Chapter 848 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
In the dark night, an infantry unit of the Japanese army assembled urgently, and it was unknown which unit of the Japanese army it was.

Soon, this force set out from near Pengze to reinforce Jiujiang County in the starry night.


And the battle in Jiujiang County has basically ended. It seems that everything has returned to calm, but the control outside the city has changed from the Japanese army to the national army.

"Tuan Zuo, the control outside the city has been regained. Do you want to continue the attack?" Chief of Staff Li Yinglun stepped forward and asked, he was called by Zhang Tianhai to come out to assist in the battle.

As for Guo Qiliang, of course he stayed at his hometown, and Zhang Tianhai's little property was handed over to him to take care of it.

"Don't worry, we can't hurry. The purpose of our battle this time is not to take down Jiujiang County, but to disturb the deployment of the Japanese army." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, but his eyes turned to the west, he knew , The intention of the officers is to fight the Matsuura division that is attacking west!
"Then what should we do next?" Li Yinglun asked.

"Next, we should prepare for a feint attack. No matter what, we must rush the Japanese army trapped in the city!" A stern light flashed across Zhang Tianhai's eyes.

Hearing this, Li Yinglun seemed to understand why Zhang Tianhai asked the Cantonese army to take on the feint mission.

The fighting power of the Cantonese army is not as strong as that of the police regiment. The strong attack will have the effect of deterring the enemy, and it will not cause Jiujiang County to fall in the first round of attack. In addition, the Cantonese army is not his direct descendant of Zhang Yulin. Troops, you won't feel bad when you fight.

Thinking of these points, Li Yinglun seemed to suddenly realize: he is indeed the one who can become the team leader the fastest among his classmates at the same time, and his scheming is indeed not easy.

Zhang Tianhai didn't think about what Li Yinglun was thinking, because what he was thinking about was how to make this battle play the biggest role—or even encircle the spot to fight for aid?

"Okay, don't be dumbfounded, I know you are not a simple person. How about this, you draft a telegram for me to Commander Zhang, informing him of our next actions, and ask Commander Zhang to pay close attention to the enemy's movements With that said, Zhang Tianhai clenched his hands lightly, and he also knew that this was a game, oh no, more precisely, it was a gamble.

He, Zhang Tianhai, wants to complete this probing battle between the two armies beautifully.

"Yes. Group seat." Li Yinglun responded, and then went to carry out Zhang Tianhai's order. Before leaving, he couldn't help but take a deep look at the latter's back: He is becoming more and more unable to see through this people.

At the beginning when he was in Zhengzhou, Li Yinglun felt that Zhang Yulin was the No. [-] man and a man, but he was just a little reckless. As long as he acted more cautiously, he probably wouldn't make these mistakes.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yinglun, a talented student, wanted to help this hero.

But now he found that it seemed that this was not the case.

If you have to use a metaphor to describe it, it is probably only Zhuge Liang who taught Zhang Fei a trick, but Zhang Fei taught him a lesson.

Until now, Li Yinglun began to think about Zhang Tianhai's every move in the previous battle - could this bastard have deliberately played that way, and then just stumbled?
After thinking about it, Li Yinglun also returned to the headquarters, and he immediately conveyed Zhang Tianhai's meaning to Commander-in-Chief Zhang Fakui via telegram.


Look at Zhang Fakui again.

Zhang Fakui still hadn't fallen asleep at this point, and since the [-]th Division of Matsuura Junrokuro disappeared, he began to suffer from insomnia.

As the saying goes, the higher the position, the heavier the responsibility. As long as the Matsuura Division does not show up for a day, it is possible to launch a fierce attack on their joints.

"I don't know what's going on in Jiujiang..." Looking at the starry night sky, Zhang Fakui let out a long sigh.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Fakui, Commander-in-Chief of Zhang Fakui, holds the 10,000+ soldiers of the Second Corps. Logically speaking, it is quite beautiful.

Don't forget that the strength of Zhang Fakui's troops is already close to the seventh theater (garrison area) during the Nanjing Defense War. It is no exaggeration to say that his real power has reached the level of a theater commander.

"Commander-in-Chief, since the Matsuura Division entered the west, you have been in a state of insomnia. It's impossible to continue like this." Wu Qiwei was the one who spoke, and according to the order of duty, he was on duty for the night shift.

"Qingyun, I don't think anyone understands the pressure on my shoulders better than you at this moment. Our Second Corps guards northern Jiangxi with more than [-] armored soldiers, but we have never won the battle. Instead, let the Japanese invaders Pressing every step of the way, we have already passed Jiujiang." Zhang Fakui sighed, and his not-so-tall body looked extraordinarily tall at the moment.

Before Wu Qiwei took over, Zhang Fakui went on to say: "If this time because of my mistake, the great rivers and mountains of the motherland fall into the hands of the Japanese invaders, how can I feel at ease? How can I face the [-] people of the country?" ?”

"The commander-in-chief doesn't need to worry. Haven't we already made the relevant deployments on the front line? Xu Jiyuan is a successful general under my command. If I send him there, he will have no faults if he doesn't seek merit. Besides, isn't it still Is there a police regiment of the Central Army? Their regiment leader is very capable of fighting. Don’t worry, I believe there will be good news soon.” Wu Qiwei said slowly, looking at his appearance, he really looks like a It looks very confident.

"I hope!" Zhang Fakui nodded.

At this moment, the radio station beeped, drawing everyone's attention.

Soon, the telegraph operator was flying in his hands, and it didn't take long to copy the contents of the translated telegram.

After transcribing, the telegraph operator put down his earphones, walked up to Zhang Fakui, stood at attention and saluted, "Report to Commander-in-Chief, the latest battle report from the Jiujiang front."

"Battle report from Jiujiang? Tell me!" This was the news that Zhang Fakui had been waiting for for a long time, and it was normal for him to feel a little uneasy at this moment.

"Yes! Sir!" The telegraph operator responded, "According to a call from Zhang Tianhai, the head of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, the outer positions of Jiujiang County are already under the control of our army, and now Jiujiang County has been given to all Surrounded. They are about to launch a feint attack on Jiujiang County."

After listening, Zhang Fakui's complexion improved a lot. He said: "This Zhang Tianhai seems to have something. He took down the outer positions of Jiujiang County so quickly, and even launched a feint attack? I love it..."

"Commander-in-Chief, let me just say it! It's okay, it's up to the Commander-in-Chief what he wants to do next. I'm afraid that Jiujiang will be restored." Wu Qiwei laughed.

"No, it is not a wise choice to restore Jiujiang at this time." Zhang Fakui shook his head, then turned his head and said to the telegraph operator: "Respond immediately to the first regiment of the guards in the ninth theater, and let them implement according to the original plan. How do you want to fight?" It's just how to fight. In short, this movement must make a big fuss for me."

"Yes! Sir!" The telegraph operator replied, and then went back to send the message.

In the dark night, murderous intent is everywhere!

PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will probably have to be made up tomorrow.

So be it, Old Man Mian.Good night everyone, sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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