War of Resistance

Chapter 860 Luring the Enemy Deep?

Chapter 860 Luring the Enemy Deep?

Soon, after Zhang Tianhai's combat order was issued, all units of the police regiment were deployed according to Zhang Tianhai's instructions.

The national army marched very fast, mainly because the Japanese army had overwhelmed the border.

According to Zhang Tianhai's deployment, the two companies of the cavalry battalion have already gone to support their first company-after all, the firepower configuration of the first company of the cavalry can only be regarded as the strength of a company of the ordinary national army, while the second and third companies are just as strong. It's different, it's the standard reinforcement company equipment.

The combined firepower of the entire cavalry battalion can still surpass one and a half battalions of ordinary infantry battalions.

Because of this, Zhang Tianhai asked Wang Yongcheng to lead the troops forward, otherwise the cavalry reconnaissance company would be eaten up by the little devils, and that would be a big problem.

Regarding the battle arrangements of regiment commander Zhang, many people actually have doubts in their hearts-why should the defensive mission of the first battalion be withdrawn and the second battalion should be transferred?Is it because Battalion Commander Li was brought out by Commander Zhang alone?
I was muttering in my heart, but no one had foolishly lifted the cover - the first battalion had always been the key development target of the regiment in the infantry battalion, and veterans would replenish the first battalion as soon as possible.

Of course, no one has any objection to the fact that there are mostly veterans in the first battalion-the guys in the first battalion are doing well, but they are not the kind of people who just take things and don't work.

It is a consensus that you have to work if you take a good guy, and the first battalion has indeed done a good job in combat missions.

In fact, only Zhang Tianhai knew the deeper reason: the Battalion Commander Li Chunfei and the Fourth Battalion Commander Han Xingle brought them out by himself, so don't worry, at least he can understand his intentions and what he wants to do.

In general, it is two words - easy to use.


For Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro, this was his first visit to the west bank of Poyang Lake, and everything was not new.

If you want to ask why, it can only be related to the experience of Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro - as a firm middle-level officer of the Japanese army who invaded China, his footprints can be said to have traveled all over half of China. The novel scenery, in his eyes, is already commonplace.

Kunigoro Iizuka's big feet stepped slowly on the ground covered with fallen leaves. Not far away was the calm Poyang Lake and the warships on the lake. There was nothing in his eyes at this moment, only Two words - arrogant.

After slowly looking around, Iizuka Kunigoro said in a deep voice: "Xi Mu-jun, now the main force of our alliance has landed on the west bank, and now I order your brigade to rush to rescue Jiujiang County from now on!"

"Hay!!" Commander Ximu replied, with a very confident attitude.

However, a bad battle report came soon——

I saw a Japanese soldier quickly ran to the front of the two and reported: "Report to the two officers, an unknown number of Chinese troops appeared on the front line and launched sporadic attacks on our army. This enemy is very cunning and basically knocked down a few of our army. After that, we retreated, and the retreat speed was very fast. We did not receive the commander's military order, so we did not launch a counterattack against these enemies!"

"The news about these Chinese troops is really well-informed... How long after we landed, their troops have already appeared here, and according to Captain Tanaka Yijun's information, they were attacked by an unknown number of Chinese troops. The Central Army of the Central Army also has their miscellaneous troops. It seems that the situation in Jiujiang is not good..." Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro's face darkened quickly, and he knew that these Chinese troops were clearly provoking him!

At the same time, according to the information in his hands, it can be basically judged that the strength of the Chinese army here is at least one division.

Indeed, according to the arrogance of the Japanese army, they can completely ignore a Chinese division.

However, this time was different. After a series of heavy blows at Taierzhuang and Lanfeng, the arrogance of the Japanese army had somewhat subsided—it was no longer the arrogant army that dared to face the 20 Chinese army with half a division.

"Your Excellency, Captain... how should we face these Chinese troops?" asked Ximu, the captain.

As soon as Ximu said this, Kunigoro Iizuka's face turned green immediately, and he said in a deep voice: "A few teams of Chinese troops can scare my majestic army back? Impossible! Order the first The first brigade, after repelling the enemy, immediately marched towards Jiujiang County! In addition, the second brigade followed the first brigade, I don't want to be unable to break through the enemy's position within two hours!"

"Hay!!" Ximu and another team leader responded loudly, looking quite imposing.

With the dispatch of the Japanese army, everything began to change.


The camera turned to the other side, the national army side.

This is a small hill, and generally speaking, it is not considered steep, on the contrary, it is a bit gentle.

If it is said what makes the national army lurking here, there are probably only four words - high trees and dense forests.

That's right, the second and third companies of the cavalry battalion of the first police regiment have already advanced here, and they even fought the attack just now-in terms of the firepower of the cavalry battalion, it is naturally impossible for the cavalry battalion to be equipped with only light weapons Lian dared to be provocative.

"Battalion Commander, the little devil is on the move." A soldier ran over and reported.

Wang Yongcheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "How many people did Little Japan dispatch this time?"

"Report to the battalion commander, there may be more than 400 people." The soldier reported.

After hearing this, Wang Yongcheng thought for a while, and then said: "Give me an order, and all personnel will retreat immediately, don't confront the little devil head-on. Turn to the second position!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The soldier responded.

Soon, there was a rustling sound in the mountains and forests, and a group of very agile soldiers descended the mountain, mounted their horses, and retreated quickly.

In fact, the "No. 800 position" mentioned by Wang Yongcheng is not far from their "No. [-] position", and the straight-line distance is about [-] meters.

In fact, according to the normal situation, the cavalry team with so many people should not be moving so fast.However, the cavalry battalion of the First Police Regiment was an exception. Because the head of the regiment, Zhang Tianhai, gave them enough time for training, and also consciously wanted to transform the cavalry battalion into a spy company. During the training, I learned from the secret service company.

Yes, the training method adopted by the cavalry battalion is the combination of the ordinary cavalry training method and the special agent company training method to conduct simultaneous training.

I didn't think about it, but it came in handy at this moment - the officers and soldiers of these cavalry battalions, when it comes to special operations, must be inferior to the secret service company, but the usual training is to allow them to display their skills in this forest battle up.

The battle was like fire, and the fighting spirit was like a knife. A cavalry unit quickly entered the next position to wait for the battle.

As for the time, they didn't worry at all - because according to the normal situation, as long as these little Japanese were not fools, they would not order their troops to rush up the mountain to fight for their lives. No one knew how many ambushes there were here.


Fifteen minutes later, the second position of the cavalry battalion.

"Battalion Commander, do you think this little devil will be fooled?" asked an officer next to him.

"What do you know, kid? This is called luring the enemy to go deep!" Wang Yongcheng said as he lifted his military cap.


PS: One update will be delivered!

It's almost the end of the month, think about it as if there are two more chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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