Chapter 865 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])

A round of [-] bullets penetrated the body of an officer and soldier of the national army, and immediately brought out a cloud of blood.

A blood stain immediately appeared on the gray-blue military uniform, and the blood kept gushing out from the wound.

Soon, he lost strength all over his body, and then fell heavily to the ground, and then his comrades stepped on his body and continued to charge.

At the moment when he fell, relief flashed across the face of the Cantonese soldier: He also knew that he would not survive, but he knew that his comrades would avenge him, these little devils I can't live long either.

After paying the price of dozens of people, the officers and soldiers of the Cantonese army finally pressed close to the Japanese army's position, and even their grenades could be thrown into the Japanese army's fortifications.

The Japanese invaders are already at the end of the road.

"Send a final telegram to General Okamura Ningji, saying, I, Tanaka Yoshikun, have done my best for the empire, and now our department is in a state of exhaustion. From now on, the No. 11 Army's second garrison The number of the brigade will no longer exist, and our department will destroy everything. Please do not read it!" Tanaka Yijun read in a deep voice.

It just so happened that after the last telegram was sent out, several smoking grenades were thrown in and then exploded.



Two explosions sounded, and Jiujiang County returned to calm again.

The No.11 Japanese Army Garrison Second Battalion was completely destroyed!

When this result was transmitted to the No.11 Army Command of the Japanese Army, Neiji Okamura angrily tore up the telegram in his hand.

The anger in Okamura Neiji's heart has long been irrepressible!
"Order the [-]st Regiment to give up reinforcements to Jiujiang County, and order them to bite the enemy army in front of them! They must not be allowed to run away! In addition, order the [-]st Division to gather and prepare to smash This arrogant enemy army!" Neji Okamura scolded angrily, looking at his eyes full of anger, this matter was definitely not a lie.

"Hay!!" The Japanese officer next to him responded.


The camera then turned to the police group.

The secret service company and the cavalry battalion were ordered by the head of the regiment to carry out raids and harassment operations against the Japanese army all the way, with the purpose of delaying the pace of Japanese reinforcements.

However, the Japanese army was not a vegetarian, and immediately sent troops to fight back.

On this not-so-steep slope, the two squadrons of the Japanese army consisted of about 600 people and launched a counterattack against the officers and soldiers of the Second Company of the Cavalry Battalion. It didn't make them suffer much.


A long tongue of flame extended from the muzzle of the light machine gun equipped with the Second Company of the Cavalry Battalion, firing bullets with a breath of death, and shot towards the Japanese army down the mountain.

Some of these bullets hit the Japanese soldiers, while others hit the bunker, or sparked, or disappeared.

In short, the firepower of the Second Company of the Cavalry Battalion is not weak.

It's a pity that the Second Company of the Cavalry Battalion was positioned as a rapid support force and did not cooperate with heavy machine guns and mortars, otherwise their firepower would be even higher.

Even so, the two squadrons of the Japanese army began to gradually advance up the mountain relying on their superiority in strength, and the large Japanese army also took advantage of this gap to quickly pass through the blocking section of the cavalry battalion.

"Reporting to the battalion commander, the large Japanese troops have already passed through the second company's defense area. Now the second company has gone crazy. The Japanese army is attacking the mountain, and they have a large number of grenades. If this continues, I'm afraid there will be a The possibility of outflanking." A soldier stepped forward and reported what the commander of the third company had observed.

Wang Yongcheng thought for a while, and then said: "Tell Erlian that their blocking mission at this stage has been completed. Tell them to evacuate the current position immediately!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The correspondent next to him responded.

Wang Yongcheng knew very well what he was doing. His cavalry battalion was now the treasure of the whole regiment, so he couldn't lose too much here.

Infantry is easy to train, but qualified cavalry is not so easy to train, especially this kind of elite cavalry who is both cavalry and infantry!

The strength of the Japanese army cannot be blocked by a company of troops.

What's more, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company are still on their way, and have not officially participated in the Jiujiang operation. At present, only their cavalry battalion has officially launched the battle.


In an inconspicuous bunker on the outskirts of Gutang Town, the regiment headquarters of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone was set up here.

Yes, regimental headquarters, not forward command.

For this point, Zhang Tianhai defined it very clearly. According to the combat requirements, this is already a frontline battlefield!

Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of tortoise, not the kind who sets his regiment headquarters far away, and then watches his subordinates fight on the front line with peace of mind in a place where he can't observe the front line situation, and he has no idea about the front line situation at all. do not understand.

It can be said that most adventurous commanders will set up their headquarters close to the front line of operations.

There are good and bad situations in this situation. The advantage is that the commander can better command the front line and make the battle more favorable; the disadvantage is that it is easy to be beheaded by the enemy, and finally the entire command system collapses frequently.

Obviously, Zhang Tianhai belonged to this kind of extremely adventurous commander. He confidently believed that it was impossible for his headquarters to be taken away by the Japanese army: as long as he commanded properly, the Japanese should be worried!

In the slightly dim command post, kerosene lamps were flickering and shining faintly, desperately trying to illuminate everything around them.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was not studying his battle plan, but was asleep—he was not an iron man, he was just physically stronger than ordinary people, and the continuous combat operations had already made him Exhausted.

Tired both mentally and physically.

Li Yinglun, chief of staff, was in charge of the duty at this time. Logically speaking, Guo Qiliang, deputy head of the Guo, should be on duty, but the deputy head Guo went to inspect the front-line troops, so this burden can only be handed over to him .

Looking at Zhang Tianhai who was sleeping on the hammock, Li Yinglun couldn't bear it: he saw how desperate this regiment leader was, and he also knew how the regiment leader Zhang Yulin was when facing the enemy.

If not, how could this guy have won so many victories?

Until this moment, Li Yinglun finally understood that Zhang Tianhai was able to win so many battles—he dared to die in battle, he was not afraid of death, and he could always maintain that calmness and calmness when facing the enemy's soldiers. There seems to be a kind of magical power on him.

A magical power that can unite people and fight side by side around him!

"Report to the Chief of Staff, the No.40 Eighth Brigade has an urgent call!" A telecommunications staff officer ran in and reported.

"No. 40 Eighth Brigade urgent call? It seems that there is already a result over there, read it quickly." Li Yinglun said bluntly.

"Yes! Sir!" The telecommunications staff responded, "Jun Jian, Commander Zhang Tianhai, the First Regiment of the Ninth Theater Guard, according to the combat order, all the remnants of Jiujiang County have been wiped out by our troops, and Jiujiang County has been restored. No .40 The Eighth Brigade sent an urgent call."

After hearing the news, Li Yinglun frowned tightly. He didn't know whether to wake Zhang Tianhai up or direct him directly.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Li Yinglun felt that Zhang Tianhai should be woken up, because he didn't know Zhang Tianhai's next battle plan. If he commanded blindly, the next step might ruin the police regiment!
Thinking of this, Li Yinglun stopped hesitating and strode directly in front of Zhang Tianhai's hammock, and began to call Zhang Tianhai: "Teacher, wake up, the No. 40 Eighth Brigade has already solved it."

"What? The No. 40 Eighth Brigade has already solved it..." Zhang Tianhai said sleepily, obviously, he was already in a daze.

"No. 40 Eighth Brigade... No. 40 Eighth Brigade... is Jiujiang County!" Zhang Tianhai, who had already fallen asleep, murmured. When he woke up, he was already awakened.

"You mean that the No.40 Eighth Brigade has recovered Jiujiang County?" Zhang Tianhai, who was fully awake at this time, looked at Li Yinglun and asked.

"Yes, group seats." Li Yinglun nodded.

"Quickly, immediately order the cavalry battalion and the special agent company to withdraw the existing plan to block the Japanese army, immediately withdraw from the battle, hide on the spot, and be sure to get rid of the Japanese army's pursuit!" Zhang Tianhai said anxiously. Will it be a mistake.

"Yes! Group seats!" The telecommunications staff officer next to him responded.

After all the people around had left, Li Yinglun said, "Brother Yulin, this telegram has just been sent from the No.40 Eighth Brigade. It shouldn't be too late."

I saw Zhang Tianhai shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I'm not worried about this. After all, our regiment can afford the losses on the front line. The key is that the Japanese army has no targets for reinforcements now. They are very likely to It will attack our frontier troops. In that case, our cavalry battalion will bear the brunt. You also know that the cavalry battalion is in our regiment, which is a rare thing."

"I can understand that you are worried that the cavalry battalion will be dumped by the enemy, right?" Li Yinglun said.

"It's not just this item, it's just one of them. Now our regiment will face the pressure of an enemy wing independently this time. If we don't grasp it well, even if we can win this battle, our losses will definitely be great." It won't be small, you can understand that, right?" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Indeed, if the Japanese army wants to go back to Jiujiang more often, they can't get around Gutang Town, so how do you plan to use the Cantonese army?" Li Yinglun asked.

Zhang Tianhai took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit them, and said, "The Cantonese army, this time they have cooperated very well. It's just that their combat effectiveness is not strong. If they are rushed up to take on counterattack missions, I think It’s a bit of a surprise. Why don’t they ask them to help us guard the rear, lest the [-]th Division of the Japanese army shoot back at us, in that case, we will be very passive.”

"I understand your intention." Li Yinglun nodded.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and said: "Well, let's order our troops to prepare for battle immediately, and let Brigadier Xu's troops open Lijiazhuang and other places. If there is any situation, be sure to let us know as soon as possible." us."

"I understand." Li Yinglun nodded, it seemed that he really understood.

"Let's execute it like this first! Our army has indeed not won a battle for a long time after the Tangtou victory." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

After Li Yinglun left, Zhang Tianhai couldn't sleep anymore, because changes had already taken place on the front line, if he fell asleep, it might really be a delay.

Zhang Tianhai has always believed that a Japanese regiment is easy to fight, but if they are followed by a company, it will be troublesome.

No one likes trouble, and Zhang Tianhai is no exception—he even hates trouble very much.

The troops of the Japanese invaders flashed before his eyes again. He could defeat this regiment of the Japanese army, but he still hadn't been able to draw up the next battle plan.

Why does this happen?The reason lies in the battlefield, the initiative is no longer in his hands.

The bait was gone and the fish would no longer let him lead them by the nose.

The most troublesome thing is that the task of "striking grass and scaring snakes" that was just sent back to him by Chief Zhang has not been fully completed. This is the most troublesome thing.

How should this battle end, a thought came to Zhang Tianhai's mind - to fight the Japanese army, or to retreat?

At this moment, the front line sent back a piece of extremely valuable information——

"Report to the regiment, the cavalry company has made new discoveries on the front line!" A communications soldier came to report.

"Oh? New discovery? What kind of new discovery is it? Tell me quickly!" Zhang Tianhai asked with his ears raised.

"Reporting to the regiment, according to the findings of the first cavalry company on the front line, they found two large-caliber cannons on the front line, which are larger than the Seventy-Five Mountain Cannons that our artillery battalion is equipped with now!" The communication soldier said truthfully.

"Greater than the caliber of the Qiwu Mountain Cannon? Could it be... a [-]-caliber howitzer!?" Zhang Tianhai muttered almost subconsciously, and his mind went blank after a bang.

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai immediately got down from the hammock, and then walked around in circles, with countless thoughts running through his mind, each of which was rejected by him, but the next thought kept coming out .

Although there are countless thoughts about being shot, Zhang Tianhai's determination can basically be seen.

What is Zhang Tianhai's determination?He must take down these two cannons!
It is said that the more soldiers Han Xin has, the better, but who wants to think that he has less money?

Human desires are inherently unlimited, not to mention that this is an anti-Japanese weapon!



PS: Well, the update is finally finished, sorry to keep you waiting.

The past few days have been too tiring, and I couldn't take it anymore yesterday. I wanted to go to sleep just after taking the medicine, but I accidentally fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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