Chapter 846
After Huang Qisan and Xu Jiyuan walked to the map laid out on the table, Zhang Tianhai said, "Actually, according to my expectation, it's actually very simple, just to push Little Japan."

Neither Xu Jiyuan nor Huang Qisan spoke, they were just waiting for Zhang Tianhai's next words.

Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "Two officers, according to the instructions given to us by Commander-in-Chief Zhang, we are asking us to rush Little Japan and force Little Japan out of its combat deployment status. We didn't say anything else. There is a lot of room for imagination... two, I want to hear your opinions."

Xu Jiyuan nodded and said: "I have no opinion, just wait for Commander Zhang to explain the deployment. I can only say that I would like to hear the details."

Huang Qisan also nodded and said, "I am the same as our brigade commander, waiting for your arrangement, commander Zhang."

"Okay, since that's the case, let me briefly talk about it!" Zhang Tianhai's face was very solemn, "Our battle this time is mainly about taking one step at a time. Let's talk about the preliminary plan first! Our department will start with three battalions. The troops cut off the escape route of the Japanese army on the east and south sides of Jiujiang County, and the two regiments of your No. 40 Eighth Brigade are responsible for the offensive at the west gate and the north gate respectively. No matter what, create momentum first.”

"Create momentum? Commander Zhang means to let the two regiments of our brigade go for a feint attack?" Xu Jiyuan grasped the key words and asked.

Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said: "Yes, this is the current plan. Let's see how the Japanese army reacts. If they still don't move, we will directly attack Jiujiang County, and retreat immediately after we take down."

"Okay, that's fine." Xu Jiyuan nodded. As the highest officer of the whole brigade, his nod obviously agreed with this plan.

"Brigade Commander Xu, if a general offensive is launched at that time, our regiment's artillery battalion will also directly participate in the battle. In addition, our regiment's Soloton machine gun company is already in place, and can be pulled to the front line for support at any time." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his face full of confidence.

"To fight these tough battles, you have to be in the Central Army... This weapon is well-equipped, and the fighting power is also fierce. Haha..." Xu Jiyuan laughed, with a lot of envy in his tone.

"There's nothing we can do about it. We're on the front line, we've fought more battles with little devils, and we've saved some savings to some extent. These are all in exchange for the lives of our brothers. We have to make good use of these things to give Revenge, brothers..." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

"Okay. Commander Zhang, don't say these words, or I'll be embarrassed. It's as if our brothers from the Guangdong Army didn't go to the battlefield. If there's anything wrong, just let me know. "Xu Jiyuan laughed, but he was telling the truth.

The corners of Zhang Tianhai's mouth twitched slightly, and then he said domineeringly: "Let's do this! Let's surround Jiujiang County first. The three infantry battalions of our department will serve as the general reserve team for this battle. They wave!"

"Okay, let's decide like this!" Xu Jiyuan nodded.

"Next, it's time for us to discuss the specific combat plan." Zhang Tianhai said with a serious face.


God, it will be dark soon.

But after dark, Xu Jiyuan's No.40 Eighth Brigade and Zhang Tianhai's Police Regiment did not stop advancing. Taking advantage of the darkness, they launched fierce attacks on the outer positions of Jiujiang County.

All of a sudden, gunshots erupted outside Jiujiang City.

"Nani? Where did the gunshot come from!" Yoshitaka Tanaka, who was sleeping on the bed, got up from the bed and scolded.

"Report to your Excellency, Captain, there are gunshots all around outside the city. Judging from the density of the gunfire, the Chinese army has invested no less than a regiment in the battle against our army!" A panting voice came from outside the door.

"One regiment? How is that possible! According to the combat habits of the Chinese army, at least one brigade! Immediately order the troops to defend the city!" Tanaka Yijun cursed angrily, his still handsome face showed a very irritable expression look.

"Hay!!" There was a very loud response from outside the door.

Soon, Tanaka Yijun, who had already dressed, appeared in the command post in the city in a neat military uniform.

"What's the situation now?" Tanaka Yoshikun, who had recovered his calm face, strode into the combat command room.

"Report to your Excellency, Captain, the positions outside the west gate and north gate are still under the control of our army, and the positions outside the east gate and south gate have lost contact." A Japanese second lieutenant reported, it seems to be a combat staff officer .

"Baga!" Tanaka Yijun's mood, which he had recovered with great difficulty, was completely destroyed at once, and he even slapped the Japanese second lieutenant in front of him severely.

"Hay!!" He was slapped, but the second lieutenant had no choice but to respond.

Tanaka Yijun took a deep breath, and then said: "Come here! Report to me what's going on outside the city! How did our east and south gates fall so quickly!"

"Hay!" The Japanese second lieutenant walked up to Yoshitaka Tanaka with a bright red slap on his face.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Captain, the battle started from the east and south. Our troops didn't even last for 15 minutes before they were all killed. There are two of our teams. There are more than 140 people in total, and they died in less than 15 minutes." All were killed..." The second lieutenant of the Japanese army looked pessimistic, after all, the troops in their city were not abundant.

"Souga... It seems that the enemy troops to the east and south of us are the elite troops, and the troops to the west and north are most likely the motley troops of the Chinese army." Tanaka Yijun said in a deep voice, his face covered with tears. haze.

After getting these news, can Tanaka Yijun still not know what's going on?At this moment, the enemy army is obviously encircling Jiujiang!

The situation in front of him is already so bad, but the current situation allows Zhongzuo Tanaka to hesitate?So he took a deep breath, and then said: "Second Lieutenant Saito, call the headquarters immediately and say that we have been besieged by the large forces of the Chinese Army in Jiujiang County, but now the absolute control of Jiujiang County is still in our hands Please rest assured, Commander!"

"Hay!" Second Lieutenant Saito responded.

Regarding the situation in Jiujiang, Tanaka already felt that there were many bad things, but he still had to bear it, didn't he?


The camera goes back to seven hours ago, Lijiazhuang, the temporary combat headquarters of the national army.

"According to my humble opinion, the first thing to do in this battle is to take down their outlying fortifications at night, and then attack them in the daytime. The price we have to pay is too much." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"According to what Captain Zhang said, the two regiments of our brigade should still be responsible for the offensive missions in the north and west, and your regiment should be responsible for the offensive missions in the east and south, right?" Xu Jiyuan asked. It is the most critical place to determine the combat mission, and he brought it up immediately.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Yes, that's it! Since our regiment's strength in these two places is relatively weak, how about our regiment firing the first shot in this battle?"

"I have no objection, let's proceed according to the arrangement of Captain Zhang!" Xu Jiyuan said in a deep voice, his face full of sternness.

"Since Brigadier Xu has no objection, let's make a decision like this! Specifically, the special agent company of our regiment will conduct assault operations in the south! For the south, the first battalion and the third battalion of our regiment will jointly conduct it. Our regiment's Put the cavalry battalion in the east for mobile operations." Zhang Tianhai slapped the table and said very seriously.

"Yes, then I wish our combat operation this time to go well. Next, do we have anything to add?" Xu Jiyuan asked.

"No more." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.


PS: The first update is here~
The update is still guaranteed, hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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