War of Resistance

Chapter 835 Battle of Nine Rivers

Chapter 835 Jiujiang Defense Battle ([-])
The battle started, and countless Chinese soldiers in goose-yellow uniforms surged towards the Japanese army who was still in shock.

Perhaps some quick-reacting Japanese soldiers recovered from the bouts of dizziness, and then rushed towards the national army.

However, these are a small number of people, and these few people were quickly overwhelmed by the surging waves of the national army's offensive.

And Hirota Denbu was one of them who didn't react. Soon, he fell under the bayonet of the Chinese army and never stood up again.

Under the absolute superiority of troops, any resistance appears to be weak.

Soon, these hundreds of Japanese troops were killed and injured in the surging offensive of the national army.

"Nice job!" Looking at the scene in front of him through the telescope, Xie Chengkun couldn't help clenching his fists slightly, obviously because of the excitement of victory.


The camera turned back to Zhang Tianhai.

After the artillery was fired, Zhang Tianhai sat aside and smoked slowly.

"Tuan Zuo, there is a lot of shouting and killing in front, should we also join in the fun?" Liu Houming said excitedly.

"Join the fun? Join in the fun, this is the No.11 Division's defense zone, let them out of the limelight, otherwise, after the Japanese army arrives, our relationship will become quite delicate." Zhang Tianhai spat lightly. Smoke, this kind of behavior of grabbing credit is not what he likes to do.

Most importantly, it will cause some unnecessary contradictions.

Division No. 11 is Chief Chen's darling. If he fights against Division No. 11, I'm afraid he will not have a very easy life in the future. He can clearly distinguish which is more important——During the War of Liberation Is Zhang Lingfu good enough?Wasn't he being stabbed by his teammates at a critical moment?

Therefore, when Liu Houming proposed this idea, Zhang Tianhai rejected it without even thinking about it.

"Then our secret service company is really here to serve as a security force now?" Liu Houming asked with some disbelief.

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai didn't talk nonsense, and said in a deep voice: "Follow the order!"

Hearing this, Liu Houming stood at attention almost subconsciously: "Yes! Sir!"


This battle ended with the complete victory of the No. 11 Division of the National Army-annihilation of more than [-] people in the field brigade.


Headquarters of the Japanese Frontier Forces.

This is the brigade headquarters of the Aoki Brigade of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army.

Yes, as the No.11 Army Commander Ningji Okamura is confident, one brigade can handle Jiujiang, and this brigade to Jiujiang is the [-]th Brigade of Aoki Keiichi.

The Aoki Brigade has jurisdiction over the [-]st, [-]rd and [-]th Wings, of which the captain of the [-]st, [-]rd and [-]rd Wings is Kasao Kijima (may be referred to as the Kijima Wing), and the [-]th Wing The captain is Hirozo Ichikawa (may be referred to as the Ichikawa United Team for short).

At this time, the large troops of the Aoki Brigade were still heading to the front line, so the headquarters of the Aoki Brigade was set up in a thatched house by the roadside.

It turned out that the people living in the thatched house heard that Little Japan was calling, and they ran away without a trace, so they became Keiichi Aoki's brigade headquarters logically.

The brigade department is very busy, after all, this is an important matter related to whether the entire brigade can make contributions to the front line.

Keiichi Aoki looks different from other Japanese. Other Japanese soldiers are short and strong, but he is different—he looks tall and mighty, and looks like his age. 41 looks like a two-year-old, and his unshaven beard is already a little gray.

"Our troops are now confronting the enemy's forward troops. What we have to do is how to expand our existing advantages as quickly as possible and steadily flatten the enemy in front of us. This is our current top priority. Do you have any opinions?" Keiichi Aoki looked around with his sharp eyes, and the surrounding Japanese officers and officers also looked very excited, as if the enemy in front of them could be wiped out.

"Report to Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd regiments of ours are full of confidence in annihilating the enemy!" A heroic voice next to him assured Aoki Keiichi.

Aoki Keiichi shifted his eyes to the person who spoke, he saw that this person was short and strong, but his face was full of flesh and fierce.

This person is none other than Keiichi Aoki's extremely trusted subordinate—Kasao Kijima, the captain of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd regiments.

"Yoxi..." Takashi Aoki nodded in satisfaction, "Kijima-kun's department is currently serving as the forward force of the brigade, and must have made full preparations. Please be sure to open up the territory for the empire, Mr. Kijima." , Establish an inexhaustible feat!"

"Hay! Please rest assured, the brigade commander, there is absolutely no problem! The second brigade with the most fierce fighting power in my regiment has already headed directly to the front line under the command of the brigade commander Hirota Hiroshita. It must have taken down the Chinese army by this time. The front line is here, please wait for the good news, brigade commander!" Kijima Kasao promised very confidently.

At this moment, a Japanese army staff officer ran in and reported the latest battle report from the front line: "Report to Your Excellency General and Commander Kijima, the frontline farming brigade has lost contact for nearly half an hour. According to the report from the frontline observation team, the farming brigade... ...the whole jade has been shattered..."

Hearing these words, Kijima Kasao's face immediately turned red, as if his face full of flesh had been slapped severely.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, almost a needle drop.

After a long time, Kasao Kijima's flushed face suddenly became furious, and he slapped the staff officer fiercely on the face: "Baga!!"

That slap was clear and audible, and it also woke up the proud hearts of all the Japanese officers present - it seems that the current enemy is not weak at all...

"Hay!" The Japanese army staff officer who was slapped was not discouraged, but just bowed his head in response, as if all this had long been a habit.

In contrast, the head of the brigade, Major General Keiichi Aoki, seemed much calmer. He said, "Mr. Kijima, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The loss of this brigade has already provided us with some information. We face to face The enemy's army is very likely to be the elite of the Chinese army, so we must treat it with caution. Our next step should be to concentrate our existing forces and focus on breaking through the enemy's positions. To restore the existing disadvantages, this is the only way is to be done."

"Hay! Your Excellency, brigade commander, taught you a lesson!" Kijima Kasao lowered his head, as if he had really been taught a lesson.

After seeing Kasao Kijima's appearance of being taught, Keiichi Aoki straightened his collar, and then said in a deep voice: "Listen, everyone, get ready for battle immediately! We will go down to Jiujiang in one battle!"

This time, Keiichi Aoki's tone was commanding, without any intention of discussing it.

"Hay!" All the Japanese officers in the headquarters stood at attention and responded, looking very imposing.

Following Keiichi Aoki's decision, the marching speed of the [-]th Brigade of the Japanese Army immediately accelerated, and the combat preparations had reached the extreme!

PS: This update is here.

Thank you for your trust in Xiongying, and you are willing to continue to follow the books, but Xiongying is really working hard to prepare for the exam during this time, and needs a lot of time to read and review, so the update is really irregular.


(End of this chapter)

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