War of Resistance

Chapter 854 Terrible Enemies

Chapter 854 Terrible Enemies
"Anyway, we are now cooperating with the brothers of the Cantonese Army to launch the main attack. We have already blown down a section of their city wall. Next, our next step is to fight around this gap. We can neither take this There is a gap, but it can’t let the little devil live too easily.” Yang Jiquan revealed a playful look on his face.

"Then what do you mean?" Liu Houming frowned and asked very seriously.

"We can't do it, just ask the group seat for troops!" Yang Jiquan frowned, and a smug flash of pride flashed across his honest and honest face.

"What can't be done? You can't do it in the third battalion. Our special agent company must do it." Liu Houming said with wide-eyed eyes.

"Stupid you!" Yang Jiquan couldn't help but patted Liu Houming's hat, and said with a bit of resentment: "Why can't you think about it so hard? It's such a time, and it's okay to argue! Our army obviously has machine guns! Why let the brothers take their lives to do it!"

Hearing this, Liu Houming suddenly realized: I have to admit that my thinking is too naive.

"Battle Commander Yang, I also agree with your idea. Your idea is very good. It's true, but I still feel that it's not right for us to squat here while watching the brothers in the Guangdong Army go all out." Liu Houming Scratching my head, I'm a little stubborn.

"Okay, I'll tell you what you think. My third battalion will never launch an attack without authorization. If you force it, it's okay. You can explain it to the group yourself later." Yang Jiquan nodded. Hmph, obviously I don't think much of Liu Houming's reckless way of fighting.

"All right, all right, I will follow Battalion Commander Yang's instructions, and I will obey your orders and errands." Liu Houming looked convinced, if he were to use a personal character as a metaphor, it would probably only be Li Yunlong in Bright Sword, right?

The Heavenly King Laozi is greater than Li Yunlong, and the Brigadier is greater than the Heavenly King Laozi...

Obviously, in Liu Houming's world, the head of the regiment is greater than the existence of the heavenly king Lao Tzu.

"Hey, regiment seat. The humble position is Yang Jiquan, the commander of the third battalion. Now the gap between the south wall and the east wall has been blasted by the brothers of the spy company. They can attack the city at any time. But according to your instructions, our battalion does not plan to attack into the city,"

Soon, the three Soloton cannons were set up by the officers and soldiers of the small artillery company. The direction the guns were facing was the direction of the gap in the city wall.


The camera turns back to the Japanese army at the head of the city.

For these Japanese troops, a section of the city wall was blown up without making a sound, which was undoubtedly very fatal-if the enemy organized a strong firepower to launch an attack, it might not be possible to attack through this gap.

This gap can be said to be the most tightly surrounded place by the Japanese army at the east gate and south gate - no one can afford to lose the responsibility here; the key is that if this is lost, they will all die!

"Keep!! Come on, block that firepower point!! Set up machine guns!!" The Japanese officers were shouting. They were afraid of the national army officers and soldiers, so they launched a desperate attack in the direction of this breakthrough...

After all, this is also a trick they often play by the Japanese army.

Precisely because I often use this tactic, I am also afraid that others will use this tactic, so the Japanese army thought of using machine gun positions to withstand it.

Of course, if it wasn't for the machine gun position, I'm afraid other positions would not be able to withstand it, right?After all, if the enemy launches an attack, it will be a fierce attack regardless of the cost!

Soon, the heavy machine guns of the Japanese army were erected there, but before the Japanese army could get their complacent, a burst of dense machine gun bullets came.

The huge caliber bullets directly penetrated the simple bunker of the Japanese army, and the Japanese army behind the bunker was torn in half alive, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

"Sir, that is a large-caliber cannon!!" A Japanese veteran shouted, perhaps, he will never forget the cruel side in front of him.

That scene will never be forgotten by Yuichi Ozawai—his younger brother Yuji Ozawai was directly cut in two by a bullet from a machine gun, and minced meat and blood splattered all over the floor.

If it was someone else, facing their own close relatives, they might have collapsed long ago.

But Ozawai Yuichi was different, he was a veritable veteran, whether it was the North China Incident, the Battle of Songhu, the Defense of Nanjing, or even the Battle of Xuzhou.

It is precisely for this reason that Ozawa Oiichi was transferred to the most elite headquarters security force. If not for this, he would have been unable to hold on.

"Baga!! Damn Chinese people!! How could they have such a thing..." The squadron leader cursed.

Soon, he realized something - in China, what kind of troops would have machine guns!
"Damn it! Didn't the Chinese army's German weaponry units have been wiped out a long time ago! How can there be such troops!" The squadron leader muttered to himself, cold sweat dripping down his face.

Thinking about it, the Japanese squadron leader recalled that they were blown down the city wall without making a sound, even their guard sentries didn't notice.

What a terrible enemy this must be!

"Come here, report to Captain Tanaka Yijun right away. The enemy we are facing here is the German army in the Central Army of the Chinese Army. They are well-trained and well-equipped. If they launch a full-scale attack, Jiujiang County will It is at stake." The Japanese squadron leader greeted a Japanese soldier next to him, and said in a very solemn tone.

"Hay!" The Japanese soldier responded, also very seriously.

Soon, Tanaka Yijun who was in the direction of the west city wall received a report from the commander of the south city wall.

"Nani? Even the German troops of the Chinese Army have also appeared. It seems that they are determined to win Jiujiang, but why didn't they launch a full-scale attack?" After all, Yijun Tanaka was still a calm commander, and he didn't lose his mind in an instant. I was very impulsive and wanted to rush forward to have a life-and-death fight with the police.

"Then how should our squadron leader respond?" the Japanese soldier asked.

"You go back first and tell your squadron leader to let him continue to defend the southern city wall at all costs. If the city is destroyed, we will be finished. The Chinese army will not survive." Tanaka Yijun said in a deep voice.

"Hay!" The Japanese soldier stood at attention and saluted, and then quickly ran back to the south wall.

After the Japanese soldiers left, Tanaka Yijun fell into deep thought. He was thinking about why the enemy was unwilling to launch an all-out attack since they had absolute strength.

What puzzled Tanaka Yijun the most was why the most elite troops of their enemies did not move, but instead ordered the less powerful troops at the west gate and north gate to attack.

Soon, a terrible idea came to Tanaka Yijun's heart: The enemy army is going to surround the spot for reinforcements!And it is very likely that they want to annihilate their reinforcements!

But even so, did their security brigade give up hope of survival?Don't forget, they represent the face of the No.11 army commander!If even they were wiped out, what a blow to the morale of the No. 11 Army would be!

Therefore, under the balance, Tanaka Yijun still made a crazy decision!


PS: The update will be sent.

It's not that I stopped the update on purpose. I had a physical examination last week, and there was something wrong with my body. In addition to active treatment, I also need to exercise.

That's why I sacrificed the update time. Life is too precious. In addition, a friend of mine died suddenly last week. I had to slow down the update pace. I hope everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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