Chapter 871 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])
Yang Honglou is a company commander. The source of his name is that his father loves to read Dream of Red Mansions. I don't know if it is some bad taste, so his name is Honglou.

Yang Honglou, courtesy name Baoyu.

At this time, Yang Honglou was leading the troops to guard the west, and his company was among the third battalion, and its combat effectiveness was quite high. For this, he was also very proud.

Why do you say you are very proud?The reason is that the unit he is in is not an ordinary unit. This is the first regiment of the guards of the ninth theater, which is directly under the theater.

More importantly, the predecessor of the First Police Regiment was the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone, and this unit was quite famous.

After joining the police regiment, Yang Honglou has never felt disappointed, because the chief of this army is very strict in terms of military discipline and combat effectiveness, and more importantly What's more, the guy in his hand is really good.

Let alone other things, among other units of the national army, which unit would frantically form a firepower reinforcement squad in a company-level unit?That's three grenades, plus a light machine gun...

Not to mention that every squad in the regiment is equipped with a Czech-style light machine gun, and grenades and other supplies are enough. With these things, what is Yang Honglou afraid of?He has long wanted to compete with the little devil.

As for death and the like, Yang Honglou had never been afraid of it—what was he afraid of?Didn't the ancients say it?Since ancient times, no one has died in life, and he has kept his heart to reflect the history.

In the war, the casualty ratio of grassroots officers was huge. Many regiment commanders and brigade commanders died in battle, let alone a small company commander like him.

At the moment when he entered the battlefield, Yang Honglou had no intention of going back alive, and his suicide note had already been left in the regiment headquarters.

Looking at the line of soldiers in the distance and the slightly rolled up dust, Yang Honglou put down the dogtail grass in his mouth, and said: "Brothers, look at it, the little devils in front are coming Well, they first circled to our due west direction, and then attacked us, look, isn't this bullshit? It's really fucking particular..."

Under Yang Honglou's ridicule, the officers and soldiers of the company suddenly let out a burst of laughter, as if the little devil in front was like a chicken and a dog.

"Hey, everyone is waiting. When these little devils get close, we will hit them hard and let them know why the flowers are so red!" Yang Honglou was humorous by nature, and even more bold , it seems that he doesn't pay attention to the little devil on the other side.

"Okay, company commander. I heard that these little devils all walk in clogs, which is not convenient at all. We must send them to hell and let Lord Hades teach them how to wear shoes." That's right." A veteran beside him responded, but he also didn't pay attention to the Japanese army on the opposite side.

Really, what kind of people can bring what kind of soldiers... It's like that if a soldier kills one, it's like that.


The west front of Gutang Town was relaxed and happy.

The enemy will not not attack because your mental state is good, nor will they attack you because of your poor mental state. In short, the Japanese army began to attack!
Under the order of Mizumon Nagashima, the captain of the Second Battalion of the [-]st Regiment, the Japanese army's messengers waved the flag and conveyed the combat order to each unit through the flag language.

After receiving the order from the captain, the commanders of each unit also began to organize the attack.

These ferocious-looking Japanese grassroots commanders raised their swords high and kept shouting: "Ha Youku! Charge!!!"

During the period, there were also many shouts of "Long live the dog emperor", as if their emperor and Amaterasu would bless them, and they would never die.

But is this really the case?The Japanese soldiers were shouting, and there was no problem at first. When they were not within the range of the rifles of the national army, no one would attack them.

This is the advantage of high military quality-in the first police regiment, the proportion of Huangpu students is still quite good. After all, under the care of He Yingqin, Minister of Military Affairs, and the commander of the Ninth War Zone, he turned a blind eye. One eye did not cause many difficulties in recruiting officers.

Why did the two masters, He and Chen, let go of this opportunity to fight?the reason is simple--

The first police regiment is a unit capable of fighting, especially under the leadership of Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first police regiment. been.

Needless to say, He Yingqin, this is a force supported by him alone, and even his cousin is still getting seniority in the police regiment, but why he has not been transferred is unknown.

But what about Chen Cheng?He decided to give up the idea of ​​using the First Guard Regiment as the competition point when he came to the First Police Regiment for inspection—he didn't want to destroy this unit because of his own selfishness.

Of course, if Zhang Yulin was interested and turned to join their department of civil engineering, he, Chen Cheng, would not refuse, on the contrary, he welcomed it very much.It's just... Zhang Yulin is a bit out of his wits...

Alright, back to the book.

After the Japanese army entered the effective range of the guns, the officers and soldiers of the police regiment began to show their power——



"Thuk! Chuk! Chuk..."

"Thuk! Chuk! Chuk..."

There was the sound of a rifle firing, mixed with the sound of a light machine gun firing. Generally speaking, the firepower was not too fierce.

After all, in long-distance shooting, shooting accuracy is the most important thing...

In the first round of fire suppression, about [-] to [-] Japanese soldiers fell. After all, the military quality of the police regiment is better than that of the general central army. In addition, due to the number of people and the preparation It's normal to be unprepared.

However, these 100 or [-] troops were not too many among the more than [-] Japanese troops. Soon, the Japanese troops behind began to rush up.

There are still many Japanese troops in charge of suppressing firepower. Under such circumstances, the national army began to be hindered.

The chiefs have emphasized more than once that these little Japanese have excellent shooting skills and their guns are very accurate. Therefore, the density of firepower must be used to make up for the weakness of one's own firepower that is not as accurate as the opponent's.

As a result, the national army began to die down for a while, allowing the Japanese army to rush into a certain distance and fight again.

In short, be sure to weaken the Japanese army to the greatest extent in the first round of combat!

Fighting started on the west side, and the east side was also not idle. The Japanese army, under the command of the [-]st Regiment Captain Mizuichiro Kikiki, began a reactionary attack on the east side.

Being attacked from the east and west at the same time, Yang Jiquan felt uncomfortable-the little devil wanted to make dumplings for them, so that they could break up their troops and surround them again!
"Inform the regiment headquarters of this news, and at the same time tell the regiment seat that our third battalion can survive, please rest assured. Unless it is a last resort, we will not take the initiative to ask for support." Yang Jiquan said to the telecommunications staff around him.

"Yes, sir!" The telecommunications staff responded, and then began to send telegrams.


PS: The second update is here!

Finally, there is no delay, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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