War of Resistance

Chapter 839 Battle of Nine Rivers

Chapter 839 Defense of Jiujiang ([-])
The unit responsible for the defense of Jiujiang is still the Li Hanhun Corps of the Cantonese Army.

As a Cantonese army that can be said to be second to none elite, the Li Hanhun Legion is duty-bound.

The landing direction of the Japanese army was not only a small Gutang Town, but also the southeast direction near Xingzidui.

The peripheral troops of Li Hanhun's corps had already started fighting with the Japanese army. Jiujiang County, as the core of the defense of Jiujiang, could never have abandoned the city and fled.

Therefore, Jiujiang County is also busy.

Li Hanhun, the commander of the No.20 Ninth Army Corps and No.60 Fourth Army, was standing on the top of the city of Jiujiang County looking at everything around him.

The main theme of the scene is undoubtedly the construction work.

"Army seat, this is going to be another fierce battle..." The chief of staff next to him let out a long sigh.

"Inevitably, the national army has been defeated all the way since the beginning of the war. Except for the Taierzhuang victory, there is really no record. If we lose the battle, it is not unexpected. The key is how much we can consume in this battle. A little devil from the East." Li Hanhun's tone was very calm, with almost no ups and downs.

"We have also fought many battles along the way, from Songhu to Xuzhou to Lanfeng. Now we are in Jiujiang again. I don't know how long we will fight this war. Follow us from Guangdong I'm going to kill all my soldiers." The chief of staff said, with infinite melancholy in his words.

"What can we do? Let's fight. If Japan doesn't retreat from our land, we won't cease fighting. One day, our flag of victory will be planted on the top of Mount Fuji." Li Han said. Soul took out a cigarette and lit it.

"I also believe that this day will come soon." The chief of staff responded.


However, is the reality really as beautiful as imagined?

Not at all!

After experiencing the short-term suppression of the national army's artillery fire, the Japanese army immediately raised a hot air balloon and began to measure the possible positions of the national army's artillery positions, and then immediately launched artillery fire to counter the suppression.



A round of large-caliber naval gun shells burst out from the muzzle of the naval gun on the Japanese warship again, and fired towards the land on the west bank.




The shells smashed hard on the land, and immediately set off a cloud of smoke and dust.

Many unlucky trees, too, were hit by this burst of fire and fell.

It happened that a shell hit the artillery position of the No. [-] Police Regiment in the Ninth War Zone, and the ground was suddenly covered in dust. After the dust settled, a big hole appeared.

This scene made Zhao Chengge, the artillery battalion commander of the police [-]st regiment, break out in a cold sweat.

"The regiment is wise... Fortunately, our troops withdrew quickly, otherwise two shells would come down, and all of our guys would have been thrown here..." Zhao Chengge was still in shock after taking a breath of air. He said to Zhang Tianhai, the group leader next to him.

I saw Zhang Tianhai shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's better not to underestimate our enemy. After all, our enemy is a strong enemy."

"What about Gutang Town?" Zhao Chengge asked seriously after recovering.

"Gutang Town is not something that our troops can intervene now, and it is only for them to ask for their own blessings. From a strategic point of view, Jiujiang has never been a good place to defend. The political significance of defending here is greater than the Practical meaning. The little devil still has to fight, we have to save some strength, and give the little devil a hard hit." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai, who was walking on the road, turned his attention to the Japanese hot air balloon in the distance.

Zhang Tianhai is not ignorant of the role of this observation balloon, but his hot air balloon is helpless - the distance is far away, the effective range of the bullet cannot be hit at all, and whether there is such a sharp weapon as PRG, so it is only It may be out of reach.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo, I understand." Zhao Chengge nodded and said, but said nothing else.


Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh, but never looked back. He just led his artillery unit to Jijia Village wholeheartedly.

Jijia Village is Zhang Yulin's current headquarters!

When Zhang Tianhai's troops were about to return to Jijia Village, the large Japanese troops finally assembled and launched a very fierce attack on Gutang Town!

"Ha Youke!!!!"

The commanders of the Japanese army were shouting, and a group of well-trained and highly motivated Japanese soldiers were charging.

From the actions of these Japanese officers and soldiers, it can be seen that they are not as brain-dead as those filmed in the anti-Japanese dramas.On the contrary, this is a group of real elites!

If not, how could Ningji Okamura be so confident that with the strength of a brigade, he would try to shake the strength of nearly ten divisions of the national army?
In addition to the arrogance of the Japanese army, could it be related to the weak combat effectiveness of the national army? Sometimes, in addition to analyzing the reasons for the strength of the enemy, we also need to analyze our own strength objectively.

The artillery was rumbling, and the Japanese infantry was charging.

The Japanese army charging in the field, relying on the craters blasted by shells one by one, began to build their temporary front, using light machine guns and grenades to establish a tight and strict fire blockade, in an attempt to Form fire suppression on the opposite national army.

But let alone, their firepower is really fierce, at least for a while, the firepower of the national army on the opposite side is much weaker in a short period of time.

"Hold on! Hold on!!" Battalion Commander Xie Chengkun shouted, fearing that his troops would be attacked by the enemy because of their cowardice.

The most important thing is that the current unit he leads is far inferior to the powerful No.11 division before the War of Resistance in terms of combat effectiveness.

To put it bluntly, the current army is a reorganized army of remnants!

Even if the so-called military spirit is still there, the weakening of combat power is inevitable.

From this point of view, Xie Chengkun's worries are not unreasonable.

The Japanese army's ferocious attack caused the casualties of the national army to gradually increase, the blood began to slowly stain the land, and the fierce battle began to gradually turn white-hot.

A whole brigade of the Japanese army launched a ferocious attack on Chen Jianzhong's No. 60 regiment. The Japanese artillery and aircraft were not idle, launching wave after wave of violent attacks on the positions of the national army.

Thick smoke was billowing, and there were bursts of smoke and dust that were blown up. The whole position was a doomsday scene mixed with dust and gunpowder smoke, which was very frightening.

"The little devil is coming up again! Everyone fight!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the national army were roaring. After many battles by the Japanese and Japanese troops, they were no longer afraid of the ferocious fighting power of the Japanese army.

They were all born and raised by their parents, and they all carried a head on their shoulders. Who is afraid of whom? !
It was the brutal Japanese army, and behind them were their parents, brothers and sisters.

The Nanjing Massacre has told them the bloody facts, and they have no way to retreat!

PS: I was too tired yesterday to engage in joint innovation in four cities, so the update will be slow.

During this period of time, I was really adjusting my state, thinking about how to write better, and how to touch everyone's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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