War of Resistance

Chapter 840 Battle of Nine Rivers

Chapter 840 The Battle of Jiujiang ([-])
Chen Xiaohu is a squad leader of the No.60 Sixth Regiment First Battalion. For him, it took him five months to become the squad leader, which is not something to be happy about.

Because during the war, the squad leader is also considered a cadre, and the price of becoming a cadre is to experience countless deaths and narrow escapes.

So, this is not something to be happy about.

More than half of Chen Xiaohu's squad had been killed or injured, and now he was going to lead this squad, which was incomplete, to fight the Japanese invaders to the end.

"Squad leader! Qi Wa is dead, and Gao Leng is also dead. Now there are only five people left in our squad, what are we going to do?" A fairly burly soldier ran to Chen Xiaohu and said.

"If you can't bear it, you have to bear it. At worst, you will die." Chen Xiaohu said in a strong Southwest mandarin. From the accent, he should be in the southwestern part of Hubei near Chongqing.

Saying that, Chen Xiaohu picked up the fully loaded rifle in his hand, and shot a Japanese invader who was charging ahead.

One shot passed, and the Japanese soldier fell down, but soon, a comrade of Chen Xiaohu was also shot.

"Little Japan, I'll fuck your ancestors!!"

The officers and soldiers of the national army were cursing angrily, and the battle had already reached a fever pitch.


Personal sacrifice will not change much the general situation on the battlefield that has become an established fact.

The national army finally failed due to its own weak strength and other factors. After sacrificing nearly a battalion of the No.60 Sixth Regiment, the No.60 Sixth Regiment withdrew from Gutang Town.

Gutang Town fell.

At this time, the No.60 Sixth Regiment had already suffered more than half of the casualties.

The fall of Gutang Town made Jiujiang also precarious.

The location of Gutang Town was too close to Poyang Lake, and the terrain was not particularly conducive to defense, so it was lost in the end.

Immediately after the onslaught of the Japanese army, after the Chinese army persisted in Jiujiang County for a day and a night, it finally fell.

The troops of the No.60 Fourth Army that were withdrawn from the front line came one after another, and most of them were wounded, looking in a state of disarray.

"Sir, the Japanese army has already entered Jiujiang. The casualties of our troops are so heavy, I'm afraid the follow-up operations will be unsustainable!" The Chief of Staff of the No. 60 Fourth Army said to Li Hanhun next to him.

At this time, Li Hanhun didn't seem to be in a good mood, after all, he had lost the battle.

Standing on the side of the bustling road, Li Hanhun said slowly: "It's not the first time we've lost a battle, but what I've been thinking about is when will we be able to win a decisive battle."

"Sir, don't worry! I believe that day will not be too long." The chief of staff said in a deep voice.

"It can only be said to be hope... Now in the Jiujiang area, the only unit that can truly be called an elite unit may be Zhang Tianhai's regiment. What is the strength of Wang Jingjiu's unit? It remains to be tested. Let it be Naturally!" Li Hanhun let out a long sigh.

At this time, it was already the night of July 27, 25th year of the Republic of China.


The camera turns back to the headquarters of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, Jijia Village.

Zhang Tianhai was the first to hear about the fall of Gutang Town and the fall of Jiujiang County.

No, because of the fall of Jiujiang County, the police regiment defense area north of Lushan Mountain became the first choice for the Japanese army to attack. Zhang Tianhai could not help but treat it cautiously.

At this time, the headquarters was smoky, which was caused by Zhang Tianhai and others smoking inside, but there was no ventilation equipment.

"Tuan, what should we do now?" Chief of Staff Li Yinglun looked at Zhang Tianhai, after all, the latter is the backbone of the group.

"What should we do? We have mobilized a lot of troops in the past two days. The three battalions stationed in Lushan have all been pulled out, and the cavalry battalion can also be organized into battle. Counting the troops directly under the regiment headquarters, we can basically mobilize six battalions. The combat troops. But there are still too few people..." Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh.

Before Li Yinglun, Guo Qiliang and others could speak, Zhang Tianhai pointed to the location of Jiujiang on the map, then pointed to the location of Jijia Village, and said, "Now that the Japanese invaders occupy Jiujiang County, if they want to attack us , is a matter at any time, now we just need to see if our opponent wants to occupy Mount Lushan."

Zhang Tianhai knew very well that after the Japanese troops occupied Jiujiang, the next step in their military deployment was to seize control of the Nanxun Railway.

However, the troops going to the Nanxun Railway were only the 11th Division of the Japanese Army, and the entire No.[-] Army was not involved.

Then the question arises, after the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army went south to the direction of De'an, how will their police regiment be located?Should we go to De'an, or continue to stay at Mount Lushan?
This is still an unknown.

If you are stationed alone on Mount Lushan, will you have to face the siege of a brigade or even the main force of a division of the Japanese No. 11 Army?But don't forget, Xingzipu will also be the focus.

If the Japanese army had not opened a gap from Wang Jingjiu's No. 20 Fifth Army in Xingzipu, there is no doubt that these Japanese troops would target the police regiment stationed in the north of Lushan Mountain.

In terms of the strength of the first police regiment at this stage, let alone a division, even a brigade could wipe out Zhang Yulin's not so strong strength.

It's not that Zhang Tianhai is timid, but that the responsibilities on his shoulders are too heavy.

If speaking from the perspective of a bystander in history, Zhang Tianhai would have said the last sentence: The main force of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army went to De'an, but they were beaten to death in Wanjialing. The whole department was almost wiped out. If you don't join in the excitement, are you still human?
But from the perspective of the head of the first police regiment, Zhang Tianhai couldn't afford to lose.

The police regiment is now strong and strong, with more than 6000 armored men. If there is a little carelessness, this powerful elite of the national army will be ruined-as the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

"But Tuan, many times, our plans can't keep up with the changes, just like the series of military battle plans you made a few days ago, which are useless." Guo Qiliang persuaded Zhang Tianhai, he saw Zhang Tianhai with his own eyes The plans that were made, but due to the fierce offensive of the Japanese army, it was too late to implement these plans.

Therefore, Guo Qiliang could only watch Zhang Tianhai burn all the military combat plans at hand.

Hearing the truth from Guo Qiliang, Zhang Tianhai felt powerless from the bottom of his heart—the development of the battle situation was ever-changing. He was originally just a small company commander, and now he holds thousands of soldiers in his hands. There are too many differences in the commander of the soldiers.

In this huge game, the police regiment is, to put it bluntly, just a pawn.

At the same time, this is also a pawn that neither side can ignore. The key lies in combat effectiveness. This is a reinforced regiment that can beat a Japanese regiment...

If the troops placed in Jiujiang are insufficient, then the Japanese army will lose Jiujiang, which was captured by the Japanese army with great effort.

To put it bluntly, as long as the police regiment continues to be stationed in the north of Lushan Mountain, it will be able to seriously threaten the rear flanks of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army understands, and the national army will not understand!

PS: One update will be delivered!

Try to code the second update later and send it!
Thank you Qidian book friend 20171126091759755 for the reward of 1000 points!

(End of this chapter)

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