Chapter 866 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])
"Immediately call the original troops and ask them to keep an eye on these two cannons for me! There must be no mistakes. Also, I want to know the location of their supply troops!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

This is Zhang Tianhai's decision, he must take down these two cannons!

If these two artillery can be added, it will be able to take the strength of the artillery battalion of the police regiment to a higher level.

"Yes! Regiment seat!" The communications soldier responded.

After the communications soldiers left, Zhang Tianhai was completely awake—he had to plan the direction of this battle reasonably.

Yes, yes, it is to plan the direction of the battle!
From the second battle in Jiujiang to the current situation, could it be related to his careful planning——

Today, the Japanese troops are still advancing. Although the bait is gone, all this is not impossible if the planning is proper.

Zhang Tianhai's head was spinning rapidly, how should this battle go?Should the Japanese invaders be allowed to pass through Gutang Town, or should they stick to Gutang Town and Little Japan for a hard fight?
Each of these two choices has its own advantages, but also each has its own disadvantages, but how to choose depends on how Zhang Tianhai decides.

Nailed to death in Gutang Town, it is inevitable that there will be heavy casualties. Let alone other things, let’s say that the police regiment will inevitably lose more than half of the casualties; Withstood the ferocious Japanese firepower, the newly recovered Jiujiang County.Is it going to be returned to the Japanese army soon?The most important thing is that this will inevitably make the friendly army miserable.

How to choose the middle point between the two is a very important thing.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai lit a cigarette again, and the people next to him didn't dare to disturb him. After all, there was no particularly urgent matter that could not disturb the group seat's thinking—yes, yes, but they couldn't stay in the group seat for a long time. Disturb him when he's thinking about something seriously.

The smoke curled up from the burning point of the cigarette, and then rose to the top of the bunker, slowly drifting away.


The camera turns to the front line, the secret service company.

Due to the particularity of this unit of the secret service company, Zhang Tianhai also allocated a radio station for them, in order to allow them to flexibly accept the instructions of the regiment headquarters, to conduct flexible roundabout operations, or to fight behind enemy lines.

After receiving this urgent telegram from the regiment headquarters, Liu Houming frowned slightly. Although he didn't know why the regiment made such an urgent decision, he still believed in the decision of the regiment and carried it out resolutely. go down.

"Come on, let's hide immediately and let these little devils go!" Liu Houming said very seriously.

"Yes! Company commander!" The surrounding platoon leaders responded, Liu Houming is the boss of the spy company, and they only need to be responsible for Liu Houming's orders.

"Company commander, why did the higher-ups issue such an order? Wouldn't it be better to let us beat the little devil?" A soldier next to him asked.

Seeing that Liu Houming's face darkened, he said in a deep voice, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Just follow through. Your task is to carry out orders. Don't ask so many nonsense. These are not your concerns!"

That's right, Liu Houming is the kind of person who belongs to Zhang Tianhai's diehard fans, and he can't even say a word to question Zhang Tianhai, as if the head of the group is his god.

The reward of cannibalism should be a matter of loyalty.

In Liu Houming's view, it was Zhang Tuan Zhang who gave him the current position, not only giving him the treatment of an officer, but also giving him the status of an officer.

Don't underestimate the identity of the commander of the secret service company, which is equivalent to the rank of deputy battalion commander in the first police regiment. More importantly, the value that commander Zhang attaches to the secret service company is quite important.

If he didn't value the status of the spy company, why would he send Liu Houming, who was his adjutant, as the company commander?
You know, those who can serve as adjutants are quite favored, oh, it should be said that it is more appropriate to be trusted.

"Yes, sir!" The soldier responded, and quickly carried out the company commander's order to continue working.

The surrounding mountains and forests are quiet, Liu Houming's eyes are looking around, he is observing the surrounding terrain, if there is a battle, how should their special agent company win this encounter.

Suddenly, Liu Houming said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and stay hidden. There's something wrong around you!"

Under Liu Houming's order, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company seemed to be in order, and quickly found a bunker to avoid, and were ready to fight, showing their elite looks.

As for what was wrong, Liu Houming didn't say anything else, he just made a few tactical gestures, and soon, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company surrounded him in that direction.

Soon, at a hidden place in this green mountain forest, two hundred guns were aimed at that place.

"Come out! If you don't come out, we will shoot!" One of the soldiers of the secret service company shouted, his tone was very serious. It was not that they didn't dare to shoot, but that they didn't want to shoot, and they had already exposed their position. attracted the attention of the Japanese army.

"Don't shoot, we are all our own! We belong to the First Regiment of the Central Army's Ninth War Zone Guard!" I saw two people crawling out from behind the tree. Both of them were covered by thick leaves. Obviously, they did it on purpose.

"Are you from the police regiment? Tell me which part of the police regiment you are from? If you can't tell, we will shoot you!" The soldier was still threatening fiercely.

"Brother, we are the first cavalry company, and the cavalry reconnaissance company." Seeing one of the two men say, it is an honor to die under the enemy's gun, but if he dies by his own hands, And if he died for no apparent reason like this, that would be a great injustice.

"Company commander, what should we do now?" The soldier who was threatening the two people on the opposite side ran to Liu Houming and reported.

"What should we do? Since they can say such details, they must be from the cavalry battalion. But we still have to be on guard, in case there is any mistake, check their documents quickly. If not, Immediately take it back to the regiment headquarters for screening!" After all, Liu Houming is still a seasoned military officer, so he immediately made the most correct decision.

The particularity of the first cavalry company is very clear among the company commanders or section chiefs of the troops directly under the regiment headquarters-this is a troop half of which belongs to the regiment headquarters!
It can be said that as long as the regiment is willing, then this unit will immediately become a reconnaissance unit directly under the regiment headquarters.

It is impossible for Liu Houming to treat such a special force carelessly.

"Yes, company commander." The soldier responded.

Can go right where the soldier is.While searching the IDs of the two soldiers who claimed to be from the [-]st Cavalry Company, a small number of national army troops suddenly appeared around, only a dozen or so, exactly one squad.

"I said sir, did we have a little misunderstanding, our cavalry company didn't seem to provoke your special agent company, did we need to deal with our cavalry company in this way?" A person who looked like a squad leader said.


PS: The Chapter 1 update is here, and the second update will be completed before twelve o'clock.

thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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