Chapter 853 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
"So, according to Captain Zhang, does our army have to slow down the attack?" Xu Jiyuan asked with a serious look on his face.

"It's already halfway through the attack. If we call to stop the attack at this time, it will only cost the lives of the brothers in vain. If we do this, we will be sorry for the brothers below." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his tone full of dignified.

"So what does Captain Zhang mean?" Xu Jiyuan said seriously.

"What I mean is, after this wave of attacks is over, we will suspend the attack. Let these little devils take a breath. If the bait is eaten, it will not be fun. Also, Brigadier Xu must cooperate with us. Sub-headquarters action." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, there was no hint of a joke on his face.

"Okay, let's do what you want!" After finishing speaking, Xu Jiyuan turned his head and said to the correspondent beside him: "Call No.90 Seventh Regiment and No.90 Eighth Regiment immediately. After this general attack, put Slow down your attack."

"Yes, sir!" the correspondent responded.

When Xu Jiyuan ordered the troops below to slow down the attack, Zhang Tianhai was not idle.

Zhang Tianhai yelled, "Wang Liang!"

"Report to the group seat! The humble position is here!" The adjutant Wang Liang next to him also responded loudly.

"Immediately call Deputy Commander Guo and ask him to leave a battalion outside our hometown. The other troops should go out and assemble immediately. Move closer to Jiujiang County. If there are other situations, immediately launch an attack on the enemy!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. Said.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Wang Liang responded, and then hurried to carry out Zhang Tianhai's order.

Xu Jiyuan was very interested in Zhang Tianhai's order - he wanted to know what this bold guy in front of him wanted to do?Do you really want to fight with the reinforcements of the Japanese army?

"Brigade Commander Xu, you don't have to look at me like that. I did this for the sake of the overall situation." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

"No, no, I'm not the kind of person who sees people as low as dogs. Commander Zhang's troops are the essence of our army, and they are not weaker than the Japanese army. I am very curious. In this confrontation, we What will it look like?" Xu Jiyuan admitted openly, that he is not the kind of person who is not aboveboard.

"Look! We won't suffer in this battle." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Then Jiujiang County?" Xu Jiyuan blurted out.

"It must be restored. The reinforcements of the Japanese army, I must also defeat them!" Zhang Tianhai was full of confidence and pride.

Perhaps infected by Zhang Tianhai's arrogance, Xu Jiyuan waved his big hand forward, and said boldly: "Head Zhang is really a hero, even if this battle breaks the sky, I, Xu, will accompany you!" Let's make a fuss and see what it's like for this monkey grandson to make a fuss in the Heavenly Palace."

"Okay, then I wish us a successful start and be invincible." Zhang Tianhai had a confident smile on his face. It would be great to have such good teammates who take the initiative to contribute.

"Okay!" Xu Jiyuan stretched out his right hand.

Zhang Tianhai smiled lightly, and followed suit.


In the north of Lushan Mountain, the inconspicuous Jijia Village.

This is still the left-behind regiment headquarters of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, and the deputy head Guo Qiliang led the troops to stay here.

If it were any other unit, there would definitely not be such an "elegant title" as "left behind regiment headquarters", mainly because the number of the First Guard Regiment in the Ninth War Zone was too large, including the troops directly under the regiment headquarters. And the supply battalion, but there are a total of nine battalions.

Which regiment-level force would have the size of nine battalions?This is clearly a trip!
Yes, if it is replaced by other units, this is an integrated brigade-the five infantry battalions will be expanded to six, and the troops directly under the regiment headquarters can be reorganized into the troops directly under the brigade headquarters, while the cavalry battalion and artillery battalion serve as one. The brigade headquarters is directly under the support force, which is originally a regiment-level unit!

Since Zhang Tianhai took the cavalry battalion, the second battalion, the third battalion and the small artillery company out, Guo Qiliang has assumed the position of commander of the left behind troops. Every day has been busy yet comfortable.

To put it bluntly, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.

Guo Qiliang, who had just finished handling specific official duties, raised his legs and hummed a little song from his hometown behind his desk leisurely. It seemed that it was not so easy.

However, at this moment, a communications staff officer ran in and reported: "Report to the deputy head, the group has an urgent call, please read it!"

After hearing the news, regardless of his physical fatigue, Guo Qiliang immediately stood up, almost grabbed the telegram in the hands of the communications staff officer, and read it carefully.

After a while, Guo Qiliang's face changed drastically, and he immediately said in a panic: "Except for the fifth battalion, all other troops are assembled, including the supply battalion!"

Guo Qiliang knew very well that the unit of the fifth battalion had not formed combat effectiveness at all. This unit was still some distance away from being able to really be able to fight on the battlefield, and it had to be trained strictly.

Even if it is a heavy battalion, it will be more useful than the fifth battalion if it is pulled to the front line.

Therefore, even if Guo Qiliang wanted to form a lineup of all combat troops, there was nothing he could do.

"Yes! Sir!!" The communications staff responded.

Following Guo Qiliang's order, the remaining troops of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone also began to concentrate, including He Jiye's gendarmerie and engineering company.

Guo Qiliang knew very well what Zhang Tianhai wanted to do. Zhang Tianhai, an old boy, had pulled out his old background, and obviously wanted to have a big game with the Japanese army.

I'm afraid this strength is no less than the lineup in Tangtou battle.

But no matter what, Guo Qiliang, as Zhang Tianhai's deputy, his task is to assist the military chief to complete the combat mission.


West Front.

Due to the fierce firepower of the national army, the Japanese troops were beaten so hard that they couldn't lift their heads, and the forwards of the national army also began to rush to the city.

At this moment, the Japanese army began to throw grenades.

Just like in the TV series, the Japanese army was leaning on the corner of the wall and throwing cantaloupe grenades down the city.




Cantaloupe grenades began to explode under the city, and the national army began to suffer casualties.

"Commander, what should we do now?" Liao Penghui, the chief of staff next to him, asked, obviously not optimistic about the front line.

"Wait, as long as we can attack, the little devils won't be able to hold on. They have few people, and now our army is fighting on all sides, now we will see who can't hold on first." Huang Qisan lightly clenched his fists, Obviously, his confidence is not full.

"Then shall we arrange the reserve team first?" After all, Huang Qisan is the head of the regiment, and Huang Qisan's opinion must be sought for many things on the battlefield.

"There is no rush to attack, but the reserve team can be arranged first. As long as the situation requires it, we will immediately order the troops to go." Huang Qisan wanted to refuse, but seeing the current tactics of these little devils, he was a little timid again.

He, Huang Qisan, is not only the head of the No.40 Eighth Brigade, but also the commander of all the officers and soldiers of their No.90 Seventh Regiment!

If this battle is lost like this, then these brothers who died on the offensive line will die in vain!
More importantly, Huang Qisan saw it with his own eyes—these little devils on the city wall were accurate with their marksmanship, and they all aimed at the head. As long as they were hit, they would definitely not survive.

At this point in this battle, Huang Qisan could hardly hold back anymore.

Yes, Huang Qisan is definitely not that kind of calm commander. On the contrary, he is very easily agitated and has a relatively irritable personality.

The brothers who had been together day and night before him were killed one by one, Huang Qisan was already restraining his impulse.

Because Huang Qisan knew that in this battle, these little devils in front of him were just bait, and their chief's goal was to roll the whole fish pond, so that he could know the big dynamics of the whole battle situation.

If it were any other time, Huang Qisan would have ordered the troops to show their strength to these nasty little devils to see their true strength.

At this time, the dragon has to coil up, and the tiger has to lie on its stomach.


The camera turned and turned to the southeast direction.

As soon as the corner of the wall was blown down, the whole situation was reversed: if the national army's firepower was strong enough, they could use this gap to attack the city, and a huge gap had appeared in the Japanese defense line.

After the Japanese squadron leader who was in charge of guarding the south gate came back to his senses, he immediately broke out in cold sweat: As a qualified soldier, he knew very well what the collapse of this city corner would mean at this time!
"Come on! Send people to plug the gap right away, don't let the Chinese army attack in!!" The Japanese squadron leader was yelling, fearing that his reaction would be slow.

In fact, this corner of the city was not a shabby project, on the contrary, it was an extremely solid fortification, but there was no way, it had already been destroyed by a burst of artillery fire from the Japanese army, and the fortification that was barely repaired could not withstand the explosion of explosives!

It is precisely because of this element that there will be such a huge gap about ten meters wide when the national army explodes!

"Hey, the little devils are panicking. After being blown up like this by us, they must be so scared?" Liu Houming laughed, and couldn't even remember the idiom, so he could only say "I It's like being illiterate."

"It's a frightened bird!" A voice sounded from the side.

Liu Houming turned his face to see that this was not the new commander of the third battalion, Yang Jiquan.

Yang Jiquan looked like a gentle man, which was in stark contrast to a rough man like Liu Houming, so the latter probably didn't think much of the former, so he said, "Battle Commander Yang, now our spy company is helping you. The brothers from the third battalion blasted a city wall, you have to thank me!"

Seeing that Yang Jiquan didn't care too much, he patted Liu Houming on the shoulder and said, "That's a must, if this goes into the city. I'll tell the Tuan Zuo that you must remember your first contribution."

"Is this true?" Liu Houming looked suspicious, obviously not trusting the battalion commander he had worked with for a short time.

"Then it's fake? Can the big hole blown out in front of you deceive people? Besides, apart from your special agent company's ability to quietly plant explosives under the nose of Little Japan, how can our ordinary field troops have this ability? "Yang Jiquan was angry and funny, and I don't know why, but Liu Houming, the number one celebrity in front of Zhang Tianhai, seems to have a brain defect?
It's no wonder that Yang Jiquan thought so: Logically speaking, Liu Houming has won the trust of Zhang Yulin and the head of the regiment. If he works hard, he can be the battalion commander or the deputy head of the regiment. That's not too far away. But this kid seems to be unable to see through this point.

"Okay! I see that you, Battalion Commander Yang, are also an honest person, and you shouldn't be greedy for the credit of our secret service company, so we will trust you for now." Liu Houming smiled, and his appearance looked very foolish.

No, it should be said that he was originally a fool.

Sure enough, when these words came out, Yang Jiquan almost choked: If there was no one here, he really wanted to order his brothers to take down this big and thick Tie Hanhan, and then hang him up to humiliate and spank his ass.

Cough cough, although the scene was a bit embarrassing, it also proves how serious the internal injuries of Yang Jiquan, Commander Yang Dayong are...

"Okay. I will report like this." Yang Jiquan looked at Liu Houming's eyes even more so.

"Well, Battalion Commander Yang, since our special agent company has already helped your third battalion and second battalion blow up the city wall, why haven't you launched a desperate attack there?" Liu Houming widened his eyes and scratched his head.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Yang Jiquan raised his eyebrows, as if his patience had reached its limit.

"That's right, didn't the Tuan Zuo ask us to launch a fierce attack on the Japanese defenders?" Liu Houming's eyes widened.

"No, no! There is another order from Tuan Zuo, did you not hear clearly? It is to prevent us from completely annihilating the Japanese defenders in the city. The bait is gone, how can the fish take the bait?!" Yang Jiquan's tone was slightly a little bit Irritable, there's nothing I can do about it, that's all I have to do when facing a bastard like Liu Houming.

That's right, Liu Houming accurately said that he is just a mixed person, a bit like the kind of hob meat.

Such a No. [-] mixed person, in the police regiment, Zhang Tianhai, the chief of the regiment, and Guo Qiliang, the deputy chief of the police regiment, can command him, let alone the new Chief of Staff Li Yinglun. Can command him.

That's right, Liu Houming's bastard is interesting in terms of judging people - anyway, he is mixed with the regiment leader Ding Zhang Tianhai, as long as the regiment leader values ​​people, he can obey the command.

If the head of the regiment turned against that person, then he, Liu Houming, would definitely not obey the command.

"Oh...that's it...then do as the Tuan Zuo said!" No matter how idiot Liu Houming is, how about knowing who is the boss?

PS: The update is finally delivered, I am really sorry for making you wait so long, I feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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