Chapter 849 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
"What? The louder the movement, the better? Are you sure you didn't translate it wrong?" Li Yinglun almost couldn't believe his eyes holding the telegram translation.

"Yes, sir. I assure you that there is absolutely no translation error." The telegraph operator reported truthfully.

"Okay! You continue to be on duty!" Li Yinglun said to the telegraph operator, and then took the telegram to the headquarters hall.

The faint light of kerosene lamps was shining on the surroundings. Out of consideration for the safety of the surroundings, Zhang Tianhai specially ordered the troops not to light such things as electric lights.

More importantly, the roar of the generator is too loud, which can easily attract the attention of the enemy.

Looking at the location on the map, Li Yinglun faintly felt a little uneasy, but he couldn't tell where this uneasiness came from—maybe, it was a man's sixth sense...

Thinking about it, he gritted his teeth, and strode towards Zhang Tianhai's direction.


In an unknown town near Pengze near Hukou Town.

I saw the chaos here, and countless well-equipped Japanese soldiers were driving out of this small town in the dark night. The Japanese commander Iizuka Kunigoro with a beard on his face was full of vigor and majesty, riding on his horse looking at his troops majestically before departure.

If this Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro is quite famous in the Japanese army and even in Japan, he has a well-known title, that is--Military God!
This title is unacceptable to ordinary people. In fact, this title was earned by him on the Songhu battlefield.

This is due to a documentary filmed by the Japanese army on the front line called "Shanghai!Shanghai! ", the place where the shot was taken was the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Division where Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro was.

In the documentary, the Iizuka Kunigoro brothers held a samurai sword in their hands and were shirtless, screaming strangely in battle, especially their big bearded faces looked particularly fierce.Once this scene was reported back to Japan, it immediately set off a heat wave among Japanese soldiers. As a result, Iizuka Kunigoro was also named "Military God".

Of course, he was able to take over the post of captain because his old classmate Jixiong Kano was killed by the national army when he was fighting with the national army on the Songhu battlefield.

However, this does not affect his image of the "Military God" of Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro. In the eyes of those Japanese prostitutes, um, this is what a military god should look like.

That's right, this unit that went to Jiujiang for reinforcements was none other than the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army!

This unit can be said to be the trump card in the No.11 army of Neiji Okamura. After all, this is the big brother in the reserve division...

I saw that the dispatched Japanese army was equipped with excellent weapons and equipment, and the troops were dispatched in an orderly manner without any panic.

This is an elite team that has been fighting for a long time!

"Your Excellency, Captain, a few days ago, the frontline troops seized two cannons and just transported them to us. Do we want to take these two cannons with us?" A tall Japanese army officer ran to Iizuka Kunigoro's Ma Qian reported.

"Two cannons? Just two cannons, you still need to report to me? It's not like our regiment has no cannons." Iizuka Kunigoro said arrogantly while riding on the horse.

"But... Captain, this is a 105mm caliber howitzer..." The Japanese army staff officer seemed not to give up, so he added another sentence.

"Nani...cough cough..." It was Iizuka Kunigoro's turn to be choked this time. He really didn't expect that there was such a sharp weapon.

"Are you sure it's a 105mm caliber howitzer? And it was captured by the Chinese army?" Kunigoro Iizuka didn't seem to believe his ears.

"Yo Xi. I'm very sure about the humble position!" The Japanese army staff officer nodded.

"Then when they brought it back, were there any shells left?" Iizuka Kunigoro raised his eyebrows, as if he was planning some bad idea.

"Report to your Excellency, Captain. According to my observation, the batch of shells brought from the rear, plus the original shells, may have reached more than 150 shells." The Japanese combat staff officer said in a deep voice, perhaps because he was afraid that the captain would Believe it, he added: "According to the news that I have learned, these two artillery pieces have not yet been incorporated into the field troops."

"Yoxi... The supplies just handed over from the front line, plus so many shells coming from the rear, and they have not been incorporated into the field troops... Yoxi! In my name, send someone to requisition these two artillery pieces Already! No one can stop what our [-]st Regiment wants! Execute it immediately!" Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro said in a deep voice, his face full of arrogance.

After seeing the expression on the face of the regiment captain, the Japanese army staff officer felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and then responded: "Hay!"

Soon, the Japanese staff officer took a brigade of the [-]st Regiment to "borrow guns".

Of course, the so-called "borrowing" is a bit like a tiger borrowing a pig.

As for the serious consequences, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro doesn't think there will be any serious consequences, because he is the "Military God" in the Japanese army, as long as this name is announced, no one will fight with him Embarrassed.

That's the benefit of being famous.


About half an hour later, the Japanese army staff officer finally came back with two guns, accompanied by two Japanese tow trucks.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro nodded seriously, and said, "Yo Xi, you did a great job! Bring our two cannons and let these Chinese bumpkins have a taste of the power of these heavy cannons. Haha ..."

Seeing the back of Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro leaving, the Japanese military staff officer kept nodding his head, his eyes almost filled with tears: "A military god is a military god, every gesture is a role model for soldiers..."

It can be seen from this that the promotional video shot at that time was so famous and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.


Silent all night.

The day begins when the morning fog is blown away by the wind.

This is the outer position of Jiujiang County, and it is the sixth hour when the national army regained control.

Of course, during these few hours, the national army did not do nothing, at least they completed the pre-war reconnaissance.

That night, sporadic gunshots rang out around the city walls of Jiujiang County, but as if a tacit understanding had been formed, neither side chose to expand the scale of the battle——

The Japanese army is because it has no strength.A counter-surprise operation was launched outside the city; the reason why the monarch did not have a project was because they were not prepared, and they did not plan to take down Jiujiang County in one battle.

Thus, the two sides maintained a delicate balance like this with their own ghosts in their hearts.

But early in the morning, a gunshot broke the short peace.

With the sound of this gunshot, an unlucky Japanese soldier was shot through the head.

This is what the commander of the national army, Colonel Zhang Tianhai Zhang, said was a good start.

"Head Zhang, you have good marksmanship. You are amazing to be able to hit a little Japanese in the head from such a long distance." With the sound of praise, there was applause, and it was Xu Jiyuan's applause.

"Thank you Brigadier Commander Xu for your compliment." Zhang Tianhai smiled, "Your offensive is about to start. Don't you need to go back to supervise the battle?"


PS: Let's send the first update!
Unfortunately, the update is still slow.

Thanks to Qidian book friend 20171126091759755 for the reward of 1000 points!There is another update before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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