Chapter 862 Jiujiang Counterattack ([-])
"We don't know what's going on with the police regiment. The guns on their side haven't sounded yet, presumably there hasn't been a fight, right? But no matter what, as long as we complete the combat mission, we shouldn't hold them back. Right? After all, their troops are also the leading regiment-level troops in our national army, so it shouldn’t be a problem to fight a regiment, right?” Chief of Staff Yue Zhen said.

"Depending on the situation, immediately organize troops and carry out the next attack!" Xu Jiyuan issued a combat order.

"Yes! Sir!" Yue Zhen replied, he already knew the brigade commander's final decision.

As a qualified chief of staff, he should obey the orders of the chief, mainly the military chief.

Obviously, Yue Zhen is this type of person.

Under the order of No. 40 Eighth Brigade Commander Xu Jiyuan, the No. 40 Eighth Brigade of the Cantonese Army quickly organized a death squad to attack the defending Jiujiang County.


As teams of Cantonese officers in gray and blue uniforms launched a desperate attack on the headquarters of the No. 11 Second Garrison Brigade of the Japanese Army, the defense line of the Japanese army began to become more and more tight.

"Baga! Aren't you known as the most elite troops in the imperial army? How could you not be able to stand up at this moment?" At this time, Tanaka Yijun had already lost the stability of a calm gentleman, and was replaced by madness and helplessness And restlessness.

Tanaka Yoshikun was indeed a rare talent in the Japanese army—steady and fierce, and he fought without rules at all, and more importantly, he fought fiercely without fear of death.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that he can win the battle.

But now, facing the danger of being completely wiped out by the enemy at any time, Yoshitaka Tanaka really can't laugh - no one can really be so calm when facing death.

"Your Excellency, Captain, we also want to hold on, but our teammates are already dead." A Japanese second lieutenant said helplessly. After all, this is not a good thing, and he doesn't want these things to happen.

All teammates are dead, what does this mean?This shows that one's own strength is not as good as others.

The Chinese army has already overwhelmed the border, and has launched a desperate charge against them. If they cannot hold the last line of defense, they will be wiped out facing them.

As such an elite unit in the Japanese army, as long as Tanaka Yijun is not stupid, he will definitely not think that such a unit will be destroyed.

"Then how many troops are left in our hands?" Tanaka Yijun asked.

The second lieutenant of the Japanese army took a deep breath and said, "There are only less than 100 people left. Now our people are defending in the nearby houses. I don't know if we can last until our reinforcements arrive."

"Let's take one step at a time! Our reinforcements are already on their way. If the Chinese people are not stupid, they will definitely send troops to block our reinforcements. Our situation is not optimistic." It is a flag wrapped in dog skin and plaster, but it still lacks that kind of death-like attitude on the face-the so-called "all pieces of jade", it is a measure that is taken only when it is a last resort, and it does not mean that everyone must die. It is glorious.

The Japanese are not fools.

"Hay!" The second lieutenant of the Japanese army responded, without the entanglement and helplessness on Tanaka Yijun's face.

Just as the second lieutenant was about to leave, Tanaka Yoshikun added: "Send General Neiji Okamura a request for tactical guidance!"

After hearing Captain Tanaka's words, the second lieutenant immediately picked up a pen and a piece of letterhead.

"The Commander of the No. 11th Army, His Excellency General Okamura Neiji, has learned that our Second Battalion is about to run out of ammunition, and the remaining troops are less than [-]. We now request tactical guidance from the Commander-in-Chief!" Saying that, Tanaka Yijun clenched his fists.

The Japanese second lieutenant's sketching speed was also very fast, and he quickly wrote down the words of the captain.It was copied intact on letterhead.

Perhaps because of lack of confidence, Tanaka Yi-kun reviewed the sketch before saying to the second lieutenant, "Send it like this!"

After finishing this sentence, an old Chinese saying suddenly flashed in Tanaka Yijun's mind - life and death are determined, wealth and honor depend on the sky.


Sure enough, after receiving this telegram, out of his personal feelings for the Second Battalion and his personal admiration for Yoshikun Tanaka, Okamura Neiji issued another order without hesitation, "reinforcement at all costs." Jiujiang" command to the [-]st Regiment.

But what is the current situation of the [-]st Wing?
"Your Excellency, Captain, Your Excellency, Commander, send an urgent message!" The combat staff took the message and walked to Iizuka Kunigoro, stood at attention and saluted, and reported.

"Show me." Kunigoro Iizuka's big face full of beards was still full of might and seriousness, and he was still the man who was regarded as the "Military God" by the Japanese army.

"Hay!" The combat staff responded, and then handed over the translation to Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro.

After reading the telegram, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro immediately said: "The order goes on, and all troops will immediately move closer to Jiujiang County, and give up the targets along the way first! Reinforce Jiujiang County at all costs!"

Looking at the self-confidence on Iizuka Kunigoro's face, the combat staff seemed to be greatly encouraged—this is the "war god" in their eyes... Sure enough, he is confident, and he really has that kind of supercilious arrogance!



Originally, Ximu Mizuichiro still thought about annihilating the cunning enemy army in front of him first, and then thinking about how to quickly reinforce Jiujiang. Only in this way can he be foolproof.

However, to the disappointment of the heavens, when the telegram of "reinforce Jiujiang at all costs" reached them, Ximu was also very helpless.

Although the Japanese army has a long-standing tradition of defeating superiors, it is only limited to regimental commanders, and even officers at the level of brigade commanders and above, and does not represent them as officers at the level of captains.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the position of captain is not important. Like in the "February [-]" incident, it was a mutiny on the "side of the Qing emperor" provoked by middle- and lower-level officers.

Behind this mutiny, there are also many military leaders behind to support it - without the acquiescence or support of these military leaders, they would definitely not dare to provoke that mutiny.

In the same way, it can be learned that military officers like Xiki Mizuichiro have no motivation for the so-called "below overcome the above".

Therefore, as the forward commander, Xiki Mizuichiro chose to obey the order, and ignored the threat of the enemy in front of him and advanced at full speed!

PS: The update will be sent.

Another night of procrastination, and I'm guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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