Chapter 850 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
"Huh? Go back to supervise the battle? What's there to supervise the battle? It's enough to have my two regiment commanders there to command the battle. Now is the opportunity to learn the new style of commanding the battle from Commander Zhang. How can I do it at this time?" How about going back? Wouldn’t it be that you missed it if you went back?” Xu Jiyuan laughed, no matter how you say it, he is also a veteran—whether it’s a scene or not, these words have to be said.

"Brigade Commander Xu, you're being polite." Zhang Tianhai's expression was serious, and he continued, "Jiujiang is the rear connection point of the Japanese Matsuura Division. If Jiujiang falls into the hands of our army, their retreat will be cut off. So , we are now besieging Jiujiang, the Japanese army will definitely send key troops to rescue. We must be ready!"

"Commander Zhang, let's not talk about anything else. Our two divisions are now equivalent to a division. Moreover, it is still a division with an artillery battalion and a cavalry battalion. Even if they come, we can carry it Son." Xu Jiyuan's face was full of calmness.

"Just don't underestimate the enemy. Our enemy is any unit of the No. 11 Army of the entire Japanese army. If they send a division of troops to rescue, according to our strength, we will definitely not be able to withstand it." Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh.

"There is no need to worry about this. It is impossible for the Japanese army to send a division of troops to rescue. At the very least, it is a brigade." Xu Jiyuan said confidently.

"It seems that Chief Xu still has some research on the Japanese army. Zhang would like to hear more about it." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Commander Zhang, you don't need to wear such a high hat. After all, you and I are both revolutionary soldiers who came to fight against Japan." Xu Jiyuan waved his hand and said, "The Japanese army's troops on the front line are not sufficient. If they can send a division The army came to seize a small county, so what level did their army have to reach. If they really have this kind of strength, they can just fight directly to Wuhan. Why do they have to go around?"

"It seems that the heroes see the same thing. The Japanese army really wouldn't send so many troops over. I'm afraid that the [-]th Division of the Japanese army will follow suit. If the two parts of them combine to wipe out our two brigades, wouldn't that be Is it something that can be easily grasped?" Zhang Tianhai didn't blindly try to boost others' ambitions while destroying his prestige, he was just analyzing the problem objectively.

"What Commander Zhang said is reasonable, so what is the next step in the deployment?" Xu Jiyuan's eyes looked at Zhang Tianhai, and he wanted to know what good tricks this young Huangpu officer had.

In Xu Jiyuan's view, Zhang Tianhai became the head of this reinforced regiment at a young age, and made a great reputation on the front line. This is by no means a vain reputation.

Zhang Tianhai organized his language a little bit, and then continued: "We don't need to worry about this matter. To the west of us, there must be Zhang Fakui's troops watching for us, and to the east, my cavalry battalion It has been arranged nearby. As long as there is news, we will adapt to the situation."

After hearing this, Xu Jiyuan nodded lightly and said, "Yes. Just follow what you said, Captain Zhang. Your idea is very good and makes sense."

Zhang Tianhai glanced at the watch on his wrist, and then said: "Brigade Commander Xu, according to the agreed attack time, your troops are ready to attack, right?"

"There's still half an hour left. I believe Commander Zhang's troops are ready too?" Xu Jiyuan said with a smile, full of amusement.

"It still can't be hidden from Brigadier Commander Xu's insightful eyes. Your Yue Yue army is attacking from the west and the north. If I don't make any noise from the east and south, it will definitely attract suspicion, and it will not meet the urgency at all. The effect of defending the city. Therefore, my troops will also launch corresponding containment." Zhang Tianhai's face was also full of smiles, but his face was full of confidence.

"As expected of the chairman's favorite student, our brigade will follow your command in this battle. I hope that you will not let me down." Xu Jiyuan laughed and said that the matter has come to an end. Is there any other better way?
"Don't worry! This battle must be fought beautifully, and you will definitely not lose the reputation of the Guangdong Army and the face of our Central Army." Zhang Tianhai smiled lightly.


Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. According to the agreed attack time, this is the time to launch an attack.

At this time, the sky had cleared up, and the trenches were already full of troops about to launch an attack. It seemed that there were definitely a lot of people.

However, the mobilization of troops of the national army did not hide from the eyes of the Japanese army.

Twenty minutes ago, Tanaka Yoshikun, who had already received a change in troops from the west and north, boarded the city wall to observe the enemy's situation.

"It seems that the Chinese army is well prepared this time, and I don't know if we can hold the city of Jiujiang this time." Tanaka Yijun said worriedly.

Indeed, for the Japanese guarding the city, they only had more than 600 troops. Except for the commanders, there were only 150 people assigned to each of the four city gates, east, west, north, south.

It's no wonder that Yijun Tanaka lacked confidence: his strength no longer allowed him to pretend to be full of confidence.

"Captain, the enemy is about to launch a general attack soon, and I don't know if our reinforcements are ready." The combat staff officer next to him sighed.

"Let's try to guard as much as possible. After all, our reinforcements are not weak. Our reinforcements are from the [-]st Division." Tanaka Yijun still frowned deeply.

"The [-]st Division? It can't be the [-]st Regiment of the 'Military God' Iizuka Kunigoro, right?" The Japanese staff officer seemed to have a bright eye.

"Yes, that's right. It's Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro's No. [-] Regiment. In theory, we are saved. But the premise is that we have to last until their reinforcements arrive!" Tanaka Yi-kun's face was heavy.

"Understood." The Japanese combat staff officer bowed his head and responded.


The camera turns back to the Cantonese troops outside the city.

"Commander, why are we investing so many troops to launch a fierce attack for the first time? According to the brigade commander's order, we are going to play a protracted war with these little Japanese, and we can't take their side." Huang Qisan Chief of Staff Liao Penghui said.

"Because of this, we have to launch a fierce attack! If we don't fight hard, the enemy will doubt our combat intentions. Only when we give them a ruthless blow, will they know how to be afraid and desperately ask for help. And if our attack is repelled, they will believe even more that they are defending here with their own strength." Huang Qisan had a faint smile on his face, because they were all Cantonese and there were no other people around him. People, so they simply communicated in Cantonese.

"It's no wonder you can become the head of the regiment, you are Lingxing. But you are much better than many people." Liao Penghui praised.

"Stop selling melons, Huang Po. Order the troops to attack!" Huang Qisan said with a smile, but his tone was extremely serious.


PS: The second update is here!

The update still caught up.

(End of this chapter)

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