Chapter 863 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])

"No, it feels a bit wrong... These little Japanese seem to have started to advance at full speed, and they simply ignored our threats." Looking at this scene through the telescope, Wang Yongcheng frowned tightly.

"Commander, what should we do now?" the second company commander asked.

Wang Yongcheng thought for a while, and then said: "How about it, Second Company Commander, you take the Second Company with you right away, and go ahead and beat them up."

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The Second Company Commander responded, and quickly greeted his men, and immediately went forward.

Wang Yongcheng knew very well that these little devils were so impatient, they must have something to do with Jiujiang County.

Not to mention that these little devils are going to reinforce the friendly army, even if these little devils are going to pay birthday wishes, it is impossible for him, Wang Yongcheng, to let them go smoothly!

It has to be said that the execution efficiency of the cavalry battalion is still very high - after receiving Wang Yongcheng's order, the battle started soon.

The officers and soldiers of the Second Company of the Cavalry Battalion relied on the mountain to look down, and launched a strong fire suppression on the Japanese army below.

Yes, exactly the kind with full firepower.

This burst of sudden fire suppression stunned the Japanese devils below. They hid one after another, and then relied on the existing cover to launch a counterattack against the national army officers and soldiers above.

I have to praise one thing, these Japanese officers and soldiers are indeed the elite of the Japanese army. Whether it is the ability to respond or respond to this sudden cooperative operation, they are very fast-the most important thing is to be effective.

"Your Excellency, Captain, we have been attacked by a burst of firepower from the China Army, and now two squadrons of our brigade have launched a counterattack against them. We initially concluded that the number of enemies in this unit should be about one company in the China Army, but their firepower is very strong. It was so fierce that we couldn’t lift our heads. What should we do now?!” A Japanese soldier ran to Xiki Mizuichiro to report and asked for instructions.

"The oil lock click! Which of our squadrons is in charge of the counterattack now?" A cold light flashed in Ximu Mizuichiro's eyes, but he was more calm.

"Reporting sir, it is our No. [-] Squadron and No. [-] Squadron. Because they are the front troops, they were attacked by the enemy soonest!" The Japanese soldier reported truthfully.

"A company of the China Army dares to deal with one of our regiments? What if they block the way? Quick! Quick! Quick! Order the first and second squadrons to annihilate the Chinese army and cover the rest The troops rushed to reinforce Jiujiang County! Execute immediately!!" Ximu Mizuichiro said loudly, the word "crazy" was revealed in his behavior - at this time, does he have any other choice?there is none left!
"Hay!!" The Japanese soldiers responded, and at the same time, the messengers around Xiki Mizuichiro also started to act. They must convey the orders of the frontline commanders to the troops!

The camera turns to the shore of Poyang Lake.

Li Erzhu was an ordinary soldier in the First Company of the Cavalry Battalion of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater of the National Army. Yes, he was a member of the reconnaissance company in Zhang Tianhai's eyes.

At this time, he was lying on the mountain and observing the Japanese officers and soldiers who were landing.

I saw these Japanese devils being transported by warships and speedboats, and soon landed ashore. Groups, groups, all assembled in an orderly manner under the leadership of the leading devil.

Under the bayonets of these Japanese soldiers are hung a dog-skin plaster flag that symbolizes Japan, and some of them hang their military flag-the rising sun flag.

"Ke! Let's go!!"

The Japanese commanders held their swords high and directed their teammates to assemble, moving very quickly.

Li Erzhu, who watched this scene from a distance, was sweating coldly—he was also a veteran, and he knew better than anyone else how powerful these Japanese soldiers were, so he kept staring at these Japanese soldiers, for fear of missing some details.

It was not until after the Japanese soldiers left that Li Erzhu said to his comrades: "Quickly, tell the squad leader that there are about 300 devils here, and they have already assembled. Including the ones in the morning, more than 2000 devils have already assembled here. "

"Understood, Brother Er Zhu." The comrade next to him responded, and then hurried to report to the squad leader.


Not long after, another telegram was sent to Zhang Tianhai.

"Reporting to the regiment, the cavalry battalion is sending an urgent telegram!" Adjutant Wang Liang ran to Zhang Tianhai and reported, holding a telegram in his hand.

Zhang Tianhai also ignored this situation of skipping the report - the company's position as the first company of the cavalry battalion was somewhat similar to the troops directly under the regiment headquarters, and it was only because it was not easy to manage that it was placed under the command of the cavalry battalion; Well, Wang Yongcheng is indeed doing a good job in management. If the military chief officer is changed, there may not be such a result.

It's just that in this case, whether it is Zhang Tianhai or Wang Yongcheng, they have reached a consensus-the first cavalry company is a reconnaissance company led by the cavalry battalion, and it obeys Wang Yongcheng's command or mediation, but in terms of reconnaissance information, the first cavalry company has leapfrogged The right to report, if there is a situation, the regiment commander Zhang Tianhai should be informed first, and then the battalion commander Wang Yongcheng should be informed.

"What's the situation? Tell me!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. He attached great importance to the information of the cavalry company.

If I have to make a metaphor, the combat troops are his fists, intelligence sharing is his ears, and the cavalry reconnaissance company is his eyes!

"Yes! Regiment seat!" Wang Liang responded, "According to reports from the front, about one regiment of Japanese troops landed in Poyang Lake, and no Japanese troops that continue to drive over have been found for the time being."

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but his eyes brightened: "It seems that we can't afford to lose in this battle."

If the Japanese army came with a brigade, he couldn't guarantee the chance of winning, or he could guarantee that he would be able to eat and walk around, but if only one regiment came, if he still couldn't guarantee the chance of winning, then he might as well find a tofu and kill him.

After all, today is different from the past. Now, whether it is in terms of military strength or the initiative on the battlefield, the national army has an absolute advantage.

"Tuan Zuo, what should we do now?" Wang Liang asked.

"What should we do? Let the cavalry battalion and the secret service company find ways to hold these little devils, and if necessary, join the first battalion, and give our friendly troops enough time to destroy the stubborn enemy in Jiujiang County! As long as the enemy in Jiujiang County is wiped out , with the consistent style of the Japanese army, they will definitely come to Gutang Town first!" Zhang Tianhai said confidently.

"What if they don't come?" Wang Liang then asked.

I saw Zhang Tianhai sneered and said, "Oh, I hope they really don't come to Gutang Town. If they dare not come, it's a big deal. We will attack them on both sides and try to wipe them all in Jiujiang County outside."

This is not because Zhang Tianhai is bragging or something, but because he really has this strength!

Apart from other things, the Cantonese army still has a way of defending the city. If the Japanese army wants to take down the county guarded by a brigade of the Cantonese army in a short period of time, it is almost impossible for the Japanese army to rely on the strength of one regiment Well, at that time, once the police regiment attacked, they could not help but control the scene.


PS: Well, the battery is fully charged.

Starting today, double updates will be resumed every day, and there will be another update. Please subscribe after two o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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