War of Resistance

Chapter 843 Hot potato?

Chapter 843 Hot potato?

The word "to scare the snake with grass" is not only one of the idioms, but it is also one of the 36 tricks.

In idioms, the meaning is to make the opponent alert; but in the art of war, it makes the enemy panic.

Obviously, Zhang Fakui meant the latter.

In Zhang Fakui's view, sending two brigades of the national army to launch a tentative battle against the Japanese army is already very respectful of these little devils.

Although it is said that the Japanese army is on the front line.There may be a lot of troops in terms of combat deployment, but the strength of the two brigades is enough to stir up this muddy water.

Don't forget, two brigades are one division.


Jijia Village, Headquarters of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone.

In the past two days, the troops of the police regiment have been mobilized frequently.

Why is it mobilized so frequently?It was mainly due to the fall of Jiujiang County and the sudden actions of the Japanese army.

Not to mention other troops, especially the troops headed by the cavalry battalion, almost never stopped mobilizing.

The task of the cavalry battalion is also very simple and not onerous. It mainly undertakes the task of reconnaissance of the enemy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reconnaissance range of the cavalry battalion has slowly radiated from Jijia Village to the surrounding area of ​​Jiujiang County.

This move made the Japanese troops stationed in Jiujiang County very nervous-after all, their large troops are still far away, and there is only one brigade in charge of stationing here. Can't get any good ones.

Therefore, the Japanese army was not careless about the actions taken by the national army, but only sent a small number of cavalry to conduct tentative strikes outside the city.

However, what troubled the commanders in the city was that these Chinese troops did not know which troops they were composed of, but they left all the cavalry they sent outside the city, and none of them came back.


Jiujiang County, the headquarters of the Japanese Garrison Brigade.

Compared with the previous two days, the situation in Jiujiang County seems to be much better. After all, after the Japanese army entered the city, they also wanted to clear up the city, and then use the resources in the city to carry out maximum fortifications. garrison.

The headquarters of the Japanese Garrison Brigade was located in a relatively intact building in the city, and the Japanese dog-skin plaster flag was hung above the building.

It's not that Little Japan doesn't want to be stationed in such a good place as the original city defense command, but because the Cantonese troops burned down the county town of Jiujiang before they withdrew.

The reason is to fight the war on scorched earth, and not leave anything useful to the Japanese army, so as not to be a resource for the enemy.

Tanaka Yoshikun is the captain of the garrison brigade, with the rank of lieutenant assistant, and he looks like a handsome and handsome talent. After all, he is a talent who came out of the No. 11 Army Command, at least the kind who can be a banner when he stands out.

Even though he is not that strong type in terms of battle command, he stands here and represents the face of the No.11 Army.

Tanaka Yikun also attached great importance to the high hopes placed by General Ningji Okamura. After all, Jiujiang County was also taken down by the Japanese army with a lot of effort.

The so-called "headquarters" here is actually the headquarters of a brigade to put it bluntly. It only has the responsibility of defending the city, so the guard headquarters for defending the city are merged together.

"Captain! It's not good. None of the warriors we sent came back. The Chinese army outside the city is very arrogant. We have to be careful." A squadron leader ran to Tanaka Yijun and reported.

"Nani, it's another squad's strength. We have to shrink our troops. If this continues, our troops will really be wiped out. Let's shrink our troops to the main stronghold! Wait for the arrival of General Neiji Okamura's army !" Tanaka Yijun said in a deep voice, but a haze flashed in his eyes.

For someone like him who was originally from the headquarters of the field army, he has never fought such a useless battle-his own army is still behind, and the only field division with the strongest combat effectiveness on the front line has also been sent. De'an and Nanchang are on the front line, leaving their elite but insufficient troops here.

If it's the enemy troops who are not strong in combat power, forget it, it's barely an easy job.But now?Before the designation of these enemy troops could be clarified, nearly two squadrons were lost. This is not a good thing.

"Hay!" The squadron leader responded.

Soon, the Japanese garrison brigade in charge of guarding Jiujiang County began to shrink its forces to various main strongholds outside the city. What it wanted was to ensure absolute control of Jiujiang.

Tanaka Yoshikun is only 33 years old this year, and he can definitely be regarded as a young man in the Japanese army. As long as he does not make mistakes, he will be promoted to the captain of the regiment just around the corner.

However, the premise is not to make mistakes.

For the current situation, Tanaka Yijun is very clear about what his goal is, and his goal is to defend Jiujiang County!

It can only be said that we do not seek meritorious service, but seek no faults!

"Jiujiang County, this is really a hot potato..." Tanaka Yijun murmured, but his voice was so low that no one nearby could hear it.

Indeed, at this time his state is a bit of a dilemma.

There are definitely a lot of enemy troops outside the city, and he, Yoshitaka Tanaka, must never send a telegram asking for help—it is absolutely inappropriate to start asking for help before the enemy has launched an attack. What will your Excellency Commander think of him then? ?inability?Cowardly?

Regardless of the considerations, it is impossible to ask for help, but it is also impossible to withdraw from Jiujiang County.

Just when Yijun Tanaka was feeling troubled, Zhang Tianhai, who was far away in Jijia Village, was also dressed and ready to go at any time. His purpose was to carry out the orders of Commander-in-Chief Zhang Fakui.

Commander-in-Chief Zhang ordered Zhang Tianhai, the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, and a brigade of the Fourth Army to jointly advance to Jiujiang County and launch an attack if necessary.

As for the commander-in-chief of this battle, it is strange that no specific candidate was selected, but they were asked to cooperate with each other.

"Tuan Zuo, for this battle, the instructions from above are a bit vague. We haven't even decided on the candidate for the commander-in-chief, so we just let us fight together. There is no leader, how can we fight together?" Chief of Staff Li Ying Lun said helplessly.

Zhang Tianhai straightened his military cap, and said casually, "Let's not talk about these complaints. You have to fight as you want. Send a telegram to Brigadier Xu! The two of us have to have a cordial meeting at least once." , otherwise how can we discuss and win this battle?"

"Yes, group seat." Li Yinglun replied, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the police group, has the final say.

"Old Zhang, now our first battalion and third battalion have entered the corresponding positions according to the predetermined plan, and the cavalry battalion is also in a state of maneuver. As long as you arrive at the predetermined position with the special agent company and the small artillery company, give an order , our troops can immediately launch an attack on Jiujiang County." Deputy regiment leader Guo Qiliang looked eager to try.

"Don't worry about this. Let's make a decision after our troops are in place first! No. 40 Eighth Brigade's headquarters, no matter how you say it, will not be a fool. Besides, this battle is not fought by our own troops. No matter how you say it, you have to ask Brigadier Commander Xu for his opinion." After speaking, a confident smile appeared on Zhang Tianhai's face.


PS: A supplementary update will be sent, and there will be another update before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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