Chapter 844

As Zhang Tianhai said, this brigade commander Xu is naturally Xu Jiyuan, the commander of the No.40 Eighth Brigade.

Xu Jiyuan is from Hunan, and he is one of the few people from other provinces who served as a major general in the Guangdong Army.

Under the order of Zhang Fakui, commander of the Second Corps, the 48th Brigade was already moving closer to Jiujiang County.

On the endless hills, Xu Jiyuan was observing the surrounding terrain with a pair of binoculars in his hand.

Xu Jiyuan is not too old, he is about 45 years old, and he can be regarded as an intermediate force in the Guangdong Army.

"Chief of Staff, where are we now?" Xu Jiyuan asked casually.

The chief of staff next to him came up with a military map and said, "Brigade Commander, our current position is very close to Jiujiang County, and we can reach Jiujiang County by walking another [-] kilometers to the east."

"What about our friendly troops? Where have they reached?" Xu Jiyuan asked, his tone full of pride.

The troops of the Fourth Army have always been known as the Iron Army, and they have never been persuaded, including on the Songhu battlefield, so they have a natural sense of superiority when dealing with many troops.

In particular, Xu Jiyuan's army is well-equipped, and has not suffered a major blow, and its combat effectiveness is still quite strong.

"Brigade Commander, according to the contact with the friendly army headquarters, they said that they have reached the outskirts of Jiujiang County, and they can launch an attack on Jiujiang County at any time." The chief of staff reported truthfully.

"The army unit that cooperates with us in the battle, but the unit directly under the theater shouldn't be too bad, right?" Xu Jiyuan asked. But he didn't know much, because he was studying the changes in the enemy's situation at that time.

"Sir, this army is amazing. It won a big victory on the Xuzhou battlefield. During the Battle of Lanfeng, it also severely damaged the Japanese army. In short, our teammates this time are very strong. At least not Hold us back." The chief of staff's face was full of optimism.

"Great victory in soup? Wasn't that fought by the first regiment directly under the third war zone? What does it have to do with the first guard regiment of the ninth war zone? Besides, the ninth war zone was only established when the battle of Lanfeng was fought." Xu Jiyuan frowned. He wrinkled deeply, apparently because he didn't trust this army he hadn't heard of.

"Brigade Commander, let me tell you that the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater was reorganized from the First Regiment directly under the Third Theater. They are basically the original team, and they have been expanded. They are no. There are even more 40th Eighth Brigades." Yue Zhen, chief of staff of the No. 40th Eighth Brigade, raised his eyebrows and said in high spirits.

In theory, this is a good thing, but Xu Jiyuan didn't show any excitement on his face. Instead, he said solemnly: "Then this is a good thing for us, but we still have to take precautions. Their Central Army suffered too much wear and tear in the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Nanjing. Now they are fighting, but they may not be as desperate as they were in the Battle of Songhu and Nanjing and Xuzhou. Who knows if they will be like Tang Enbo .”

Logically speaking, the troops of Wang Mingzhang of the Sichuan Army were abandoned by Tang Enbo's troops, which has little to do with the troops of the Guangdong Army.But actually?There is a saying that the rabbit dies and the fox mourns.

Whether it is the Sichuan Army, the Guangxi Army, the Guangdong Army, or the Jinsui Army, in the eyes of the Central Army, they are all miscellaneous troops with weak combat effectiveness. Therefore, in the eyes of these local armies, the local armies of other factions are Emotions and status are similar——

It is normal for the Central Army to be able to do nothing to save the Sichuan Army today, and to be able to do nothing to the Guangdong Army or the Guangxi Army tomorrow.

Of course, due to the lofty status of the two leaders of the Gui Army in the national government, there has not yet been a point where the Central Army dared to see the Gui Army.

"Yes, brigade commander." Yue Zhen nodded in response.

At this moment, a staff officer on duty ran over to report to Xu Jiyuan and Yue Zhen: "Report to the brigade commander, chief of staff, and Zhang Tianhai, head of the first regiment of the guards in the ninth theater, sent an urgent call, saying that they have arrived at the designated location. What are you asking?" It's time to meet the brigade commander!"

I saw a smile on Xu Jiyuan's slightly elegant and vicissitudes of life face, and he said: "This is the chief of staff. Doesn't this mean Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here? It seems that our friendly army, in general Speaking of it, it’s still very good. At least you won’t be timid, right? Haha…”

Yue Zhen also laughed and said, "This is a good thing..."

Why do people from the No.40 Eighth Brigade of the Cantonese Army pay so much attention to the other party's calls?

The reason is very simple, because if it is the First Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth War Zone, they do not want to fight this battle. Based on the way their Central Army treats the local motley army, they will definitely not take the initiative to contact them. Superior order.

Don't look at Zhang Tianhai, to Xu Jiyuan, he is one level lower in terms of military rank and military position, but he is a unit of the Central Army after all...

The Central Army is a sharp sword in the hands of Generalissimo Jiang, let alone a direct descendant of the Central Army like the Third Theater... oh no, the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater.

"Reply the call to Commander Zhang and tell them that our troops are not far from Jiujiang County. As for where to meet, let Commander Zhang decide!" Xu Jiyuan said loudly, obviously in a good mood.

Why do you feel so good all of a sudden?The reason is very simple. To have a strong teammate who is willing to fight is definitely a good thing for them, and it is so good that it cannot be better!

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer on duty responded.

Not long after, the staff officer on duty came back again, holding a translation in his hand, with "Lijiazhuang" written on it impressively.

This time, the staff officer on duty did not directly say the above content, but directly handed over the translation to Xu Jiyuan, saying: "Brigade Commander, this is a reply from Commander Zhang."

After Xu Jiyuan glanced at the content above, he also looked for the location of Lijiazhuang on the map.

It is just to the west of Jiujiang County.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Jiyuan said, "Let's go! The third regiment of Huang Qi followed me to Lijiazhuang. The direction of the other troops will follow the original plan!"

"Yes! Sir!" The staff officer on duty responded.


Lijiazhuang, this is a village about twelve kilometers away from Jiujiang County.

Thanks to the cavalry battalion, the [-]st Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth War Zone has completely occupied this place.

It has to be said that Zhang Tianhai was right to try his best to develop this cavalry battalion, and to find ways to improve the combat effectiveness of the cavalry battalion.

At least at this moment, the maneuverability and strong combat effectiveness of the cavalry battalion satisfied the senior members of the first police regiment.

With strong mobility, coupled with well-equipped weapons and well-trained training, after dismounting, they can directly play the role of infantry units, and their combat effectiveness is not weaker than those of the brothers in infantry units!


PS: The first update is here!

There should be another update later, the old man will work hard to code!

Thank you Qidian book friend 20171126091759755 for the reward of 1000 points!

(End of this chapter)

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