War of Resistance

Chapter 838 Battle of Nine Rivers

Chapter 838 Jiujiang Defense Battle ([-])
Those who understand don't need to say it, they will naturally understand; those who don't understand may still not understand after explaining it.

Gutang Town, Zhang Tianhai understood why this place knew it was impossible to defend, but still had to send such an elite army to defend it.

It's not because of anything else, but Gutang Town is Jiujiang's last insurance on the west bank.

Once Gutang Town falls, the Japanese army can drive straight in and go straight down to Jiujiang.

Gutang Town cannot be defended, but it must be defended - if it is not defended, Jiujiang will be like the three eastern provinces, which will take the initiative to retreat and not defend.

Zhang Tianhai has also been thinking about the battle situation during this time, and also thinking about Zhang Fakui's strategic layout, where is the focus of Jiujiang's defense?
After careful thinking for a while, Zhang Tianhai really made him figure out something.

In Jiujiang, Poyang Lake is in front of it, and Gutang Town is separated. If Gutang Town is lost, Jiujiang must not be defended; if Jiujiang cannot be defended, it can only rely on peripheral positions.

Looking left and right, Zhang Tianhai seemed to have to rely on places like Lushan and Xingzipu to guard against death.

Only by relying on the terrain near Jiujiang to pose a threat to Jiujiang, the Japanese army could not drive unscrupulously along the Yangtze River to Wuhan.




"Report sir, the first and second companies of the artillery battalion are ready for artillery fire. They are ready to launch at any time, please instruct." The staff officer of the artillery battalion came to report.

"After the fight, retreat immediately!" Zhao Chengge said in a deep voice, carrying out Zhang Tianhai's order to the letter.

"Yes! Sir!" The artillery battalion staff officer responded.

Following Zhao Chengge's order, these artillery pieces that had been tuned fired one by one, and fired in the direction of Nagutang Town.

Soon, rounds of shells continued to hit the lake.

Some shells hit the river, causing a splash of water; some shells hit Japanese warships.

Although the damage to the warship was not great, it also made the Japanese army start to panic.

"Cannonballs! It's cannonballs! The enemy has artillery units! Immediately maneuver and carry out artillery counter-suppression!!!"

Along with the shouts of the Japanese officers on the warship, there were also sharp whistles.

The artillery firepower of the Japanese warships immediately became smaller.

In the distance, the position of the No.11 Division of the National Army was also bombarded by the Japanese naval guns and the army artillery fire on the opposite river bank.

"Great, great. Our artillery has opened fire, so we don't have to be bombed." A middle-aged man with gunpowder and dust on his face said tremblingly.

However, as he spoke, the middle-aged man burst into tears: "Poor Gouba, Sanjier and those two children were blown to death by the shells. There is no one left. What will happen to me in the future?" Confess to their parents. I brought them out..."

"Old man. If you want me to tell you, those of us who are soldiers and get paid by the army may die someday. In war, there is no one who is not dead." A veteran beside him struck a match, his face full of melancholy , as if already used to this life of life and death.

"You said that we farmers are farming well at home. Once this little Japan comes, our bad days will be even more hopeless..." Old Geng sighed.

But before the old man finished sighing, an old squad leader rushed over and roared: "Quick! Quick! Quick! Build the fortifications immediately! Little Japan is about to attack! Hurry up! Work quickly!! "

Following the squad leader's yelling, these soldiers woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and quickly picked up the thing and started working.

This short period of time is the front line of life that they build to survive - the trenches are their life.

In these four battlefields of gunpowder, everything is busy.


While the national army was busy building positions, the Japanese army's army had already assembled and was still heading towards Gutang Town.

The two large regiments of the Japanese army have been assembled, and there are also the headquarters of the [-]th regiment of the Japanese [-]th Brigade (Mountain Brigade) and the [-]th Regiment of Tanaka Shengdao.

It can be said that the main force of the [-]th Division has already assembled here!
"The first troop, the second troop, advance at full speed!!"

Perhaps because he disliked that his troops were moving too slowly, the head of the [-]th Brigade, Yamachi Tan, pulled out the samurai sword in his waist and held it high.

Following Major General Shandi's order, the advance speed of the Japanese army accelerated again. They were like war machines that knew no pain, and only obeyed the commander's order.

To be more precise, they have already been brainwashed by the damn bushido spirit so that they don't know anything, they just long for how to kill people and go to war!

This is a group of cold-blooded animals without emotion!

They only know what fighting is and what war is!

Seen from above, groups of neatly lined up Japanese troops follow their own trajectory like streams, and then slowly gather together to form a rushing river!

During this period, this "big river" kept roaring "Ke Lie" and "Ke Lie".


"The little devil is here!"

"The little devil is here!"

"Everyone prepare for battle quickly!!"

Seeing through the binoculars the Japanese soldiers charging towards the shore in speedboats, the officers and soldiers of the national army began to prepare in a panic.

How fierce the fighting power of the Japanese army is, these national army officers and soldiers who have fought against the Japanese army countless times will not understand!

In addition to the Japanese troops who came by speedboat, there were also Japanese troops who rebuilt the pontoon bridge from the Meijiazhou Bridge!

For a while, it can be said that it is not menacing!

"Tuan Zuo, now the little devils are coming aggressively, and they have surrounded our army from multiple directions. Their general attack is about to start. What should we do now?" Battalion Commander Xie Chengkun walked to the regiment commander Chen Jianzhong and reported .

"What else can I do? Let's die. Let's talk about it if we can't bear it! We can no longer rely on our friendly troops. This time the Japanese army must have been prepared for our artillery fire. We will not get artillery support. , the friendly troops next to each other also have their own main battle missions. For this battle, just be prepared." Chen Jianzhong clenched his fists lightly, and a trace of determination flashed across that handsome face that resembled the future Ou Hao.

Before receiving the retreat order from the chief, he, Chen Jianzhong, would never take the initiative to leave Gutang Town and let the main force of the Japanese army drive straight into Jiujiang!
"However, Tuan Zuo, I feel that we must be obliged to remind them, otherwise, our sacrifice is meaningless." Xie Chengkun said in a deep voice, he is not afraid of death, his troops are on the front line , he feared only that the sacrifice of so many of their brethren was worthless.

"This matter is up to me to decide, as long as you carry out the order." Chen Jianzhong's firm eyes were staring at Xie Chengkun fiercely.

"Yes! Group seats!" Xie Chengkun responded.

After Xie Chengkun left, Chen Jianzhong sighed quietly and muttered to himself: "Gutang Town cannot be defended. I only hope that our sacrifice can buy more time for the defense of Jiujiang County."

After speaking, Chen Jianzhong turned his gaze to the direction of Jiujiang County.


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Thank you Qidian book friend 20171126091759755 for the reward of 1000 points!

(End of this chapter)

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