War of Resistance

Chapter 859 Combat Order Issued

Chapter 859 Combat Order Issued
Just as Li Chunfei imagined, it didn't take long before Zhang Tianhai brought his headquarters to Gutang Town, and brought the second battalion and the regiment directly under it.


At this time, the soldiers of the [-]st Regiment of the Japanese Army began to board the warship under the yelling of Guan Zuo.

As for the Meijiazhou Bridge, it had already been smashed to ashes in the flames of war between the Chinese and Japanese armies, and it no longer exists on the map!
"Hey it's Kelei!! Hurry up!! Hurry up!!!"

With the tense battle in Jiujiang, these Japanese troops could no longer hold back—the order for emergency reinforcements was issued by Commander Neji Okamura, and the troops to be reinforced were also the garrison brigade directly under Commander Neji Okamura. Hurry up... If they go one step too late and lead to the annihilation of the entire army, they can't bear the blame for this.


When the Japanese army was in full swing and wanted to reinforce the troops guarding Jiujiang at full speed, the officers of the Second Corps were not idle, they were studying a big battle.

"Now, two brigades of our army have been engaged in the battle against Jiujiang. In addition to sending an unknown number of reinforcements from Pengze along the Hukou line to Jiujiang County to support. But it is very sad that the Japanese [-]th The vanguard of the division has already moved south along the Nanxun Railway, heading straight for De'an and Nanchang. It won't be long before their vanguard will reach the north of De'an. Everyone, what do you think of the new situation?" After finishing speaking, Zhang Fakui put his hands on the table, and looked at the people around him with a pair of energetic eyes.

"Boss, the [-]th Division, the enemy going south, has moved south in a big way, and it is no longer within the control of our Corps. I believe that the current focus of the two brigades of our Corps in the Jiujiang area is the focus. The battle in this area , related to our operations in northern Jiangxi, our focus should be on this." A major general Gao Can said next to him.

"Brother Guoyan's words are wrong. The battle of the two brigades in Jiujiang is certainly the key point, but it will never be the most important point. I think that the guards of Xingzi County and Lushan Mountain are also the key points. Among them, these two are important. It was above the battle in Jiujiang." Next to him, another major general, Gao Shen, interjected.

Zhang Fakui's brow wrinkled when he heard the opinions of these two senior counselors, obviously he didn't agree with one of the senior counselors' opinions.

At this moment, a lieutenant staff officer ran in, stood in front of Zhang Fakui and saluted, "Report to the commander-in-chief, the secret report of the military command! Please review it!"

"What secret report?" Zhang Fakui asked subconsciously, a little surprised.

"It's a secret report about frontline operations." After speaking, the lieutenant handed the folded telegram to Zhang Fakui.

Zhang Fakui nodded, then took the secret report and began to read it carefully.

Within a short while, Zhang Fakui put down the secret report in his hand, and then said to the people in front of him: "Everyone, it has been found out that it is the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Division of the Japanese Army that rushed to the aid of Jiujiang. If there are no accidents, they have already boarded the ship at Hukou and are preparing to go west. The troops in Jiujiang will face the Japanese army head-on."

After hearing the news, all the officers of the Corps looked at each other in blank dismay, but remained silent. They were waiting for Commander-in-Chief Zhang to speak—without Commander-in-Chief Zhang's nod, other suggestions would be in vain.

"What does the Commander-in-Chief mean?"

In the end, it was Chief of Staff Chen Baocang who broke the silence.

"I want to hear your opinions first." Zhang Fakui said in a deep voice, apparently he hadn't made up his mind yet.

After thinking for a while, Chen Baocang said: "Boss, in my opinion, it is better to muddy the pool of water in northern Jiangxi according to the plan. The Japanese army's goal is Wuhan, and now one of their divisions is going south to De'an. The Nanxun Railway must be controlled to ensure the safety of the flanks. If we can cut off their rear, it may not be so easy for them to take De'an, right?"

As soon as Chen Baocang's words came out, everyone nodded their heads one after another, but they didn't raise any other opinions. They obviously agreed with Chen Baocang's suggestion.

"It seems that we can only proceed according to the original plan." Zhang Fakui nodded, and then said to the combat staff officer next to him: "Immediately call Zhang Tianhai, the head of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, and ask them about the specific movements of their troops. Call back immediately."

"Yes! Sir!" The combat staff officer stood at attention and saluted, and then immediately ran out to carry out the order.

"Everyone, this battle will determine our army's subsequent operations. Please make suggestions for the cause of the Anti-Japanese War and work hard to win this war!" Zhang Fakui said in a deep voice, setting the tone.

"Yes! Sir!!" Everyone responded in unison, but they did not have a high fighting spirit.

It didn't take long for a reply call about the First Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth War Zone to come.

"Report to the chief, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first security regiment of the ninth war zone, has an urgent call!" It was the report that the combat staff officer ran to Zhang Fakui.

This time, Zhang Fakui was more decisive: "Read!"

"Yes!" After the combat staff responded, he began to read the telegram from Zhang Tianhai's department: "Commander Zhang Junjian of the Second Corps, our regiment and No. 40 The Eighth Brigade Headquarters is currently progressing smoothly. The No.40 Eighth Brigade Headquarters is responsible for the attack on Jiujiang, and the main force of our regiment is concentrated in Gutang Town, preparing to fight the enemy to the death. Please give instructions!"

After hearing this, Zhang Fakui nodded, and then said: "The first regiment of security guards in the re-telephone theater. If it is planned, it will continue to be implemented according to the original plan. In addition, if emergencies can be adjusted accordingly, we must not ruin the two elite brigades of our army. The second Jiujiang battle!"

"Yes! Commander!" The combat staff officer responded.


After getting this telegram, Zhang Tianhai was under a lot of pressure - without this telegram, he could still play as much as he wanted, but now this telegram means that the officers are also paying attention to this Jiujiang battle .

The play has already become a highlight, but it can't be sung badly - if it is sung badly, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Tuan Zuo, what should we do now?" Wang Liang asked Zhang Tianhai holding the telegram.

"Our troops have just entered Gutang, and we have received such a telegram. We are under a lot of pressure..." Zhang Tianhai sighed, obviously very tired, "Call those battalion commanders over immediately, I want to Assign combat missions!"

"Yes! Group seats!" Wang Liang responded.

Soon, several battalion commanders, including the commanders of the troops directly under the regiment headquarters, basically assembled.

Li Chunfei, Commander of the First Battalion, Luo Shian, Commander of the Second Battalion, Yang Jiquan, Commander of the Third Battalion, Han Xingle, Commander of the Fourth Battalion, Wang Yongcheng, Commander of the Cavalry Battalion, Zhao Chengge, Commander of the Artillery Battalion, He Jiye, Chief of the Political Training Section, Liu Houming, Commander of the Secret Service Company, and the guards Company Commander Xu Sangou...

It seems that there are a lot of talents, Zhang Tianhai's wings are finally full gradually...

After looking around at the crowd, Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath and said, "Now announce the first phase of combat missions.

Li Chunfei, I am now ordering your first battalion to withdraw from Gutang Town as the regiment's reserve team; Luo Shi'an's second battalion is stationed in Gutang Town, with the purpose of defending Gutang Town to the death. Withdrawal from existing positions, offenders will be dealt with by military law.

At the same time, the guns of the Artillery Battalion aimed at Gutang Town unanimously, and no one was allowed to fire until they received an order.

The third battalion was stationed at Jimao Mountain in the southwest according to the established plan, forming a corner with Gutang Town, so as not to let the Japanese army encircle the second battalion of our regiment;

The cavalry battalion is responsible for the task of luring the enemy to go deep, and is ready for reconnaissance. If there is any change, it will issue orders at any time.

The fourth battalion and the team directly under the regiment are responsible for the counterattack mission, with specific combat orders.It will be released at that time, please implement it immediately! "

Zhang Tianhai's voice was very loud and full of confidence at the same time, which shocked everyone in front of him.

The war is coming!

PS: One update will be delivered!

Thank you Qidian book friend 20190526133200007 for the reward of 200 points!

(End of this chapter)

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