War of Resistance

Chapter 837 Battle of Nine Rivers

Chapter 837 Battle of Jiujiang Defense ([-])
The Japanese army was advancing rapidly on land, and their surface ships also appeared on Poyang Lake.

"Ah~ ah~"

There was a sound of steel rubbing against each other, as if the steel door had not been rubbed with butter, rattling, very unpleasant.

This is the babbling sound of the Japanese naval guns raising their heads.

The huge and hollow muzzle aimed at Gutang Town on the river bank, and in an instant, "boom!!!"

A huge shell spun out of the muzzle, drew an arc in the air, and then slammed into the position of the national army.


The mud was flying, and the sound of the guns was deafening.

With the launch of this round of naval artillery shells, the Japanese artillery fire began to bombard Gutang Town intensively.

Under this terrifying bombing, the officers and soldiers of the national army began to hide one after another. Occasionally, the wailing sounds of a few officers and soldiers whose legs were accidentally broken by the bombing were completely overwhelmed by the overwhelming explosion. covered.

"Regiment! The artillery fire ahead is so fierce, should we ask for artillery support?" A combat staff officer ran to Chen Jianzhong, the head of the No.60 Sixth Regiment, panting and reported.

Seeing that Chen Jianzhong's face was sinking like water, he said after a little thought: "The enemy's artillery fire is so fierce, our army's artillery units are small, and the artillery units of the friendly army have given our regiment such a great help just now. The firepower is exposed. But it's not good."

"But, Tuan Zuo! Are we really going to take our brothers' lives to fight the Japanese artillery fire?!" The combat staff officer seemed to be unable to believe his ears. This is not the case for Tuan Zuo, who usually loves his brothers so much.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Chen Jianzhong's face, and then he became firm again, saying: "Let's wait and see again, after the artillery fire from Little Japan ceases, their troops should come up, and when their troops come up, then we will come back." Give them a hard time. Carry out the order!"

After hearing the regimental commander's resolute tone, even if the combat staff had no choice but to do nothing, he could only respond: "Yes! Regiment!"

In the cement-poured bunker, Chen Jianzhong was looking into the distance with a telescope in his hand, fearing that the Japanese army would launch the most violent attack while taking advantage of the sound of gunfire.

To everyone's surprise, the Japanese artillery offensive lasted for half an hour!

Looking at the battered position that had been bombed, but still flying around under the intensive artillery fire of the Japanese army, Chen Jianzhong finally couldn't help it: "Call the artillery position immediately and ask for artillery support!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The combat staff officer immediately picked up the phone after receiving the instructions from the regiment leader and said, "This is the No. 11 Division No. 60 Sixth Regiment Headquarters of the Gutang Town Position, pick it up for me immediately." Artillery positions!"


Back to 5 minutes ago, the ninth theater guarded the artillery position of the first regiment.

The cannons were still facing the front line of Gutang Town, and they didn't even move their positions.

"Tuan Zuo, now that the little devils on the front line are firing so fiercely, I'm afraid the No. 11 Division will feel uncomfortable..." he said sideways to Liu Houming, who was smoking a cigarette next to Zhang Tianhai.

"Uncomfortable? There is nothing you can do about it." Zhang Tianhai leaned behind the small soil slope and said, "They should be able to hold on now, and our artillery positions can't just be exposed like this unless it is a last resort. Life is much more valuable than infantry gold."

Although Zhang Tianhai didn't want to admit this fact, it was the fact that the infantry was the main force in ground combat, but they were far from being able to replace the artillery.

"Hey, who made our country poor and weak, so we can only be bullied by the great powers." After speaking, Liu Houming snuffed out the remaining cigarette butts.

"Don't worry! Our soldiers are working hard, and I think we will be able to drive Little Japan out of China in a short time." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

Although the ending has been known for a long time, Zhang Tianhai still wants to do his part to eliminate one more enemy.

The debt of 30 human lives in Nanjing cannot be offset by the little devil's emperor shouting "We surrender".

He has already integrated into this era, and is no longer a cold spectator!

Not long after, the phone rang, and a soldier ran out of the bunker in a hurry and reported to Zhang Tianhai: "Reporting to the regiment, the No. 60 Sixth Regiment requests artillery support!"

"The No. 60 Sixth Regiment requests artillery support?" Zhang Tianhai put down his cigarette butt, "Call me Zhao Chengge immediately."

"Yes! Group seat!" The soldier stood at attention and saluted.

After a while, Zhao Chengge walked in front of Zhang Tianhai, stood at attention and saluted, "Reporter, I am here to report to you, please give instructions!"

"Well, Battalion Commander Zhao, can you give some artillery support to the front line? After the artillery support, our artillery will immediately retreat and change positions." Zhang Tianhai didn't hesitate, and asked directly.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Zhao Chengge's face, and he asked, "Teacher, our brothers have already prepared to shoot at the little devil, and are waiting for your order now, but it will be fine if we fight for a while. But it’s so boring to hit it once and then withdraw.”

"You want to annihilate and kill the enemy, I can understand that, after all, these little Japanese and I are irreconcilable. But our sacrifice must be worthwhile." Zhang Tianhai stood up from the ground and looked at Zhao Chengge , "You are an artillery officer, you should be very clear that once our position is exposed, we will face overwhelming artillery fire from the Japanese army. If we don't leave, the artillery battalion will be gone."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai patted Zhao Chengge on the shoulder, looked at his simple and honest face and said: "Gutang Town cannot be defended, it is too close to the river, and the Japanese naval guns can hit it. Our If the artillery is gone, it will be difficult to fight the next battle. We must not repeat the mistakes of Shanghai!"

The head of the group has already talked about this, and Zhao Chengge has nothing to say, so he can only respond dejectedly: "Yes, group seat. I will carry out the order in a humble position."

Following Zhang Tianhai's order, the officers and soldiers of the Artillery Battalion of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone took action one after another.

The only difference is that some of these artillerymen are loading shells into the artillery, while some artillerymen are transporting ammunition into the cabin.

Obviously, this is preparations for retreat.

Watching this busy scene, Zhang Tianhai stood with his hands behind his back, and sighed: "Brothers of Division No. 11, I, Zhang, can only help so far. War always requires sacrifice. Our ninth division The center of gravity of the first regiment of theater guards is in Wanjialing. I hope you can reduce sacrifices and join me in fighting Wanjialing."

Zhang Tianhai was sighing, but Liu Houming next to him couldn't see clearly. He muttered to himself, "Wanjialing? Where is Wanjialing? What's the point?"

The corner of Zhang Tianhai's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything in the end.


PS: The first update of this month is here.

It has been updated irregularly for two months, and this month must resume updating for at least one month!
Thanks to Dark Waltz for the reward of 1000 points!

Thanks to QQ reading friend Qiu Yiming for the reward of 100 book coins~!

(End of this chapter)

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