War of Resistance

Chapter 857 Stirring up the muddy water?

Chapter 857 Stirring up the muddy water?
"What Chief of Staff Liao said is right, so let's do it! After we finish the battle to recover Jiujiang, we will immediately formulate a contingency plan. We can't just sit and watch our friendly troops being beaten." Huang Qisan said in a deep voice.

In fact, when it comes to relationships, the Guangdong Army has always had a bad relationship with the Central Army, and Zhang Tianhai is by no means acquainted with Zhang Tianhai personally. As for why he works so hard, it is only because he thinks Zhang Tianhai is a responsible A revolutionary soldier who has done something, nothing more.

Huang Qisan is not a fool, a person who can become a regiment leader in times of war is by no means a simple person,
"Yes! Commander!" Liao Penghui responded.


When Huang Qisan and Liao Penghui were making arrangements for possible changes in the future, Zhang Tianhai was not idle.

The camera turns to Lijiazhuang.

At this time, Lijiazhuang is very busy, because the combat command here is about to move to the front line.

Lijiazhuang was busy, but Zhang Tianhai, who was the center of the storm, did not panic at all - he was very clear about the responsibilities on his shoulders, and if he failed, he would face the consequences.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai cannot panic.

Now the large force of the police regiment has begun to assemble, and the number of combatable soldiers has exceeded 40. If you add the No.[-] Eighth Brigade, which is fighting against the enemy in Jiujiang County, Zhang Tianhai is now in command With a battle close to ten thousand people!

If this were Zhang Tianhai from before, it would be unthinkable.

After all, with so many soldiers, that's an entire division!

"Tuan, this time our police regiment is doing well. There are two whole brigades fighting. If this battle goes well, the Japanese army will definitely be hit hard!" Wang Liang, who was watching Zhang Tianhai smoking a cigarette, said.

"Wang Liang, you kid don't understand me... It seems to be a good time now, but if you make a wrong step, it's a big deal. The combat effectiveness of our regiment ranks first in the entire Second Corps. But I don't know how many Both eyes are staring at us..." Zhang Tianhai lightly puffed out a cigarette, his expression infinitely lonely.

There are indeed many troops in a division, especially for Zhang Tianhai, who was a company commander a year ago.

Commanding a division's troops in the capacity of a regimental commander is unthinkable, but the reality is so strange that it happened, and it happened to Zhang Tianhai in a bloody way.

"Tuan Zuo, I understand your situation, but what I don't understand is that you have never seen such hesitation when you commanded our regiment to go deep into the enemy's rear to attack the enemy's main force." Wang Liang hesitated, He still said it out, this is the most sincere thought in his heart.

Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh and said, "Hey, you don't understand. We were on the front line earlier, but at least there were two generals Zhang Zizhong and Pang Bingxun behind us, and we also had the support of Li Zongren at the theater level. If we are in danger, we can We retreated completely, but now it is different. The strength of the troops seems to be too much, but the pressure we are facing is definitely much greater."

Before Wang Liang could speak, Zhang Tianhai continued, "I don't blame you for not understanding the meaning above. But you are my adjutant, Zhang Yulin, and you must understand some things."

"What does Tuan Zuo mean is that the higher-ups want us to fight this battle?" Wang Liang's mind was not too stupid after all, and he thought of the key point at once.

"Your brain is not too stupid, and you finally got the hang of it. The superiors want us to fight the battle of Jiujiang, but we must not retreat after capturing Jiujiang. This will not achieve the effect that Commander-in-Chief Zhang wants at all. It's not that our entire regiment used the desired result." Zhang Tianhai began to analyze, and said eloquently.

"Tuan Zuo, can you speak more clearly? You know that I am not a very sensible person." Wang Liang said very modestly. After all, if I can learn something from Tuan Zuo , These things can benefit him for life.

"Come on, come with me to the map and have a look." Zhang Tianhai got up and walked to the map, followed by Wang Liang.

For Zhang Tianhai, the adjutant, Wang Liang, is a young man with knowledge and culture. The key point is that this young man still obeys his orders and is very good at doing things. This is a person worth cultivating.

"You look at the general situation first. When the Japanese army took down Jiujiang earlier, it took a lot of effort. So many troops went on a rampage. Not only did they cover the landing under our army's heavy artillery, but they also took the No. 70 Army's [-] The division was defeated. Now the [-]th Division, the main force of the Japanese army that captured Jiujiang, has disappeared, can you understand?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Wang Liang and asked.

I saw Wang Liang frowned, and then he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then said: "I understand. Mr. Zhang, does it mean that Mr. Zhang wants us to fight near Jiujiang, so as to scare the snake out of the grass and force the Japanese army to fight first?" The [-]th Division showed up?"

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "You're only half right. The [-]th Division of the Japanese Army is probably heading towards De'an, Nanchang. It's just that the people above are not sure yet, so let's mark it here. One game, forcing the little devils to reveal their combat intentions. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Wang Liang responded, and after a while, he asked again: "The group, do we need to fight with the little Japanese reinforcements now?"

"Not only is there a fight, but the bigger the better. We must muddy the water, and it is best to severely damage the Japanese reinforcements." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Understood, it's no wonder that the group is going to set up the battlefield near Gutang Town. This is to fight a second battle to defend Jiujiang!" Wang Liang was also shocked by Zhang Tianhai's jumping thinking—there has never been a national war. Any regiment of the Japanese army has such courage, with a regiment, oh no, with a brigade to attack the Japanese reinforcements of unknown origin!And it was a heavy blow!
"It can be said, but our goal is not to defend Jiujiang County, but to compete with these Japanese reinforcements to see if the existing combat strength of our police regiment can annihilate their vanguard!" Zhang Tianhai Shen Sheng said, the tone is very domineering.

"However, can the 5000 members of our police regiment alone hold back the iron heels of the Japanese army?" Believe it or not, but Wang Liang was not at ease after all. After all, the combat power of the Japanese army was definitely not weak.

"Who said we only have 5000 people? Don't we still have the No. 40 Eighth Brigade? The two brigades combined can always kill some of their forward troops, right?" Zhang Tianhai laughed softly, but his smile was incomparable confidence.

"No. 40 Eighth Brigade, isn't it attacking Jiujiang?" Wang Liang's brain twitched, and he didn't know why he said such a sentence.

"Attacking Jiujiang is not a problem, and the No.40 Eighth Brigade is definitely not a problem. Just relying on the little Japan in Jiujiang County, how long can it last? Let's see! Jiujiang County will be restored in a short time. It's just our division fighting the enemy's troops." Zhang Tianhai said confidently.

Listening to Zhang Tianhai's words, Wang Liang finally understood where the group's confidence came from - war has always been an art!

PS: One update will be delivered!

Thanks to Qiqidian book friends Pauline Zhizun and Leggeshen for their rewards of 1000 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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