Chapter 847 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])

Outside the east gate of Jiujiang County, the place is already in a mess.

In the dark night, gunpowder smoke rose everywhere, and corpses of Japanese soldiers lay on the ground. These Japanese soldiers all died in the surprise attack of the national army.

For these Japanese soldiers who died in battle, they encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy force-these enemy forces could not help being numerous in number and powerful in firepower. Not only were they equipped with extremely high light machine guns, they even There are also a lot of equipment with cartridges, and more importantly, these enemy troops seem to be very well-versed in night battles, and they are very familiar with their Japanese army's strategic deployment!
Ever since, this unlucky team didn't fight the enemy head-on at all, and was completely suppressed by the enemy's firepower, and even lost half of their troops. More importantly, their heavy machine guns were completely useless. Play its due role!

The heavy machine gunner was killed at the first time. Perhaps these ferocious enemy soldiers were afraid that the heavy machine gunner would not die completely, so after the heavy machine gunner was knocked down with one shot, they did not forget to replenish the shells of the grenadier !
When more than 30 Japanese troops faced an enemy nearly seven times their own, the consequences can be imagined.

The consequence was that these enemy troops all fell under the firepower of the national army, and there was almost no room for resistance.

Of course, this is only almost. After all, the Japanese army at this time was a well-trained elite army, not those child soldiers in the late period of the War of Resistance. They still resisted for a while and caused a little casualties to the national army, but not too much .

The instigator of this battle was none other than Liu Houming, the commander of the spy company brought out by Comrade Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment of the guards in the ninth theater.

"Reporting to the company commander, our casualties were not large, only one brother was unlucky, he was shot directly in the head by the little devil's gun, and he couldn't be saved. The other brothers were slightly injured. There are 12 people who were slightly injured and have been sent to the rear Treatment is underway." The deputy company commander ran to Liu Houming's side to report.

Liu Houming frowned slightly, and said: "This little Japan's combat effectiveness is still strong. We have lost [-] people when we have the advantage of numbers and firepower. Don't forget, how long have we been preparing?" night battle..."

"Company commander, there is no way around this. How long has Japan prepared for the war of aggression against China? How long have we prepared? It is already very good to be able to achieve this result." The deputy company commander said, this is A sentence that the group members usually like to say has been learned and used by him now.

"This sentence also makes sense. Now that we have taken down the enemy's position, next, we should think about how to defend the position, and even test the enemy's defensive firepower on the city gate." Liu Houming said lightly Dao, but turned his attention to the city wall 300 meters away.

Liu Houming knew that this distance was already covered by the enemy's firepower, so he did not act rashly, but discussed or waited for an opportunity.

"Company commander, should we ask the regiment for instructions? After all, you know even our special status, and we have always been the heart of the regiment." The deputy company commander made an excellent suggestion.

"Okay, let's do it like this! Let the correspondent immediately call the regiment to report the situation and ask for instructions on the next combat operation." Liu Houming said in a deep voice, but a stern look flashed in his eyes staring at the city wall .If the delegation agrees, he definitely doesn't mind taking this small army to blow up the east gate of Jiujiang.


At this moment, the city of Jiujiang was in chaos, and the sound of sharp whistles echoed one after another in this small city.

Obviously, four squads have been lost, which is very bad for the Japanese army.

The Japanese troops outside the east gate and south gate will definitely not be able to return, and it is estimated that the defenders outside the west gate and north gate are almost in the same situation.

One-third of the troops were lost in one fell swoop, which made Captain Tanaka Yijun Zhongzuo panic: If the enemy took advantage of the situation to launch a general attack on Jiujiang County, Jiujiang County might not be safe.

So, after much thought, Tanaka Yoshikun decided to report the situation to Lieutenant General Neji Okamura.


Late at night, Pengze Town, Okamura Ningji's No. 11 Army Front Enemy Headquarters.

At this time, the weather was much cooler. Lieutenant General Neiji Okamura stood on the dilapidated watchtower, his expression was not very good.

After all, the advance speed of the No.11 army was indeed slow during this period. If he could not complete the set combat mission, Okamura Neiji would definitely not be able to afford it.

Feeling the coolness of the mats blowing at night, Okamura Ningji began to feel sleepy. After all, air conditioners are not so popular at the moment, and the pace of urban industrialization is not so fast, so naturally there is no way to talk about it. The "urban heat island effect" thing.

"In another week, if things go well, our general offensive can begin..." Neiji Okamura muttered to himself.

Just when Neiji Okamura wanted to go back to his room to rest, something happened——

A soldier quickly ran to Neiji Okamura, stood at attention and saluted, and reported: "Report to Your Excellency, Jiujiang County is urgently telegraphed. According to the telegram from the commander of the Second Security Brigade of the headquarters, Tian Zhongyijun, Jiujiang County has been captured. An unknown number of Chinese troops have surrounded them, the casualties of the troops have reached one-third, and all the outer positions of our army have been lost. Captain Tanaka asks for tactical guidance!"

"This guy in Tanaka is the kind of person who always wants to save face, but he also knows some serious things. Now that he sent this telegram, it seems that he has encountered some troubles. If he doesn't help solve this trouble as soon as possible, Jiujiang may really be lost. Already." Neiji Okamura muttered to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Okamura Ningji said to the soldiers in front of him: "Go back and tell the staff on duty to ask them to dispatch a wing to help Jiujiang County as soon as possible! Don't delay the fighter plane!"

"Hay!" The Japanese soldier responded, and immediately ran to convey the commander's instructions.

After dealing with this matter, Neiji Okamura went back to sleep-for a big man of his level, this kind of matter is just a trivial matter, and he confidently believes that a unit of troops can easily solve it The siege of Jiujiang.

For the national army, this place in Jiujiang is a chicken rib; but for the Japanese army, this place is very important-this place in Jiujiang is related to the supply problem of the [-]th Division, which is deeply isolated.

If the supply lines of the [-]th Division were completely cut off, that would be a big deal.

Of course, the Japanese army would not think that the national army dared to challenge the main force of one of their divisions: a division of troops was enough to rampage in China without fear.

Therefore, Neiji Okamura is not worried about things in Jiujiang. The most important thing for him is to sleep.

As for the arrangement of the reinforcements, it was necessary to avoid such a situation. After all, in Taierzhuang, a reinforced brigade of their Japanese army was turned on their backs, and almost all of them could not go back.

Because of this, Okamura Ningji still took a precaution.


PS: Make up for last night's second update~
I went to bed early last night, after all, I have to move bricks today.

Damn, the bricks are extremely hot today...

(End of this chapter)

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