Chapter 869 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])
The two captains of the [-]st Regiment of the Japanese Army have reached an agreement, but the national army has not relaxed their surveillance.For example, the officers and soldiers of the First Company of the Cavalry Battalion of the First Police Regiment are in a state of continuous observation of them.

Zhang Tianhai has always believed that he should wait for the enemy to move first, and then he can deal with it. As the saying goes, if the enemy does not move, I will not move. More importantly, these enemies are all elites, not the puppet army. chicken.

"Squad leader, I see these little devils, one or two of them are hiding there and not moving? Aren't they still in a hurry just now?" An ordinary soldier of the [-]st cavalry company lowered his voice and said to the squad leader next to him.

The squad leader's face darkened, and he said, "This is not something we should think about. These are decided by the officers. We can just do our own thing."

"Yes, squad leader." The soldier replied, and then continued to hide on the top of the hill and looked at the resting enemies down the hill.


Soon, Iizuka Kunigoro's decision came down, roughly as follows: "It is now decided to use our regiment as the main force to seize the strategically important location of Gutang Town first, and then Jiujiang County. Captain Kiki Mizuichiro was the commander, and Nagashima Minato, the captain of the Second Battalion, was the deputy commander and headed to Gutang Town for assembly. The [-]st Wing's Wing Headquarters called urgently."

"Target, Gutang Town, let's go!" The majestic Xiki Mizuichiro raised his command sword and let out a roar.

Soon, following Ximu Mizuichiro's order, the Japanese troops began to move slowly.

This scene did not escape those two pairs of eyes on the mountain.

"Squad leader, the little devil who raised the knife just now seems to be the commander of the little devil..." The soldier next to him murmured.

"Nonsense, of course I know. But we can't fight that little devil. Let's not talk about whether we can survive if we fight! If the target is exposed, it will be extremely difficult to monitor them." The squad leader next to him patted the soldier's cap and said.

"Understood. Squad leader." The soldier nodded.

"Immediately report to the platoon leader that these little devils have started to move, and they are moving very fast." The squad leader said very nervously.

"Yes." The soldier replied, and immediately went to report the situation.


The information ahead didn't take long before reaching Zhang Tianhai's hands.

Looking at the telegram in his hand, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but sigh how correct his decision to establish a cavalry battalion was: "If you really pay for it, you will be rewarded... The cavalry was dispatched for the first time in a company. There are so many benefits, it is really worthwhile for me to spend so much effort."

"How about it, old Zhang. It's not a big problem for us to defeat these little devils, right?" It was Guo Qiliang who spoke, and he also came to assist in commanding as the large troops came.

After all, the police regiment is such a large stall, and it is in a state of complete arms. It is not an easy task for so many arms to cooperate in combat.

Li Yinglun, the chief of staff, should be said to be very qualified, but the time he has been in the police regiment is indeed relatively short, so it is more appropriate for Guo Qiliang, the old chief of staff and deputy head of the regiment, to assist in the command.

As for Li Yinglun?It's just to help with logistics, organize some useful information and so on.

"Of course, with the strength of our first police regiment, it's useless if we can't beat a team of little devils, but how we can reasonably reduce our own casualties is the most important factor." Zhang Tianhai His brows were furrowed. In fact, he already had a plan in his mind, but the little devil's next move was the most important thing.

I saw Guo Qiliang smiled and said: "You just have to have confidence, what are you afraid of? With your strength, you can even win a big victory in soup, and the battle in Lanfeng is not too bad, finally. It is the only bright spot in this defeat. As long as we play step by step, everything will be fine."

"Old Guo, for the sake of your confidence in me, I will fight this battle well no matter what. I am thinking about whether to transfer the small artillery company to the frontal battlefield in Gutang Town. In this case, the Second Battalion can at least be more sure." Zhang Tianhai looked at Guo Qiliang, apparently in his heart.I am still afraid that my troops will lose too much in this battle, which will affect the future big battles.

That's right, the big battle he was talking about was the later Wanjialing battle.

If it wasn't because he was a traverser and knew that there was still a tough battle to fight, otherwise he would have cleaned up the Japanese army in front of him no matter what, even if he pierced the sky, he would have killed the arrogant Japanese army in front of him.

"According to your usual combat style, this Gutang Town is probably not a bait?" Guo Qiliang smiled and said, "Since it is a bait, why do we invest so many troops? This indecision is not like your style. From the Battle of Songhu All the way down, I have never seen you like this."

"Me? Indecisive?" Zhang Tianhai asked subconsciously, and Guo Qiliang's words woke him up.

"Yes, it's indecision. You used to be brave and courageous." Guo Qiliang nodded without hesitation.

"Hey, you don't know my difficulties... When we were a company commander, or even a battalion commander, we never had to think about the consequences when we did things. We just led the troops to win the battle. Even if it was a big victory At that time, we were just a serious regiment leader, instead of wearing the name of a regiment commander like we are now, but the actual number of troops has reached the size of a brigade. Because of the large number of troops under our hands, we shoulder The responsibility of being superior is even heavier. Sometimes a mistake when we make a decision can cost the lives of 2000 brothers below. This must make me treat it with caution..." Zhang Tianhai sighed Said in one voice, as the saying goes, the higher the position, the more prudent the decision you make.

Zhang Tianhai has never been a person who likes war, and he took up the steel gun only to defend the motherland, whether it was in the past life or in this life.

At the same time, he also deeply understands how to quickly end the war—that is, drive away the enemies and send them to hell, so that the enemies can do less crimes in their own country.

"I can probably understand your situation, that's true. However, now that the enemy has already moved, we have to fuck them no matter what. The brothers below us are all good. If we can beat the enemy away, I think they would be very willing to cause more trouble for these little devils. Don't forget the original intention of our Whampoa Military Academy!" Guo Qiliang's last words almost reminded Zhang Tianhai.

If you want to get promoted and get rich, please go elsewhere, don't enter the door if you are greedy for life and afraid of death!
Zhang Tianhai's expression was immediately moved. For some reason, this line of big characters suddenly flashed into his mind. Perhaps it was the deep memory left by the previous owner of his body reminding him.



PS: Chapter 2 is here!

Finally, there is no delay, thank you for the 3000 point coin reward from Taihao, the ninth-level book friend of the starting point! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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