Chapter 870 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])
Not long after, the vanguard of the Japanese army appeared on the outskirts of Gutang Town.

Just according to Zhang Tianhai's instructions, unless it is a special case, all troops are not allowed to take the initiative to attack the Japanese army, especially the troops at Jimao Mountain and Zuoshan Pass.

In Zhang Tianhai's battle plan, the troops at Jimaoshan and Zuoshankou are the key points in this battle. If their positions are exposed, they will face the dilemma of failure.

So, just like that, Ximu Mizuichiro led his troops all the way to the outside of Gutang Town.

"Mr. Changdao, I always feel that there is something wrong. These Chinese troops have been monitoring us all the way since we landed. If there is no reason to say, they will let us drive all the way in and kill us directly outside Gutang Town. "Ximu Mizuichiro is crazy, but he still has a sense of proportion in many cases, such as at this critical time.

Nagashima Minato was standing next to Ximu Mizuichiro, and his expression was also very serious: "Xiki-kun, I think this is reasonable."

"Why? Please tell Nagashima-kun clearly." Xiki Mizuichiro asked in a deep voice.

"It is also possible that the Chinese army is facing the dilemma of insufficient troops, but it is also eager to take back Jiujiang County to declare their strong combat effectiveness and boost the morale of their citizens. In this case, it is reasonable." Nagashima Minato still had the very serious expression on his face, um, it was a bit like the kind of people who owed him hundreds of thousands and didn't pay back.

"What Nagashima-kun said is very reasonable. If this is the case, it is very reasonable for them to send troops to harass our army." Xiki Mizuichiro put down the telescope in his hand and hung it on his chest, with a very serious expression expression.

With the scorching breeze gently blowing over their faces, their faces were not moved by it at all, and they didn't complain about why the damn weather was so hot. Their only target was Gutang Town in front of them.

At this time, they were a full kilometer away from Gutang Town. Due to safety considerations, the Japanese army did not immediately order the troops to charge.

"Ximu-kun, what do you want to do next!" Nagashima Minato asked.

"What else can we do? Attack for a while before we talk!" Xiki Mizuichiro's face was full of fear, "Your department will be responsible for the west part, and our department will be responsible for the east part. In short, no matter what, within today, we must Take Gutang Town, and tomorrow morning, we must restore control of Jiujiang County!"

"Okay, let's make it so!" Nagashima Minato nodded, his fierce face under the military cap was looming, and the beard under his nose made him very consistent with the image of Japanese military officers in later generations of film and television dramas.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life!

As the two captains of the 2000st Wing reached an agreement, more than [-] Japanese troops began to move, heading east and west respectively.

Don't underestimate the Japanese troops in these two brigades. The full Japanese brigade has more than 100 people.

If it weren't for the arrogance of Tanaka Yijun, who sent nearly half of the troops out to serve as the guard point outside the city, I am afraid that Jiujiang County would not be taken back so easily.

You must know that the No. 11 Army's headquarters and garrison brigade is not low in military quality at all. There are more than 100 people guarding the four city gates, which is more than enough.


Outside the town, there was a chill atmosphere, but inside the town, it was also not easy.

Gutang Town, this is a town that was destroyed in the first Jiujiang battle, and now it has been retaken, it is also a pile of ruins, and it is not easy to hold on to it.

Don't forget that there are only Yang Jiquan's third battalion in this town with more than 600 troops, while outside the city, there are more than 2000 Japanese troops with excellent weapons and high military quality.

Perhaps in order to be able to take care of the situation on all sides, Yang Jiquan deliberately set up the battalion headquarters in the very center of Gutang Town, so that it would not be so difficult to convey the information from all directions.

Oh, the key is that there are certain advantages in terms of troop reinforcements.

"Report to the battalion commander, it's not good, Little Japan has started to move. Their troops are divided into two groups, one group is heading south, and the other group is heading east." A soldier ran in and told the commander of the third battalion Yang Jiquan reported.

"One batch to the east? One batch to the south?" Yang Jiquan muttered, and then he immediately came to his senses, and then said: "Pass my order, and all the troops will immediately enter the state of preparation for battle! At the same time, I will keep an eye on these two batches." The movements of the little devil!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!"

Not only the soldier just now answered, but also the order squad of the battalion headquarters.

That's right, it's the order squad. No matter how rich the police regiment is, in terms of current net worth, they haven't been able to achieve the level of one telephone set for each squad.

In this case, the existence of the order class is reasonable.

With the dispatch of the order squad, the entire third battalion immediately entered a state of preparation.

Since Gutang Town is not a big place, and the town is dilapidated, the officers and soldiers of the Third Battalion of the First Police Regiment arranged and assigned positions in a planned and focused manner, and there was no shortage of troops yet. , Even the machine gun company directly under the battalion headquarters is in a mobile state.

"Battalion Commander, our battle is not easy..." A battalion staff officer next to him said.

"It's not easy to fight, so we have to fight. Our troops are all heroes!" Yang Jiquan said in a deep voice, how could he not know that this battle is not easy to fight?But so what if it's not easy to fight?The group already has an order here.

From the very beginning, Yang Jiquan vaguely guessed the importance of some of his positions - judging from the positions arranged by the artillery battalion, they are very likely to be bait, luring the main force of the Japanese army to enter Gutang Town, and then Gather and annihilate them.

If the position of the artillery battalion is not enough to judge, then the positions of Li Chunfei's first battalion and Han Xingle's fourth battalion can be guessed, right?These two battalions are the darlings of the regiment, and the battalion commanders of these two battalions are the people who have been with the regiment for the longest time.

The Jimao Mountain where the Second Battalion is located is indeed important, but it is far less important than the Zuoshan Pass where the Fourth Battalion is located. Moreover, the First Battalion, the most powerful battalion in the entire regiment, is in a mobile state and can go into battle at any time.

Yang Jiquan knew very well that whether the main force of the Japanese army would enter Gutang Town would depend on the performance of their third battalion. Directly set the target of the pursuit on their third battalion!

The most critical part of this battle lies in the third battalion. Yang Jiquan has already decided that even if it costs his life, he will cooperate with the group to sing this big show well.

Just because of his faith, he wants to tell these Japanese that the Chinese soldiers will not stop resisting, as long as they don't leave China's territory for a day, someone will continue to attack them!

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The battalion staff officer was shocked. It was the first time he had seen such a serious side of the battalion commander. Usually the battalion commander was always joking, as if he didn't care about anything.

The battalion staff seemed to understand something. What the battalion commander said, he was also a strong Chinese soldier. More importantly, he graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy!

PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to the QQ reading book friend Hui Mou Xiao and the starting point book friend Mu Yige for rewarding 100 book coins each!Thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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