War of Resistance

Chapter 841 Expedition to Nanxun

Chapter 841 Expedition to Nanxun
It was precisely because of the special position of the police regiment that Zhang Tianhai was so nervous.

To be a human being, you still have to learn to see your own position clearly, this is the way to survive.


The camera turns to the Japanese army.

Matsuura Junrokuro, who had been inspecting the troops in the dilapidated Jiujiang County, received a telegram from Neiji Okamura, commander of the No.11 Army.

"Report to your Excellency, division commander, Commander Neiji Okamura's urgent telegram, please read it!" A Japanese lieutenant ran to the division commander Junrokuro Matsuura and reported.

Without even thinking about it, Matsuura Junrokuro took the telegram, opened it and read it carefully.

I saw that this is not a very official order, on the contrary, this is a very kind article in terms of tone and wording——

"Mr. Matsuura, Jiujiang has fallen, but the empire has not achieved long-term success in the battle against Hankou. You should continue to encourage yourself and continue to lead the empire's elite divisions to make contributions to the front line. In order to quickly achieve the results of the war against China , I must now issue a combat order to you in the name of the commander. Your mission is to expel the Chinese army on both sides of the Nanxun Railway, gain control of the Nanxun Railway, and ensure the safety of the two wings of our main force. No .11th Army Commander, Lieutenant General Ningji Okamura."

After closing the telegram, Matsuura Junrokuro closed his eyes, and said softly: "This order from the commander seems to be another big move... Nanxun Railway, Nanxun Railway..."

Not long after, Matsuura Junrokuro finally opened his eyes, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Give me an order, the headquarters of the [-]th Division, except for those with combat missions, immediately gather all officers above the rank and file. The meeting is about to start!! Within half an hour, I want to see their people!"


After ordering the officers to concentrate, Matsuura Junrokuro walked to the map, looked at the map and said: "Now around our division, there are still many Chinese army units with defeated troops, and there are also Chinese Central Army who have never been in battle. Elite, now that the main force of our division is about to go out, Jiujiang County will inevitably fall into a state of weak troops... Gentlemen, what suggestions do you have?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, in the humble opinion of my humble position, I can send a capable force to launch a round of raids around Lushan Mountain." The one who spoke was Kosao Kijima, the commander of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd Regiments of the Japanese Army.

"I also agree with Kijima-kun's suggestion, but this unit must not be composed of troops from our [-]th Division." Said Aoki Keiichi, the brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade, and he is also the Kao Shaxiong's immediate superior said, "Since our army entered the Madang battlefield, we have experienced fierce battles several times, with heavy casualties. We have not recovered to the state before the war. At this time, our army is about to set off on the Nanxun Railway, and we are not allowed to have too many Our troops are caught in the battle in the rear."

As soon as Keiichi Aoki finished speaking, the head of the [-]th brigade, Yamachi Tan, continued: "Your Excellency, the head of the division, I also think that Aoki-kun's words are reasonable, and the organizational system of our brigade has not yet been restored. State. The expedition to the Nanxun Railway is an in-depth battle with a single army. In order to ensure the successful completion of the combat mission, we must gather our troops and smash the defense of the Chinese army like a giant iron fist!"

Seeing that the two brigade leaders under him had said so, Matsuura Junrokuro was already interested, but out of caution, he still recruited the captain of the cavalry regiment, Osaku Kinko, and the captain of the field artillery regiment, Uga. Wu Dazuo's opinion: "You two, what do you think?"

Mu Baojun, captain of the [-]th Cavalry Regiment, and Uga Takeshi, captain of the [-]th Field Artillery Regiment, looked at each other, and then said: "There is no opinion on the rank, as long as the commander of the division gives an order, the artillery The (cavalry) regiment has absolutely no complaints!"

Seeing the people in front of him, Junrokuro Matsuura nodded and said, "Yoxi, let's make a decision like that! Come on, call His Excellency General Neiji Okamura immediately in the name of the division and tell him about our current situation!"

"Hay!" A second lieutenant of the Japanese army beside him responded.


Soon, a telegram was sent directly from the headquarters of the 11th Division to the headquarters of the No.[-] Army.

"Your Excellency, Commander, Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro, head of the [-]th Division, has an urgent call!" A Japanese combat staff officer ran to Neiji Okamura and reported.

"Bring it." Okamura Neji said in a deep voice.

After opening the telegram, Okamura Ningji looked at it carefully, then walked to the map and said: "The combat troops near Jiujiang have almost been drawn out. If all the [-]th divisions are dispatched, Jiujiang For the defense of the county seat, let the headquarters send a guard brigade there!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, according to the special high-level information, there are still some elite troops of the Chinese army around Jiujiang. For example, the third theater that suffered a lot from Lieutenant General Doihara Kenji was directly under the First Regiment. The designation has been changed to the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone." A major general next to him said, it seems that he should be the chief of staff of the No.11 Army.

"Chief of staff, are you stupid? Our strategic goal is Wuhan, not just a regiment-level force of the China Army. Just such a regiment-level force is not worthy of our attention! Our goal is to take down the entire China !" Okamura Neiji reprimanded the chief of staff, he meant that as his chief of staff, he must have a comprehensive awareness, as long as he wins the war on the big side, the small side is nothing to worry about.

Obviously, in the eyes of a general at the level of Neiji Okamura, a small unit like Zhang Tianhai, the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, with only a few thousand soldiers, is not worthy of his attention at all.

What's more, if too much energy is devoted to such a small force, it will seriously delay the military process of capturing Wuhan.

Don't forget that the task given to them by Emperor Hirohito is to capture Wuhan as soon as possible, so as to win the overall victory of the war against China!
"Hay! I understand!" The chief of staff, who was reprimanded, lowered his head, as if embarrassed.

"Chief of Staff, I also know that there are not many people who can make Kenji Doihara suffer. This army is definitely not a simple Chinese army. If we put in a brigade of troops to deal with them, it will be The gains outweigh the losses. Our next battle will be related to whether the empire can quickly win the war against China. Compared with the entire territory of China, a mere regiment is nothing, no matter how strong their combat effectiveness is, they are not afraid. When we come back and crush it with the strength of a brigade, all problems will be solved, and this is not a big problem at all." Maybe because he felt that his tone was a little too heavy, Okamura Ningji used very Explained in a calm tone.

"Hay! I understand! It's my fault!" The chief of staff also admitted his shortcomings openly.

"Next, we should think about what preparations we should make." Neiji Okamura said meaningfully.


PS: This is to make up for the second update last night. It was too late last night and I was too sleepy, so I fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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