Chapter 852 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
Facts have proved that people still can't pretend to be coercive, after all, pretending to be coercive is struck by lightning.

The same is true of the daily bragging between the Japanese squadron leader and the squad leader. They never thought that these enemy troops could actually blow up the wall.

So the question is, how did these Chinese troops pass?

Back to three hours ago, the camera turned to the east gate.

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, it was exactly four o'clock in the morning.

This time is very particular. For ordinary people, this time is the deepest sleep, unless they are used to special practitioners.

If these Japanese soldiers went to bed early and woke up early, then they probably had to wake up at this moment.

But it was different at this time. A few hours ago, these Japanese soldiers were so noisy that they couldn't sleep. At this time, they were in a very exhausted state, so how could they not sleep soundly?

As for enemy raids and the like, it has long been commonplace for these Japanese officers and soldiers-if these enemy troops dare to make a surprise attack, they should get up and fight again, anyway, they can't beat them; but if they don't sleep, the second When fighting every day, you will be very tired and lack energy, and you will easily be killed by stray bullets.

More importantly, these Japanese soldiers believed in their sentries and could give them early warning in time, so that they would not lose their positions.

Just when the sentry was yawning and the Japanese troops were already asleep, several national army officers and soldiers in night clothes sneaked up to the junction of the south city wall and the east city wall with shovels and some explosives in their hands.

These officers and soldiers of the national army are not other troops, but the officers and soldiers of the Special Service Company of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone.

These buried skills were learned from the engineer company, and at the same time, it was also one of the compulsory subjects for the spy company.

It is precisely because of Zhang Tianhai's special positioning for the spy company that the officers and soldiers of these spy companies have mastered a kung fu, and it is a kung fu for killing people.

It's just that the people their kung fu is targeting are not ordinary people, but these evil invaders.

The officers and soldiers of these secret service companies also knew that the Japanese soldiers above their heads were very sensitive and their vigilance was high enough. If it wasn't because they were so sleepy at this time, it would be difficult for them to get close to the city wall.

Therefore, when they dug the soil, they were very careful and did not make any noise.

While these officers and soldiers were secretly digging the ground to bury the explosives, a few officers and soldiers of the national army in night clothes followed behind them, quietly advancing with a bundle of wire.

It is worth mentioning that besides holding the thread in their hands, these national army officers and soldiers also carried some explosives on their backs. The key point is that they did not expose their targets in this extremely quiet night.

In any case, the Japanese army would never have imagined that in such a backward place in China, there is still a unit that has received such a novel training method here.

The officers and soldiers of these special service companies never made a sound from the beginning to the end, and even communicated with gestures.

It is precisely because of this that the Japanese army was not alarmed, and a lot of explosives were planted from the intersection of the south city wall and the east city wall.


There was a rumbling sound, and the corner of the city wall was filled with smoke, and everyone's attention was shifted there.

At this moment, light machine guns and heavy machine guns began to be erected on the positions of the national army. Without exception, the guns were all aimed at the Japanese soldiers on the city wall.

Their goal is not to enter Jiujiang, nor is it to launch a feint attack in the city, but this does not mean that they cannot cause some troubles for the little devils - at least they can restrain part of their troops, so that they dare not go all out to reinforce Ximen and Beibei. Door?
That's right, Zhang Tianhai's battle strategy now is to bully them with few people and make them nervous.

As for what changes history and does not change history, Zhang Tianhai hasn't thought about it yet. He is currently thinking about how to cause some troubles for these little devils. Anyway, it is difficult to change major historical events, so it is better to change some small If you don't want to use force, bring these little devils to hell more, and let them not harm Chinese soldiers and ordinary people. Anyway, keeping these people is a disaster.

"Tuan Zuo, there are already fighting on all sides, and it feels that the fighting is not so fierce. It seems that this Jiujiang County will be taken down in a short time." Chief of Staff Li Yinglun said.

"It's not that easy. Even if the troops of the No.40 Eighth Brigade attack with all their strength, it is impossible to attack the city so easily. These small Japans are not that simple. As long as we don't launch a full-scale attack on the east gate and south gate , These little devils still have spare energy to reinforce Ximen and Beimen." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his face away again, and said to Xu Jiyuan who was next to him: "Brigade Commander Xu, don't blame me, Mr. Zhang, for being so dishonest. He knows that he can help the friendly army and stays put. This Jiujiang County is the center of this battle. This is the most critical step, I dare not make a mistake."

I saw Xu Jiyuan smiled lightly and said: "Commander Zhang, you must have underestimated me, Xu. This Jiujiang County is the bait to lure the Japanese into the bait. Commander Zhang ordered us to fight here. That's it, if I, Xu, can't even understand this point, then it's better to go home and farm."

"Thank you, Brigadier Commander Xu, for your understanding. It's really uncomfortable for us to stand still when we have the opportunity to capture the fallen city." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. Just as he was saying this, His thoughts seemed to return to the 21st century. He felt that he was like the national football team. He was obviously able to win the game, but he had to create some "accidents". The enemy can't see it either.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai felt like he was that team - it was a trivial matter to win the game, but it was very difficult to achieve such a pinnacle of acting skills.

"Commander Zhang, since it has been agreed that you are the commander-in-chief for this battle, then our No. 40 Eighth Brigade will not have a single complaint or talk nonsense. You can just let it go and do it." Xu Jiyuan patted Patting Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder, his eyes were full of trust.

Xu Jiyuan is not stupid, he has also experienced many things, especially his pair of discerning eyes. Everyone knows that the position of chief of a brigade is not something that can be filled by any idiot.

"Then let's do this for now!" Zhang Tianhai nodded.

At this moment, a combat staff officer ran to Zhang Tianhai's side and reported: "Reporting to the delegation, the Wuhan side called urgently, saying that according to the information passed down by the military order, a Japanese army has already set off from the direction of Pengze urgently. Urgently rush to help Jiujiang County!"

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai showed bitterness, and said, "Brigade Commander Xu, it seems that our enemies are even more short of men than imagined! Let them not come so fast, let's surround this county with them Urgent support will be provided."


PS: The second update is here!

The update is guaranteed again, alas, I can't even think of it.Good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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