Chapter 861

As Wang Yongcheng, the cavalry battalion commander, guessed, the Japanese army did not immediately put all their troops into the pig-like dash as expected, but tried first.

After the test failed, Xi Mu, the captain of the first brigade, couldn't help but twitch his face: These Chinese soldiers are too shameless, they even ran away after beating them for a while, isn't this delaying their time?
Thinking of the raging fire on the front line, Ximu felt annoyed for a while.

"Everyone listen to my orders! Target Jiujiang County, go at full speed~!!" Xiki Mizuichiro pulled out the samurai sword at his waist, with a very fierce expression.

After receiving the instructions from Captain Ximu, the flag bearer quickly sent the combat orders of Captain Ximu, the forward commander, to the troops with semaphore.

Following the command of the standard bearer, the entire Japanese army became neat and uniform, showing the elite!
They were originally the trump cards among the Japanese reserve forces, and their performance this time was just one of their daily training.

"Haas~~Let's go!!" The grassroots officers of the Japanese army were shouting, for fear that their voices would not be loud enough to accurately convey the order to these soldiers.

On the winding dirt road, teams of well-trained Japanese troops are advancing rapidly.

And this scene did not escape Wang Yongcheng's eyes, he was staring at this army closely!

"This Japanese army is stronger than the average Japanese's not even inferior to the regular elite Japanese army on the Songhu battlefield..." Watching this scene, Wang Yongcheng took a breath.

He knew better than anyone how strong the Japanese army was on the Songhu battlefield—he was the one who narrowly escaped death in that battle!

In that life-and-death struggle with the Japanese army, despite the high morale of the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army, they still lost to the elite and ferocious Japanese army. .

If he hadn't met Zhang Tianhai, a Bole, I'm afraid Wang Yongcheng would still be a member of the defeated army, and he doesn't know if he would have died in the Nanjing Massacre or some unknown battle.

Just because he clearly knew the combat power of the Japanese army, Wang Yongcheng chose to be cautious this time: "Call the regiment immediately and tell the regiment that there is a very elite Japanese army heading towards Jiujiang at full speed. Monitor the enemy's movements! Please instruct me whether to attack or not."

"Yes, Battalion Commander!" The telegraph operator next to Wang Yongcheng responded.


Soon, Zhang Tianhai, who was near Gutang Town, received this battle report from the front line.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while without hesitation: "Call the cavalry battalion immediately. They are paying close attention to the movements of the Japanese army, and they must not fight the Japanese army recklessly!"

"Yes! Group seats!" A telecommunications staff officer next to him responded.

After Zhang Tianhai finished speaking, Li Chunfei next to him said: "Tuan Zuo, it seems that you have already made up your mind."

I saw Zhang Tianhai shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "There is no such thing as a plan. Now the goal of angering the enemy has been achieved. As long as the No. 40 Eighth Brigade does not hinder us. The cavalry battalion can cut off their retreat at any time. And our army is on the front line, we can completely annihilate their forward troops!"

"The regiment is humble. When it comes to combat command, let alone our regiment, there are not many in the entire Second Corps who can be as good as you." Li Chunfei said very seriously. Judging from his expression, he did not seem to be Deliberately flatter.

"Forget about the entire Second Corps and the like, I just see one step at a time. Our regiment, and even the entire Ninth War Zone, are not many elite troops, let alone anything else. , we can still grasp it. We can't fight a large corps battle, at least, we can fight an evenly matched battle of annihilating the enemy in a relatively sparsely populated battlefield, right?" Zhang Tianhai turned to look at Li Chunfei and said.

Li Chunfei moved his lips lightly, wanting to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

After Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, he opened his mouth and said to Han Xingle, the commander of the Fourth Battalion who was at the same side: "Captain Han, your Fourth Battalion, enter Zuoshan Pass!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo." Han Xingle responded, but did not ask the team leader why he did this.

It’s not that Han Xingle is a log who can only execute orders, but because Han Xingle knows exactly what the regiment leader wants to do——Zuoshan Pass is located in the southeast of Gutang Town, which happens to form a straight line with Jimao Mountain in the northwest. If you want to encircle Gutang Town, you will inevitably be attacked from the southeast and northwest.

"Without my order, the Fourth Battalion is not allowed to expose the target, nor to launch an attack on the Japanese army without authorization. If there is a violation of the order, it will be dealt with by military law!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, the meaning of the warning is greater than that.

"Tuan Zuo, I understand. This battle is probably going to be another big battle. Tuan Zuo's plan is flawless, the only loophole is that if the Japanese army has too many soldiers, it will fall from the beginning if it loses." Han Xing Le couldn't help reminding, after all, the brothers were going to fight with their lives in this battle.

Zhang Tianhai lit a cigarette, sighed and said, "Battle Commander Han, you just need to follow the orders. I have already made up my mind about fighting on the front line."

"Yes, Tuan Zuo." Han Xingle replied, ready to leave.

Just when Han Xingle was about to leave, Zhang Tianhai added: "According to reliable sources, the Japanese troops who reinforced Jiujiang this time are about one regiment in strength, and they are very elite Japanese troops."

After hearing this, Han Xingle turned around, nodded slightly, but left without saying anything else.

"Tuan Zuo, what about our camp?" Li Chunfei couldn't help asking.

I saw Zhang Tianhai holding the cigarette in his mouth, looking like a ruffian, and said: "You just wait! Your battalion, in this big battle, is definitely not a role of standing by and doing well. Get ready for a fight to the death!"

"I understand." Li Chunfei nodded.

But at this moment, Zhang Tianhai's eyes were looking into the distance, and no one knew what he was thinking - this big battle was about to start, and whether it was won or lost, the police team would pay the price in blood.

The occurrence of this battle began when the Japanese aggressors stepped into China's great rivers and mountains with steel guns and bayonets, and everything was doomed.

China's territorial integrity needs to be captured with the blood of Chinese descendants; China's dignity also needs to be defended by Chinese people with steel guns and flesh and blood!


The camera turns to the other side.

With the strengthening of the national army's offensive, the Japanese army, which was already at a disadvantage, became more passive. The western and northern city walls had been occupied by Cantonese troops, and the eastern and southern city walls were still holding on.

Fierce battles are carried out in street fighting.

As the battle on the front line became increasingly tense, Xu Jiyuan, commander of the No.40 Eighth Brigade, also moved the headquarters to the vicinity of Jiujiang County.

Stepping on the head of the west city wall of Jiujiang County, looking at the corpses all over the ground, Xu Jiyuan's expression was not moved at all. On the contrary, he was observing the battle in the distance.

"Old Yue, it seems that we are sure to win this battle. The battle for reinforcements from the police regiment must be ready to start, right?" Xu Jiyuan said, speaking in Cantonese.


PS: The first update is here, there will be another update in a while!I will try my best to write. If I can’t finish it, I will finish it at noon tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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