War of Resistance

Chapter 858 Entering Gutang Town

Chapter 858 Entering Gutang Town

"Hurry up! Brothers, keep up! This is an order from the group!"

A grassroots officer of the national army was shouting, looking at his rank, this is a captain. If he guessed correctly, he should be an ordinary company commander of the police regiment.

The long team squirmed forward like a long snake on the ground covered with green grass, but their speed was already very fast!
Looking at this team, the order during the march can be described as orderly, with no signs of being scattered.

This is obviously an elite team!
This is not the Japanese army, this is the elite troops of the national army!
What they received was an order from the group to assemble urgently, and they were going to go up and fight the little devil with their lives.

Nearly 500 troops have marched towards Gutang Town, an important town in Jiujiang, and the second Jiujiang battle has slowly begun!


At this time, Gutang Town has become an empty city, more precisely, a dilapidated empty city.

The former Gutang Town was also an important town in Jiujiang County. Because it is close to Poyang Lake, the economy here is very prosperous-but all this can only be in the past.

Due to the invasion of the Japanese invaders, the fierce land and air artillery bombarded the once prosperous town beyond recognition, and there were ruins everywhere.

Gutang Town was destroyed by artillery fire, but the Japanese hadn't evacuated yet, so these people couldn't return to their homes to repair their houses as they wished, so as to find a peaceful paradise for themselves.

Compared with homeland, life is more important. Only by surviving can we start a new and better life.

For the unarmed people, everything is premised on survival.

The common people can leave, but the soldiers can't. Their task is to defend the country and fight to defend their homeland. They are the last line of defense in this backward country!
Under such circumstances, the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater entered this dilapidated town...

Li Chunfei, who used to look like a handsome young man, has already become very mature, his handsome face is full of composure, which is a bit like Zhang Tianhai in this respect.

If it is true, what kind of people will bring what kind of soldiers.

Standing on the commanding heights of the outskirts of Gutang Town, his military boots rattled the ground, Li Chunfei lit a cigarette, as if he was not afraid of the Japanese artillery fire.

The smoke dissipated quickly under the blowing of the breeze, but it did not dissipate the sorrow on Li Chunfei's eyebrows.

"Battalion Commander, the troops have basically entered the field now, please give instructions!" A battalion staff officer reported.

Li Chunfei thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Send out the security troops, and the rest of the troops will enter the town to build fortifications."

For Li Chunfei, although he hadn't received an order from the group seat to stick to Gutang, it was right to make preparations first.If something goes wrong...let's talk about it.

"Yes! Sir!!" The battalion staff responded, and then went to execute Li Chunfei's military order.

From Li Chunfei's point of view, he has no way of knowing the changes in the general situation around him. All he can do is preventive measures, and his first battalion is the most capable unit in the entire police regiment. Being pushed to the ground and beaten at the beginning is very detrimental to the follow-up progress.

"Old Lu entered the hospital, and Wang Ziqing also died. I don't know if I, Li Chunfei, can survive this battle... Forget it, let's play with these little devils first. Our regiment is the most elite unit of the national army , There have been countless victories and battles, if you want to fight, then fight." Li Chunfei murmured, with a sense of heroism in his heart.

With Li Chunfei's first battalion stationed in Gutang Town, Yang Jiquan's third battalion also arrived, followed by Wang Yongcheng's cavalry battalion (the first company that performed reconnaissance missions was missing).

"Brother Chunfei and Brother Jiquan, it's been a long time. We've been training soldiers for a long time, and we can finally fight side by side." Wang Yongcheng grinned, still showing the cheerfulness of a big man in the Northeast.

"Battalion Commander Wang, you were in charge of the Fourth Battalion in the past, and you were also a member of our infantry battalion commander. Now you are a floating boat. The cavalry battalion has become the leader of the battalion-level troops of the police regiment. It is really gratifying. " Li Chunfei laughed.

"Li Battalion Commander Li was joking. After all, our cavalry battalion is only a strategic support force. When it comes to fighting tough battles, you have to come from the infantry battalion." In his early years, he came out of the rivers and lakes, making Wang Yongcheng not only straight from the Northeast. He should be euphemistic. He will too.

"Okay, Lao Wang, let's not talk about other things. Let's make a long story short! This time, our three battalions have assembled first. It is estimated that the regiment will lead the large troops from the regiment headquarters soon. This Gutang My battalion has already entered the town, so how to fight the next battle. We have to discuss it." After all, Li Chunfei is Zhang Tianhai's number one general, and he can still make up his mind about many things.

"Let's set it up now? Don't wait for the team members to come and assign tasks?" Yang Jiquan said hesitantly. After all, he had heard that his immediate boss is quite strong.

"Yes, let's set it up now! It will be too late when the regiment comes. According to the report from the cavalry reconnaissance company in front, the enemy has already started preparing to cross the river. If we don't prepare, it may be too late." Li Chunfei He made a quick decision, and he believed that Tuan Zuo would not blame him for this.

What's more, it was the right decision.

"Okay! Now our cavalry battalion temporarily obeys the arrangement of Battalion Commander Li." As an old comrade in arms, Wang Yongcheng took the lead in responding.

Yang Jiquan looked at Wang Yongcheng, then at Li Chunfei, nodded, and said, "Okay, until the order of the regiment comes down, our department will temporarily obey the arrangement of Li Battalion Commander."

"Okay, that's it. For the time being, my battalion will guard Gutang Town. Battalion Commander Yang's third battalion is responsible for defending the commanding heights nearby, and Old Wang's cavalry battalion is responsible for the outer guard. After all, we don't have many troops on hand. According to this Arrangement. At least it can last for a while." Li Chunfei said seriously, in his opinion, the current distribution method couldn't be more appropriate.

"Is there a map of the vicinity? As far as I know, the nearby mountains are not too high." Yang Jiquan, the commander of the third battalion, said hesitantly. He probably studied the terrain around here, and there is really nothing beneficial. lot.

Li Chunfei thought for a while, then asked a staff officer beside him to come over, then opened the map, pointed to the northwest direction, and said: "There is a mountain in the northwest of Gutang Town, called Jimao Mountain. If your troops stationed there, can you Gutang Town has formed a corner, and it may not be so easy for the Japanese army to encircle us."

"That's fine, but if the Japanese army catches you and fights, I'm afraid the situation will be very passive." Wang Yongcheng expressed concern.

"No, wait for the regiment to come. We won't be the only ones here. The secret service company, the gendarmerie, the guard company, these troops add up to one battalion. What's more, there are the second battalion and the small artillery Company, mortar company, artillery battalion? In this battle, we will not be too weak." Li Chunfei said confidently, he believed that the regiment would not just watch their entire battalion be wiped out.


PS: One update will be delivered!Good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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