War of Resistance

Chapter 855 Reinforcement arrives

Chapter 855 Reinforcement arrives
What crazy decision?That is to ask your friendly troops for help when you know that the enemy troops may be encircling the point for reinforcements!

"Under the mountain!" Tanaka Yijun called out to a combat staff officer beside him.

"The humble job is here!" Staff Officer Yamashita responded.

"Immediately call Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro and ask for reinforcements! At the same time, call Commander Neiji Okamura and tell the General that we have been besieged by the Chinese army in Jiujiang County. If our friendly forces do not provide reinforcements in time, No. The number of the 11nd Brigade of the [-]th Armed Forces will never exist!" Tanaka Yijun said in a deep voice, his face full of seriousness.

"Hay!!" Staff officer Yamashita responded loudly, a smart subordinate would ponder the leader's intentions, but would not ask the leader's intentions!

Reporting this thing requires some skills, especially when reporting the situation to superior leaders, what should be said and what should not be said, there is a degree to be measured here.

Tanaka Yijun is undoubtedly a smart man. In order to get reinforcements in the fastest time, he selectively forgets the established fact that the Chinese army may be encircling and attacking reinforcements, and only emphasizes one-sidedly the fact that his troops are besieged thing.

Sure enough, after receiving the telegram from Tanaka Yoshikun, Neiji Okamura, who was far away in Pengze Town, sent two urgent orders to Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro.

These two orders were for the [-]st Regiment to quickly reinforce the headquarters to guard the Second Battalion.

The camera switches to Pengze Town, No.11 Army Command.

"Your Excellency, Commander, is it wrong for us to order them to reinforce Jiujiang County in such a hurry? First, the enemy's situation is unknown; second, there is only one regiment. Is it too small? In the tug-of-war, it ended up being a refueling tactic, which would be very troublesome." The Chief of Staff of the No. 11 Army said to Lieutenant General Neji Okamura with a worried face.

Neiji Okamura shook his head and said, "Don't worry too much, chief of staff. Why would the enemy spend so much effort to defend Jiujiang County after our 11th Division advances? It's nothing more than trying to push our army forward The troops returned to the defense, or they wanted to test out our army's combat intentions. Iizuka Kunigoro's troops are the number one trump card of our No. [-] Army. Sending them to reinforce them is safe and sound. There may be some troubles, but There is absolutely no danger!"

"Okay! Since Your Excellency the Commander has already made a decision, no one dares not to obey the humble position." The chief of staff stood at attention and saluted.

"Execute it!" Okamura Neiji said in a deep voice.

"Hay!!" The chief of staff responded.


After receiving two urgent letters from Okamura Neiji, Iizuka Kunigoro, who was full of enthusiasm, held up his sword and urged the troops to march quickly.

Not long after, the headquarters of the [-]st Regiment of the Japanese Army arrived at Poyang Lake, preparing to cross Poyang Lake.

"Your Excellency, Colonel! Our troops are already very tired. In this state, can we cope with the offensive of the Chinese army?" A Japanese lieutenant officer next to him said to Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro.

I saw the bearded Iizuka Kunigoro, smiled, then lit a cigarette, and said confidently: "Mr. Ono is worrying too much. With the strength of my alliance, is it true that the Chinese army wants to kill us?" It’s possible. In addition, Commander Neiji Okamura has issued two urgent orders to reinforce Jiujiang County. If we delay the reinforcements, we will lose our heads.”

"Hay! I understand!" Ono Nakazuo responded.

Soon, the headquarters of the [-]st Regiment of the Japanese Army began to prepare for the battle across the river.


opposite shore.

Jin Peng is an ordinary soldier of the First Company of the Cavalry Battalion of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater of the National Army. His mission this time is to follow the platoon leader to perform reconnaissance missions.

Just as Zhang Tianhai planned to envision at that time, the first company of the cavalry battalion was responsible for reconnaissance missions. This mission was particularly important, and it was the eyes of the whole regiment!
As for the tasks of the second company and the third company, they are mainly responsible for combat tasks and are responsible for mobile operations.

Compared with the tasks of the second company and the third company, the first company is indeed a bit different, but this is all specially ordered by the group seat, so it's nothing.

Jin Peng has a fairly honest face, which is a bit like the later Lu Qiang, only the eyes are rogue, which obviously belong to the kind with excellent eyesight.

For the construction of the cavalry battalion, Zhang Tianhai has always paid attention to it, second only to the special agent company and the artillery battalion.

After all, the secret service company and the artillery battalion are always the sharp knives and heavy punches of the police regiment, the infantry battalion is the main force of the combat force, and the cavalry battalion is just icing on the cake. With it, the combat effectiveness will be improved to a higher level.

"Platoon leader, I look around and there seems to be something wrong. A lot of little devils' warships are starting to gather. Could it be that the reinforcements from Jiujiang county have arrived?" Jin Peng asked the platoon leader next to him.

The platoon leader thought for a while and said, "It's possible, let's keep an eye on it first! Let the telegrapher report the situation to the group seat. It's not up to us to decide what to do."

"Yes, sir." Jin Peng responded, and then reported the situation truthfully.


Soon, the news reached Zhang Tianhai's temporary headquarters.

"Report to the regiment! The cavalry battalion is sending urgent telegrams!" Adjutant Wang Liang ran to Zhang Tianhai with a telegram.

"The first company of the cavalry battalion? Read!" Zhang Tianhai hesitated for a moment, and immediately made a decision.

"Admonishment from the delegation, a large number of Japanese warships have gathered on the east bank of Poyang Lake. It is initially suspected that reinforcements from the Japanese army have arrived. Please give instructions from the delegation." Wang Liang said truthfully.

"It seems that the little Japanese reinforcements are really coming soon. Brigadier Xu." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai looked at Xu Jiyuan next to him.

"Head Zhang, if you have any good ideas, just say it directly. As long as it is reasonable, our department will absolutely obey the order." Xu Jiyuan also knew what Zhang Tianhai meant, so he said it directly.

"Okay, since that's the case. I won't be polite to Brigadier Commander Xu. Our regiment plans to withdraw from the Jiujiang battlefield, and your department will attack Jiujiang County with all your strength." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"What does Commander Zhang mean is that you want to withdraw to fight the reinforcements of the Japanese army?" Xu Jiyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and did not directly express his doubts.

"Yes, the Japanese army's reinforcements this time should not be small in scale. If the scale is not large, it must be the elite Japanese army. Only by withdrawing from our regiment to fight for reinforcements can we achieve the desired effect of Commander-in-Chief Zhang." Tianhai said very seriously.

After hearing this, Xu Jiyuan nodded and said, "Okay! Just do what you want, Commander Zhang! If there is anything that needs support from our brigade, Commander Zhang must speak up. In this battle, you and I As long as the two divisions cooperate sincerely, their combat effectiveness will never be inferior to that of one division."

"Okay, thank you Brigadier Commander Xu for your kindness. If necessary, Brigadier Commander Xu must help you." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid the Japanese troops this time will be more difficult. Jiujiang County is here. Get rid of Brigadier Commander Xu, and after our regiment has exchanged fire with the Japanese army, we will try our best to storm Jiujiang and try to wipe out the Japanese defenders."

Xu Jiyuan nodded and said, "Absolutely no problem!"


PS: One update will be delivered!

In the past few days, there may only be one or two changes a day.Please be safe and calm!
(End of this chapter)

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