staff department.

From this point of view, we can see how much effort Chen Cheng has devoted to the No. 11 Division.


Soon, under the instruction of Peng Shan, the commander of the No.11 Division, the division headquarters of the No.11 Division sent a telegram to the headquarters of the Second Corps.

The content of the telegram is also very simple, roughly speaking, due to the needs of the battle ahead, our division needs to face the enemy's main force head-on. Now that the main force of our army has also gone south to Nanchang, it may be insufficient in terms of defensive strength Therefore, support is needed. If there is artillery fire support, that is the best.

If other units of the miscellaneous army make this request, Zhang Fakui still has to think about it - after all, the artillery is not in his hands, but in the hands of the arrogant soldiers of the Central Army, who usually let these Central Army go into battle to fight for their lives , that is absolutely no problem.

However, it would be quite difficult to transfer these Central Army artillery, especially the Central Army Huangpu direct line!

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief! No.11 Division Commander Peng Shan urgently calls!" A combat staff officer ran to Zhang Fakui's side and reported.

"No. 11 Division?" Zhang Fakui frowned slightly. For No. 11 Division, it is no better than other units, but now it is the starting unit of his immediate boss.

"Yes, they sent a telegram saying that they want artillery units from us!" The combat staff officer reported truthfully.

"The artillery unit...that's really difficult..." Zhang Fakui looked embarrassed. If other troops asked, they had to be straightforward.

But...the troops of the civil engineering department still have to think about it.

Why do you say that the troops of the civil engineering department want to think about it?Still have to find the reason from the civil engineering department itself - the food is too ugly, no matter whether it is the local army or the miscellaneous troops of the central army, there is only one word, eat!

It is precisely because of the "notoriety" of the Department of Civil Engineering that Zhang Fakui has a headache: the Japanese army is about to advance, and it is necessary to weigh the interior, which is difficult to deal with...

"This Peng Shan, did you really say that?" Zhang Fakui frowned tightly, as if to comfort himself, it was not true.

"Report sir, this telegram is true, it was sent by Commander Peng 10 minutes ago!" the combat staff officer said seriously.

"Okay! Submit the list of artillery units!" Zhang Fakui took a deep breath.

"Yes! Sir!" The combat staff officer responded.


PS: In the past few days, I have been resting for a long time, just because I am too tired.

The update may not be very stable for a while, it will be fine after September.

No matter what, I still hope to understand!I have been taking full attendance every month since I resumed my shift last year. Recently, I am tired and want to take a break.

(End of this chapter)

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