Chapter 868 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])
"Yes! Regiment seat!" The combat staff officer responded.


Zhang Tianhai was sharpening his sword, but the Japanese army was not idle, and they were also making a series of mobilizations.

After receiving the direct order from the No. 11 Army Headquarters, Colonel Iizuka Kunigoro began to think about how to win this battle-obviously, it was meaningless to support Jiujiang County, and what to do next How is it going?
Thinking about it, Kunigoro Iizuka remembered the obstacles he encountered when Mizuichiro Keiki led the troops forward.

"This is definitely a premeditated battle. Our enemy has a clear support force and a clear strike force. We must be cautious if we want to defeat such an enemy." Kunigoro Iizuka He muttered a bunch of seemingly unreasonable, but closely related nonsense.

After speaking, Iizuka Kunigoro walked back to the military map and began to study the battle.

Since the Japanese troops were indeed in a hurry along the way, they could only temporarily set up the regiment headquarters on the side of the road, and the map was spread on the front cover of the armored vehicle.

Iizuka Kunigoro looked left and right, thought again and again, and finally fixed his eyes on the place "Gutang Town".

"Gutang Town was the key point when they captured Jiujiang for the first time. I think that if the Chinese army is not stupid, it must have taken Gutang Town as the center of defense. This time they want to restore Jiujiang's How can it be possible for them to control the right to cut off the retreat of the [-]th Division?" Iizuka Kunigoro said in a deep voice, obviously, his goal is already here.

"Your Excellency, Captain, you mean that we will go to Gutang Town to fight to the death with the Chinese Army, right?" asked the Chief of Staff next to him.

"It's not necessarily a fight to the death. These Chinese troops are not enough to become the number one enemy of my [-]st Regiment. Our task is to wipe them out. Whether it is the enemy of Gutang Town or the enemy of Jiujiang County!" Iizuka Colonel Kunigorang said fiercely, against the backdrop of his full beard, he looked even more fierce.

"Hay!" the chief of staff responded.

"Order the front troops to slow down immediately, and wait for the large troops to catch up. The target is Gutang Town, and move forward!!" Kunigoro Iizuka said sharply, his words full of passionate fighting spirit.


Soon, under the will of Iizuka Kunigoro, the headquarters of the [-]st Regiment slowed down their march towards Jiujiang, and they were even ready to attack Gutang Town at any time.

"It's really annoying... Who knew that the garrison brigade under Commander Neiji Okamura could not last that long." Xiki Mizuichiro sighed a long time. In fact, it can't be blamed for his lack of reinforcements. Teammates are too good.

Well, yes, it’s too good.At least in the eyes of Ximu Mizuichiro, after all, he is also a captain, and Tanaka Yokun is at the same level, but one is a field army unit, and the other is a security unit of the headquarters, that's all.

It is precisely because of this that Ximu thinks that this is definitely the reason for the ineffective command of the captain, Yijun Tanaka, which made Jiujiang County fall so quickly.

"I don't know if the North China Security Army and the Manchuria Army that helped us have caught up now. If they keep up, at least our defensive pressure will be reduced by half." Another team leader, Nagashima Minato, said.

"You expect these people who betrayed their motherland to defend us, Nagashima-kun, you don't necessarily trust them too much, do you?" Xiki Mizuichiro smiled softly.

"Mr. Ximu, don't underestimate them. At critical moments, they are still a little bit useful. At least, they are better than unguarded areas? Even if they fire a shot for us, remind us , then it will be useful." Nagashima Minato smiled lightly, and that still young face revealed a strong confidence.

"Mr. Changdao's words are reasonable. If you look at it from this level, it is indeed the case. But now, these Chinese troops assisting us are still maintaining order in the rear, so we can only rely on us to open the front line." Xi Mushui Ichiro laughed, and there wasn't much embarrassment on his face.

This is the embarrassing situation of these puppet troops-on the one hand, the disgust of the Chinese soldiers and civilians, and on the other hand, the Japanese do not trust them. If you want to use one word to describe it, it is sandwich biscuits, bellows mouse.

"It seems that this battle can only wait for us to come by ourselves. Mr. Ximu, I feel that since we landed, our enemies have been watching us. I am afraid that our every move is under their control." Within sight, this battle may not be easy..." Nagashima Minato sighed.

"Don't be afraid, the imperial army of our empire has been under the surveillance of the Chinese army since it landed? So what? The Chinese army doesn't seem to be able to do anything to us. It's not under the expulsion of the imperial army Fleeing around?" Xiki Mizuichiro still had that arrogant look.

"Souga." Nagashima Minato responded, "For this battle, let's use your No. [-] brigade as the main force! This battle is likely to encircle Gutang Town. I don't think they will be stupid. Let us surround you and remain indifferent. Let our brigade deal with it." Long Island Watergate quickly assigned the task.

"Look at the captain's plan! Before he speaks, the decisions we make are meaningless." Ximu Mizuichiro said.

For them, this is also the truth, only the captain can decide the general direction, as they are grassroots cadres, they have no say in deciding the trend.

Soon, a communications soldier ran to Nagashima Mizumon and Xiki Mizuichiro and reported: "Report to the two captains. Your Excellency, the regiment captain, has an urgent call. He asked us to stop as soon as possible, and there are also changes in combat."

The two looked at each other, and then Nagashima Minato said: "We know. Mr. Ximu, what I said just now is definitely surrounding Gutang Town. If you don't believe me, just wait and see! Your Excellency, Captain It will definitely be done. We can proceed to the next step of the battle plan, how should we cooperate and the like."

I saw Mizuichiro Xiki laughing and said: "If the captain is really doing that, then follow Nagashima-kun's opinion! Use my first brigade as the absolute main force, and then use Nagashima-kun's troops as the response force. The rest The next thing depends on the arrangement of the captain."

"Souga, first wish us a happy cooperation!" Xiki Mizuichiro said with a smile.


PS: The first update is here!

Thank you for the 1500 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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