War of Resistance

Chapter 831 Being targeted?

Chapter 831 Being targeted?

Soon, this list of units with artillery units was presented to Zhang Fakui.

Looking at this list, Zhang Fakui frowned. Obviously, in his opinion, this is also a very difficult matter-these two units with artillery are both direct descendants of the Central Army.

Yes, in the current Second Corps, there are only two units with artillery units, one is Wang Jingjiu's No.20 Fifth Army, and the other is Zhang Tianhai's First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater.

Wang Jingjiu's troops are not easily mobilized. After all, they are the troops of Commander Gu's third war zone. If they are moved, there may be many disadvantages.

However, the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater seems to have Minister He's background behind him.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Fakui feels embarrassed.

"Mr. Zhang, I think that if it is really difficult, the artillery battalion of the [-]th theater is only the first regiment. After all, this is a regiment-level force, and it is a regiment-level force directly under the theater. It is the same as Commander Wang Jingjiu. There are many differences between the seconded troops." At this time, Wu Qiwei, the commander of the Fourth Army, suggested.

Zhang Fakui thought for a while, then nodded: "Your suggestion is very good, and it is the only one. No matter whether it is Chief He or Chief Gu, it cannot be offended. Judging from the current situation, the only way to mobilize this team The army is the most reasonable."

Now that the decision has been made, Zhang Fakui immediately said to the combat staff around him: "Immediately upload our military order, ordering Zhang Tianhai, the First Regiment of the Ninth Theater Guard, to send artillery units to support the No. 11 Division position!"

After hearing the order, the combat staff immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Yes! Sir! The humble post will be executed immediately!"

Following the issuance of Zhang Fakui's combat decision-making order, Zhang Tianhai's regiment headquarters soon received this order.


Jijia Village, Headquarters of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone.

As in the past, the main force of the first police regiment was in training, and only one guard company and some garrison troops were left to guard near the regiment headquarters.

This morning, Zhang Tianhai also went out to lead the team for training, leaving Wang Liang behind to deal with emergency affairs at the regiment headquarters.

At this moment, it was when Zhang Tianhai had just returned from training.

Since it was Zhang Tianhai who continued to exercise hard after becoming the team leader, his figure did not lose shape.

Zhang Tianhai, who was sweating profusely, didn't wear a military cap, just put on a white shirt, and walked into the regiment headquarters.

As soon as Zhang Tianhai entered the regiment headquarters, a combat staff officer ran to Zhang Tianhai's side, stood at attention and saluted and reported, "Reporting to the regiment, here is an urgent telegram from the headquarters of the Second Corps in the theater. It is Zhang Fakui Zhang A telegram issued by the Commander-in-Chief himself!"

"What about Wang Liang? Where did Wang Liang go?" Zhang Tianhai asked Wang Liang's movements directly. After all, he asked Wang Liang to handle these urgent military affairs.

"Reporting to the delegation, Adjutant Wang Liang just went out, and he should be coming back. He ordered the humble officer to wait for you here." The combat staff reported truthfully.

"Very good, so what's the status of this telegram now?" With that said, Zhang Tianhai took the telegram from the combat staff officer.

"Reporting to the regiment, Mr. Zhang Fakui wants to mobilize our artillery battalion to support the troops of the No. 11 Division!" The combat staff officer reported.

"No. 11 Division?"

Hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai's expression turned a little dark.

No. 11 division, that is the ace unit of the civil engineering department.

Originally, it would not be a big deal to support friendly troops to win the battle, but this is a problem for civil engineering troops.

Still the same sentence, the appearance of the civil engineering department annexing other troops is a bit ugly.

If it weren't for this eating appearance, Zhang Tianhai wouldn't be so worried - after all, his artillery unit is a reinforced artillery battalion with twelve cannons.

For comparison, look at the artillery battalions of other troops, they all have only four guns.

Not to mention other things, just talk about Pang Bingxun's Third Army, which only had four artillery pieces before the Anti-Japanese War, and it was barely called an artillery battalion.

If measured by this standard, Zhang Tianhai's artillery battalion could be called an artillery regiment.

As the saying goes, if a man is innocent, he is guilty if he is pregnant.

What Zhang Tianhai is afraid of is that Peng Shan will be jealous of his artillery battalion—if the time comes, that is, when the troops are withdrawing, he will directly drag his artillery battalion to Nanchang, then he really wants to No more tears.

It is easy to borrow out, but it is not so easy to come back—this nature is a bit similar to Liu Bei borrowing Jingzhou, or a tiger borrowing a pig.

"That's right. The confirmation is correct. It's the No.11 Division!" the combat staff officer assured.

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said very seriously in an instant: "Okay, you go and call Deputy Commander Guo and Chief of Staff Li back immediately, and say that it is an emergency meeting notice. In addition, notify the Artillery Battalion, Cavalry Battalion, and Secret Service Gather together!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" After the combat staff responded, he quickly ran down.

Zhang Tianhai stood there looking at the telegram, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Yes, from Zhang Tianhai's point of view, this incident must be handled satisfactorily. No matter who it is, it must not be offended. The mission must be completed, and the artillery battalion of his own cannot be eaten up like this.

Perhaps, the impression of Li Yunlong's role in the anti-Japanese drama "Bright Sword" is too deep, and coupled with the notorious reputation of the civil engineering department, it is inevitable that Li Yunlong will eat the equipment of Chu Yunfei's battalion.

Besides, the No. 11 division is the starting unit of Chief Chen Cheng, and their regiment is just a force supported by Chief He.

In addition, Chen Cheng and He Yingqin are deadly rivals, and it is clear at a glance which one is more important.

It is also very easy to deprive him of this artillery battalion - for example, when the artillery battalion reaches the hands of the No. 11 divisions.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai cannot but blame Zhang Tianhai for making preparations. Compared with the big guys in the civil engineering department before, his strength is still too small.


It didn't take long for Guo Qiliang, the deputy head of the regiment, and Li Yinglun, the chief of staff, to gather in the combat hall of the regiment headquarters in Jijia Village.

Similar to Zhang Tianhai's attire, the two of them also only wore a white shirt on their upper body, and military uniforms on their lower body.

The big training of the whole regiment is not just a word, it is an action that is actually implemented.

"Old Zhang, what's the situation now? Why is it so urgent?" Guo Qiliang and Zhang Tianhai have a good relationship, so he asked directly.

"It's like this. Chief Zhang Fakui wants to withdraw an artillery battalion from us to support the No. 11 Division's operations. This artillery battalion is the treasure of our regiment. If it is lent to them, whether it can be returned is still a question So, I have to call you back to hold an emergency military meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter as best as possible." Zhang Tianhai made a long story short and said it very seriously.

"I understand."

As he said that, Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun looked at each other, and they both saw the seriousness of the matter - isn't this being targeted?

PS: The update resumes for half a month!It's time to prepare for the exam again!Hope to understand!

(End of this chapter)

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