War of Resistance

Chapter 845 Fight him once?

Chapter 845 Fight him?
This place in Lijiazhuang was given up by the Japanese army after shrinking their forces. After all, there was a cavalry battalion, which made them risk of being cut off at any time.

Lijiazhuang is indeed a good place, and it is also the only place for the Japanese army to go east.

But although the place is good, in the hands of the Japanese army today, it is not necessarily a good place.

It can only be said to be tasteless, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

The commander of the Japanese garrison brigade, Tanaka Yijun, gave up the place of Lijiazhuang after several considerations. For the Japanese army, it was easy to take the place of Lijiazhuang, as long as they waited for their large troops to come up.

However, if they hold on to it, they may lose another squad. It would be extremely unwise to lose a squad when their strength is stretched.

Since Lijiazhuang did not become the main point of contention between China and Japan, it seems to have been preserved here miraculously.

When Zhang Tianhai came here, he almost moved his former enemy headquarters.

This time, Zhang Tianhai invested a total of two infantry battalions, one cavalry battalion, one special agent company, and one small artillery company. This lineup was almost equivalent to a regiment of troops.

Knowing that Xu Jiyuan and others were coming, Zhang Tianhai rode his horse and waited at the north side of the village.

It's an attitude, an attitude of respect.

Having seen Xu Jiyuan and others approaching on horseback, Zhang Tianhai waved his right hand casually to the temple, which was regarded as a salute, and he said, "Mr. Xu, welcome to Lijiazhuang."

Seeing Xu Jiyuan's calm and elegant face, he also casually returned a military salute, and said, "Your Excellency must be Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment, right? Sure enough, he is young and handsome, and he can lead the Zhiyi regiment to fight so much on the front line." Many victories."

"Brigade Commander Xu is overrated. These are the victories won by the brothers with their lives. Yu Lin, I am ashamed to be worthy of it." Zhang Tianhai replied very politely.

"Okay! Captain Zhang really is a hero born out of a boy, he has such self-cultivation at such a young age, and he really has something special." Xu Jiyuan laughed and said, very hearty.

"Let's do this! Let's talk about it later. The most important thing right now is to carry out Commander Zhang's orders. Please move Brigadier Commander Xu to the village headquarters!" Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who waits for long-winded words. , The greetings were almost done, so we went straight to the topic.

After all, he is not very familiar with people like Xu Jiyuan.

As for why Zhang Tianhai didn't treat him as a subordinate, the reason is very simple: this is the "privilege" of the Central Army. These Cantonese troops are not as good as their Central Army, let alone Whampoa graduates .

Zhang Tianhai is in such a state, Xu Jiyuan can see it, but he will not take the initiative to say it, and he will not be stupid to pay attention to such stupid things as seniority——

Who is Zhang Tianhai?That's a dignified Whampoa graduate, today's student, and looking at his troops, all of them are full of energy, which belongs to the state of first-class soldiers and horses.

Besides, his police regiment has more than 1000 armored men, which is [-] more than his brigade, not to mention the combat effectiveness.

It can be said that the police regiment is already an actual brigade-level force, but the title of the regiment has not been removed. As long as the designation is changed, the head of the regiment Zhang will change into the brigade commander Zhang.

Therefore, Xu Jiyuan would not be so stupid as to do such a thing.

"Please come in!" After dismounting, Zhang Tianhai greeted Xu Jiyuan and his party very warmly, looking like the master of the place.

"To be honest, our department has only been stationed here for less than three hours, so we are not too familiar with it. Brigadier Xu, please sit down. Since we are here, let's introduce Let’s check the situation of our respective troops, so we can cooperate in the battle.” Zhang Tianhai greeted Xu Jiyuan and others, and said straight to the point.

Xu Jiyuan sat down on the chair of the headquarters and said, "Commander Zhang, our department is a brigade fully equipped with two regiments with more than [-] soldiers. Now one of the regiments Just outside the Lijiazhuang, another regiment is also marching towards Jiujiang County."

After Zhang Tianhai heard this, he nodded and said: "With the strong support of Brigadier Commander Xu's department, the Jiujiang operation will definitely go much smoother. Our department is a reinforced regiment, of which five infantry battalions are fully staffed, plus one A full cavalry battalion, and an artillery battalion, a total of seven combat battalions. If the troops directly under the regiment headquarters are counted, the combat troops should be about eight battalions, and there is one supply battalion. The number of troops in the troops is already 500 around people."

As far as the deployment of troops is concerned, Xu Jiyuan couldn't help but feel greedy for a while: This is the direct line of the Central Army... The soldiers are strong and strong, and there are enough soldiers. Although it is a reinforced regiment, its strength is much stronger than his brigade.

Not to mention anything else, just now, Xu Jiyuan compared Zhang Tianhai's troops with his own. After all, Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second.

This is not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods. Looking at the weapons and equipment of the police regiment, it is obviously much better than other troops, and the equipment rate of light weapons is much better than them.

Now when he heard Zhang Tianhai shaking his old roots, Xu Jiyuan couldn't help being envious. You must know, how many things can be done by an artillery battalion.

I saw Xu Jiyuan grinned and said: "Regimental Commander Zhang's troops are indeed strong and strong, and our troops are just two complete infantry regiments. In addition, we are not very familiar with the surrounding situation. I am afraid that this battle will be fought by Zhang The head of the regiment is in command."

"Isn't that appropriate? In terms of military rank, you are higher than me; in terms of military position, you are the brigade commander and I am the regiment commander." Zhang Tianhai shied away.

"There's nothing inappropriate about this. I'll just follow your orders." Xu Jiyuan was also very hearty. With Zhang Tianhai's strength, if he wanted to fight the county, he could do it by himself. Now he is pulling himself up and can't give face Shameless...

"Okay! Thank you Brigadier Xu for your trust, then I will introduce the situation in Jiujiang County and its surroundings now!" Zhang Tianhai did not refuse this time, and it would not be the result he wanted.

"After two days of blockade and testing by the cavalry battalion of our regiment, we found that there are not many enemies in Jiujiang County. No, so we can still do something." Zhang Tianhai explained slowly.

"Head Zhang, I don't quite understand how you reasoned it out. Can you give me an explanation? I want to hear your opinion." It was not Xu Jiyuan who spoke, but Huang Qisan, the leader of the group who followed Xu Jiyuan.

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai also said very patiently: "I don't dare to say anything about other people, I can guess based on my experience of fighting so many battles with the little devil. The little devil's fighting style is very arrogant, as long as they have With the strength of a regiment, I am afraid that my cavalry battalion has been cleaned up long ago. Therefore, I bet that they will not exceed two brigades."

"Then what if it's not?" Huang Qisan, who was full of beards, seemed a little unwilling.

"Yes or no, it's over if we fight them!" Zhang Tianhai still had that confident smile on his face, which made people unconvinced.

Xu Jiyuan is also an old fox who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years. Hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, can't he capture some key information?So, he took the bait and asked, "Commander Zhang, according to your opinion, how should we fight this battle?"

"Brigade Commander Xu, Commander Huang, please follow me and look at the map. I'll explain the battle strategy to you two." Zhang Tianhai stood up.


PS: The second update is here!
It's Sunday now, so I can finally pay back part of what should be paid.

(End of this chapter)

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