Chapter 856 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
Ever since, in this way, except for the newly established Fifth Battalion and the logistics battalion of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, which were not mobilized, all other combat troops have been transferred out of Lushan Mountain to prepare for reinforcements with the Japanese army. Fight to the death!


The camera switches to around Jiujiang County again.

With the consensus reached by the national army, the central army began to exchange positions with the Cantonese army. At the same time, the Cantonese army also began to organize death squads to launch a general attack on the west gate and the north gate.

All of a sudden, the sound of guns and artillery rumbled. When the police [-]st regiment withdrew from the Jiujiang position, they did not simply retreat without support.



Two shells bombarded the west city wall of Jiujiang County without any mistakes, and a burst of dust was blown up immediately, and there was a cloud of smoke everywhere, which looked very scary.

Even the city wall shook for a while.

Originally, the 75mm caliber shells were not supposed to be so powerful. In fact, it was mainly related to the fact that Jiujiang County was bombed by Japanese artillery before, and there was no time to repair it here!

"Commander! Commander! It's not good! It's not good! The Chinese army has launched an all-out attack!!" A Japanese soldier ran into the headquarters in a panic and reported to Tanaka Yikun.

I saw that at this time, Tanaka Yijun's face was no longer as graceful and calm as before, his eyes were bloodshot, like a wounded beast.

"The Chinese army is too deceitful. Now withdraw part of the troops at the east gate and south gate! The enemy army over there has not yet launched a fierce attack, so we can't take care of that much." Tanaka Yijun sighed, due to the strength of the troops He is extremely lacking, and his state at this time can only be caring about his head and ignoring his back...

"Hay!" The combat staff officer next to him responded.

After giving this order, Tanaka Yijun began to take off his military cap, and picked up the turban with the red dog skin plaster on the table, on which was written "long live the martial arts, long live the dog emperor".

Slowly tied his turban, Tanaka Yijun picked up the samurai sword on the table, and said in a deep voice: "Order the troops, once the city is broken, immediately retreat into the city and prepare for street fighting!"

What Tanaka Yikun said was not only to the combat staff, but also to all the Japanese officers and soldiers in the headquarters.

"Hay!!" The Japanese soldiers in the Japanese command post responded in unison, with a hint of a decisive battle.

A desolate atmosphere began to pervade the Japanese army headquarters, especially under the dim light.

All the Japanese soldiers put on their dog skin plaster headscarves, and even the bayonets on the March [-] cover were polished brightly.

At this moment, they realized that the elites would also be encircled and wiped out!

After everything was ready, Tanaka Yoshikun said to the telegraph operator beside him: "Send a telegram to His Excellency Commander Neiji Okamura. The content is written: 'General Junjian Okamura Neiji, our department is now Prepare to reach the end of the mountain, the enemy's infantry is already preparing to rush to the top of the city, and our troops are also preparing to retreat into the city to fight the final decisive battle with the enemy. If the reinforcements of Iizuka Kunigoro cannot arrive before noon, I will Lead the command of the second security brigade of the headquarters, and all the subordinates of the second security brigade! No. 11th Army Command Headquarters, the second security brigade Captain Tanaka Yikun telegraphed.'”

"Hay!" said the telegraph operator.


The camera switches to outside the city, Ximen.

At this time, Huang Qisan, the head of the No.90 Seventh Regiment, was full of happiness. He could already see what the city looked like when it was broken, and it was taken under his command.

"Old Liao, just watch! The west city gate, our regiment can take it within two hours!" Huang Qisan was full of vigor, and he was quite proud of pointing out the country.

In fact, it's no wonder Huang Qisan is so proud: because most of the battles he fought before were defeated. Half an hour ago, he had to take the lives of his brothers to contain the Japanese army; The order to launch a fierce attack also brought in artillery support. It was still the artillery of the Central Army. The only fly in the ointment was that the brigade commander also asked the two regiments to transfer a battalion to the east gate and south gate to take over the positions of the Central Army.

"This is a good thing. No matter what, this battle to recover Jiujiang was fought by our No.40 Eighth Brigade." Chief of Staff Liao Penghui analyzed.

"Yes, the Chief of Staff is right, we have taken the limelight. What I just don't understand is, how did the Central Army allow us to take such a big advantage?" After speaking, Huang Qisan looked at Liao Penghui.

"Well, I don't know about this. It may be that there are more important battles to be fought. Judging from the situation of our confrontation with this group of little devils, this group of people is by no means good. The light machine guns and The number of grenadiers is more than that of ordinary Japanese troops, otherwise, we would definitely not have fought so hard in the first battle." Liao Penghui said.

"Yes, that's right. The firepower of these little devils is really fierce. If they don't keep them all, they are the elite of the Japanese army. If we can annihilate this elite army, it is worthwhile to fight with all our strength this time." Huang Qisan nodded, the smiling face he hadn't seen for a long time Finally, there was a smile on the face.

Huang Qisan picked up the binoculars and looked at the attacking troops not far away. At this moment, a bullet pierced the thigh of a national army soldier, and the soldier fell down in response, and then screamed in pain. stand up.

War is cruel.

This point, Huang Qisan, who is already an old commander, will not be ignorant. All he has to do is to command the troops to attack successfully and annihilate this cunning and elite Japanese army.

"Regimental Commander, what I mean is... such an elite force is surrounded by us in the city, it is impossible for the Japanese army to have no reinforcements. This time, the Central Military and Police Regiment was temporarily transferred away. I am afraid it is to deal with the reinforcements of the Japanese army. It's time to fight." Liao Penghui analyzed in a deep voice.

After thinking for a while, Huang Qisan nodded and said, "That's right. When our No. 40 Eighth Brigade entered the border of Jiujiang, we basically listened to the command of the Central Military and Police Regiment. Moreover, the First Police Regiment is equipped with such excellent equipment. More than our 48th brigade. It is really possible to meet the Japanese reinforcements."

"Regimental Commander, in fact, since entering Jiujiang, I have been thinking about a question, that is, Chief Zhang Fakui asked our three regiments, oh no, to be precise, the troops of the two brigades recovered Jiujiang. What is the significance of this?" Liao Penghui said bluntly road.

"There seems to be no problem for a division's troops to regain Jiujiang. At least they can recover the lost ground, right? The political significance is greater than the military significance." Huang Qisan analyzed.

"Regimental Commander, I don't think so. If the Japanese army can take Jiujiang once, they can take it a second time. What's more, Jiujiang was captured by the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army before. Now the [-]th Division The whereabouts of the regiment are unknown. Moreover, the large Japanese troops are in the area of ​​Hukou and Pengze, no matter how stupid Chief Zhang is, he cannot let the troops of our two brigades be eaten up on this front line." Liao Penghui said slowly.

"Then what do you mean?" Huang Qisan frowned tightly.

"This time the battle will not be so simple. The Police Regiment of the Central Army is said to be a regiment, but it is actually a brigade. It is more appropriate to call it the First Police Brigade. Such an elite brigade is here to be eaten by Little Japan It's you, you don't dare to do that, do you?" Liao Penghui smiled, and that smile was intriguing.

Huang Qisan thought for a while and said, "What the chief of staff said is reasonable. Logically speaking, such an elite brigade, Mr. Zhang should think about it anyway. Our No. 40 Eighth Brigade is a motley army, and the First Police Regiment is The trump card army. Our army came to Jiujiang, it seems that it has a big name..."

"What's the name, let's just wait. The top priority now is to capture Jiujiang County. If there is a change in the police regiment, we can go to reinforce it at any time, can't we?" Liao Penghui laughed.


PS: One more will be sent.

Thanks to Qidian book friends for giving us 100 Qidian coins!

(End of this chapter)

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