Chapter 851 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
"The commander ordered that after the gunshots, attack the city gate immediately!!"

"Command from the regiment commander!! After the gunshots, immediately launch an attack on the city gate!!"

With the messengers running around one by one, Huang Qisan's offensive order quickly reached all departments of the No. 90 Seventh Regiment.

"Little Huang, go and fire the first shot!" Huang Qisan said to a soldier beside him, who was his sharpshooter.

In Huang Qisan's view, this first shot is very important. If he can hit the enemy with one shot, it will be his first victory—that is, it will be a good sign.

"Yes! Sir!" The sharpshooter Xiao Huang responded, and then stepped forward with his rifle. Judging by the action, it was quite standard.

Soon, sharpshooter Xiao Huang picked a relatively hidden place and aimed at the Japanese army behind a gap in the wall.


A gunshot made by Hanyang rang out, and a machine gunner behind the wall fell in response.

Behind the trenches, countless officers and soldiers of the Cantonese army in iron-blue uniforms began to charge forward. At the same time, countless light machine guns were erected on the trenches and began to fire bullets at the city wall.

Soon, countless bullets began to pass over the wall.

"Keep! Kee!! Enemy attack! Enemy attack~!!"

There were many shouts of Japanese officers from the top of the city, followed by the sharp sirens of the Japanese army.

Soon, the whole city turned into a state of war, and the situation was not usually tense.

More importantly, the Japanese army was not defending a complete city. They spent a lot of weapons and ammunition to take down this city.

Since the city gate was blasted open with cannons, it was inevitable to turn this place into a "broken city".

On the city wall that was smashed by shells, many Japanese troops were resisting with simple fortifications built with these sandbags.

Under the superior firepower of the national army, the Japanese army began to suffer casualties gradually.

Such bad news quickly spread to the headquarters in the city.

"It's not good, it's not good. Your Excellency, captain, the enemy has launched an all-out attack!" A Japanese soldier quickly ran into the headquarters and reported to the captain, because this was the squadron leader's instruction.

Since there were more stray bullets on the front line after the war started, in order not to paralyze the defense system of the city, Yoshitaka Tanaka chose to return to the headquarters to direct the battle instead of visiting the front line in person.

"There is only one west gate, so they launched an all-out attack? Is the enemy bullying us? Or do they think our city is defenseless?!" Tanaka Yijun said angrily.

"It must be the Chinese cavalry who came outside the city to spy on the information before! If it weren't for these soldiers, they would never know that our city is short of men and horses!" A Japanese sergeant next to him interjected.

"It must be like this. Now the enemy is grasping our lack of men and horses, so they launched such an unscrupulous onslaught! It's still reckless... They should bring some Imperial Association troops over." Tanaka Yijun gently supported himself That aching brain, it is true that he usually doesn't think much of these people who forget their ancestors and forget their ancestors, and only know that they are useless for a day, but at this time, these people are here to help them maintain some Order isn't it?It's not as stretched as it is now.

"Your Excellency, Captain, what should we do now?" asked the Japanese Sergeant Cao next to him.

No matter what, he still had to face such a cruel fact now.

"What else can we do? Send a report to Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro and let his troops speed up! In addition, [-] soldiers will be drawn from each of the other three gates to support the battle here first! "Tanaka Yijun always thought that his army was the most elite army, so he dared to come here with a large team.

Come here as soon as he comes, the key is that those puppet troops have not been brought over, this is the most important thing.

"Hay!" The Japanese soldier Cao responded, apparently he was very trusted by Lieutenant Assistant Tanaka Yoshikun.

"Go back and tell your squadron leader to hold on, the reinforcements will arrive soon!" Tanaka Yijun said in a deep voice.

"Hay!!" The Japanese soldier who ran down from the city wall to ask for help echoed.


Outside the city, the offensive formation of the Cantonese troops was choppy and surging like a wave.

However, the Japanese army was not vegetarian after all. They were soldiers carefully trained by the Japanese Communists. Soon, the national army troops began to suffer casualties.

In addition to the charge formation, they also carried ladders.

Whenever a soldier of the Cantonese army fell down, the comrades behind him would take his place and rush forward with the ladder on their shoulders.

Their goal is to knock down the West City Gate!

At the same time, the officers and soldiers of the No.90 Eighth Regiment at the North Gate also launched a fierce attack on Jiujiang County under the order of their regiment commander.

So far, Jiujiang County is very short of troops.

Both the west gate and the north gate were in full swing, but only the east gate and south gate were silent.

"Squadron leader, our two sides should be safe now, right? The Chinese army only launched a fierce attack on the north and west gates, but not our place. Could this be their trick?" A Japanese soldier in charge of guarding the south gate The squad leader spoke to the squadron leader next to him.

After thinking about it carefully, the squadron leader said: "China's culture has always been extensive and profound, especially their art of war. There is indeed something worth learning from. This may be their so-called encirclement and lack of one! Only in this way can we be lured To escape, it's a pity that they underestimated our Japanese imperial army, our Sunrise warriors would not be deserters so easily!"

"Yo Xi, what the squadron leader said is that Ji Cup thinks so too. They still underestimated our Sunrise warriors." The Japanese squad leader was flattering the squadron leader.

"It seems that there is no movement on our south gate. According to my observation, the enemy army in front of our south gate and east gate is the central army of the Chinese army, and the enemy army at the west gate and north gate is the Chinese army. The miscellaneous army, I don’t know which unit it is.” The Japanese squadron leader said meaningfully.

"Souga, what the squadron leader said is very reasonable. The Chinese army has always been divided into factions and not united. I'm afraid this is an opportunity for the Chinese Central Army to consume the Chinese motley army?" The squadron leader followed the squadron leader's words. Next, with a flattering face.

"This may be very possible. Based on my understanding of China, this thing will inevitably happen." The Japanese squadron leader had a smug face, obviously being very comfortable with this flattery.

"Seokar..." Before the Japanese squad leader continued to flatter his squadron leader, the accident happened.


There was a loud noise, and the entire wall became crumbling.

It was as terrifying as encountering a magnitude [-] earthquake.

"Nani?! What's the situation? Could it be that the Chinese Central Army launched a surprise attack on us?" The Japanese squadron leader's face changed drastically, and the pride just now was gone.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and there will be a second update later, which will be completed before twelve o'clock.

That's it. Please wait a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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