War of Resistance

Chapter 836 Battle of Nine Rivers

Chapter 836 The Defense of Jiujiang ([-])
Teams of Japanese troops were running quickly on the roads that were not paved with any roads, and the formation was not scattered. Seen from the sky, they were swimming fast like long agile snakes.

These Japanese soldiers shouted "Long live" while running, showing that their morale was very high.

Yes, they were originally elite!

The camera turns back to the forward position of the No.11 Division.

After eliminating these Japanese troops, the national army began to clean up the battlefield.

Because these Japanese troops advanced too fast, they left the Japanese troops behind them far behind, so they did not have reinforcements to follow.

The national army's speed of cleaning the battlefield is not slow. After all, these soldiers have all survived the battlefield, and their bodies are quite flexible.

After a while, the battlefield was cleaned up.

Perhaps out of the desire to insult the Japanese army, the officers and soldiers of the No. 11 Division stripped off the dead Japanese officers and soldiers, and then formed a formation.

Of course, when they set up this formation, they didn't forget to arrange such things as booby traps. What they wanted was that the Japanese army would still have to pay a certain amount of casualties when they were in grief.

Not long after, the Japanese troops arrived again.

Seeing the stripped corpses of the Japanese soldiers on the front line, Kijima Kasao, who was riding on the tall horse and looking at the front line, couldn't help but flushed all over his face. Obviously, this was because his anger had accumulated to the extreme.

Anger turned to anger, but Kasao Kijima did not reach the point where he was about to lose his mind. He picked up the binoculars in his hand tremblingly, and stared at the front that was still smoking.

After a long time, Kasao Kijima finally put down the binoculars in his hand. He took a deep breath and said, "The damn Chinese army has artillery units in their hands! No wonder the Soda Brigade was defeated so quickly... report the situation immediately To General Neji Okamura!"

"Hay!!" The Japanese staff officer next to him lowered his head and responded, no one would want to be slapped by the regimental captain.

"Order the troops, prepare to launch a full-strength attack, and must break through the enemy's position in front of you!" Kijima Kasao roared sharply.

"Hay!!" The surrounding Japanese officers and soldiers responded loudly, looking menacing.

Of course, Kasao Kijima is not the kind of person who can only show his bravery. After he gave the order, he immediately sent a reconnaissance force to reconnaissance the forward positions of the national army.

These reconnaissance units were temporarily formed by the order of division head Junrokuro Matsuura after the [-]th Division entered the Central China battlefield. The requirement is that each wing has a squadron size responsible for special reconnaissance missions.

Why ad hoc formation?This involves combat missions-due to the different combat terrain and the Japanese army's extreme unfamiliarity with the terrain, this temporary reconnaissance squadron came into being.

It is not to say that ordinary Japanese troops are weak in field combat capabilities or other things. On the contrary, they are extremely effective whether they are fighting in cities or in the field.

However, out of the consideration of shortening the combat time, process and professionalism, Matsuura Junrokuro set up such a squadron after careful consideration.

Of course, this squadron is not as professional as the reconnaissance of the later generations. They are composed of some soldiers with relatively flexible hands and feet, coupled with some officers, and two radio stations, thus forming a reconnaissance squadron.

Under the order of Kasao Kijima, this telegram about reporting the situation of the frontline troops was transmitted from the front line to Keiichi Aoki's brigade department, and from the brigade department to Neiji Okamura's No. 11 Army Command.


On the outskirts of Jiujiang, Pengze Town.

With the rapid advancement of the Japanese army's advancing troops, Neiji Okamura, who likes to put the headquarters forward, has moved his headquarters here.

As for why Neiji Okamura did not set up his headquarters at the forefront of Hukou Town, there are two reasons: first, from a strategic perspective, if the Chinese army knew that his headquarters was in Hukou Town, the enemy would surely The attack on Hukou at all costs; the second is political considerations, if a shell hits his headquarters of Neiji Okamura, it will be extremely unfavorable politically in the war of aggression.

Because of this, Ningji Okamura made a compromise and set up the headquarters in Pengze Town to finish the job.

As in the past, Neiji Okamura's headquarters was still heavily guarded, and countless Japanese troops with live ammunition were running back and forth nearby, either going to the front line or serving as troops on guard missions.

Even if you are not at the forefront, you can feel the tension here.

At this time, Neiji Okamura had just finished handling an official business, which was probably related to the issue of rear supply. He just wanted to take a break, and he was "seeked" for something else.

I saw a combat staff officer quickly ran to Ningji Okamura, stood at attention and saluted: "Report to Your Excellency! There is an urgent message from the [-]th Brigade of the [-]th Division on the front line, and they are stationed in China in Gutang, Jiujiang. The army has an artillery unit, and a brigade of the brigade's advancing troops has been almost completely wiped out by the Chinese army. According to the call from the brigade commander of the [-]th brigade, Major General Keiichi Aoki, his troops are fully prepared Preparations for the onslaught. Now call for naval and aircraft support."

After hearing the news, Ningji Okamura narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "The Chinese Army has deployed such a powerful force in Gutang. This must be the top priority of the Chinese Army's defense. Since Songhu After the two major wars in Nanjing and Nanjing, the Central Army of the Chinese Army was basically in a state of being severely damaged, or even wiped out."

Okamura Ningji slowed down, and then continued: "Under such circumstances, the Chinese Army is willing to use such an elite force to fight against us. It seems to be similar to what I expected..."

"Your Excellency, General, you are wise!" The Japanese combat staff next to him patted a not-so-sounding flattery.

"Yo Xi, send me an order immediately, ordering all the troops on the front line, at all costs, to capture Gutang Town, which is heavily guarded by the Chinese Army! Specially order the Navy's naval guns and aircraft units to provide full support. In addition, other ministries, We must also move closer to Gutang Town! As long as Gutang Town is located, Jiujiang County will be directly exposed to the front of our army! Immediately execute the order!" Said, Okamura Ningji patted the desktop in front of him heavily .

This time, Neiji Okamura is already determined to win Jiujiang County!

Following Neiji Okamura's offensive order, Japanese troops from all walks of life moved into action one after another, and began to march towards Gutang, the key point of the Jiujiang battlefield, at an unusually fast speed!
Gutang, an unknown place, will eventually become a key point in the game between the Chinese and Japanese armies!
The Japanese army has stretched out their long fangs, and they want to take Gutang at all costs, while the officers and soldiers of the national army have received orders to defend Gutang to the death!

PS: I'm so sorry that I have been interrupted for so long before, I have taken three consecutive exams.

Damn, I'm still having a hard time.

Anyway, thank you for your continued support.

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Thank you Qidian book friend, I am not afraid of you, for your support of 1000 points!

Thank you Qidian book friend 20170909023245850 for the support of 200 points!

Thank you Qidian book friends for their 100-point support!

(End of this chapter)

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