Chapter 872 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])
"Report to the regiment, urgent call from the third battalion!" The telecommunications staff ran to Zhang Tianhai and reported.

"Read!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, he knew that this must be the first-line report from the third battalion.

Soon, the telecommunications staff read to Zhang Tianhai what the third battalion commander was going to report.

"Recall the third battalion commander, let him stick to the end, and don't retreat before receiving the order!" Zhang Tianhai's voice was still so calm, without a trace of fluctuation.

"Yes! Group seats!" The telecommunications staff responded.

It's not that Zhang Tianhai is hard-hearted and still refuses to save him, but that he must win this battle!
War always requires someone to sacrifice, even Zhang Tianhai can't guarantee that he will be alive tomorrow - since he has already devoted himself to this war, he doesn't care whether he is dead or alive, maybe the only thing he has scruples about is His unborn child and Zheng Man, who is far away in Wuhan.

The flames of war gradually intensified in the smoke of gunpowder, and both the national army and the Japanese army began to gradually suffer casualties.


A bullet pierced through the air, and then hit a young Japanese soldier, causing a cloud of blood.

The young Japanese soldier only felt a numbness in his body, and then fell heavily to the ground, and then his comrades stepped on his body and continued to rush forward, and his body gradually turned into a corpse...

"Quick!! Rescue the wounded!! Rescue the wounded!!"

The Japanese army behind was shouting, but few people came to drag them away, because their goal was to attack first, as long as they took Gutang Town, everything would be fine!

It was only when the Japanese troops in front rushed up that the health workers in the back followed up to bandage them.

Since the first police group arrived in Gutang Town this time, it was indeed too hasty, so many strategic materials were not well prepared.

Nothing like traps for rejecting horses was in place.

As the Japanese army approached step by step, the Third Battalion of the Police Regiment no longer hid and tucked in, and immediately attacked the Japanese army with full firepower.

It was also because the national army occupied the geographical advantage, and there were trenches dug and bunkers arranged, which suppressed the Japanese offensive for a while.

Don't forget that the firepower configuration of the police regiment is not much worse than that of the Japanese army, and to a certain extent is stronger than that of the Japanese army.

This round of attack actually caused the Japanese army to lose almost a hundred people. On the other hand, the police regiment only lost a dozen people.

"Baga! Baga! Baga!!"

Nagashima Mizumon, who was watching this scene through the binoculars, couldn't help being furious. He would never have imagined that the national army on the opposite side was so fierce that it was even as powerful as the German weapon masters on the Songhu battlefield!
Anger is anger, Nagashima Minato is not the kind of person who can only be incompetent and furious, at least he can tell from this burst of gunfire that there are not many troops on the opposite side, but the firepower is fierce.

Indeed, a company with ten light machine guns, as well as rifles and grenade launchers, is indeed not weak in firepower. In addition, the Japanese army only invested two squadrons in their first attack, and did not rush forward. Otherwise, the firepower must be stronger.

More importantly, it is impossible for Long Island Minato to devote all its troops to battle when the enemy's situation is unclear.

Long Island Minato suffered setbacks, and Xiki Mizuichiro's situation was similar, and he was also attacked by the Chinese army.

Compared with the western position, the eastern position has one more machine gun battery, which makes the Japanese army in the eastern position suffer even more heavy losses.

"It seems that we have encountered a thorn this time. We should slow down our offensive pace." Ximu Mizuichiro murmured, he already had a plan in his mind.

Of course, Ximu Mizuichiro's determination was definitely not just talk, he immediately made a decision: "The first squadron and the second squadron will attack Gutang Town in two directions. As long as we don't collide It is not difficult to take down a Gutang Town. Besides, if you ask for a plane bombing, we will blow up this damn Gutang Town!"

Don't question Mizuichiro Kiki's ability. According to the importance that Commander Ningji Okamura attaches to this operation, it is not difficult to send a few planes to bomb.

"Hay!" A telegraph soldier responded.

Soon, under the call of Ximu Shuiichiro, several planes took off from the direction of Madang, loaded with aerial bombs, and flew towards Gutang Town.

A battle on the scale of Gutang Town does not require dozens of planes to launch a bombing scale.

In the eyes of a big man like Neiji Okamura, this battle is far inferior to the battle of the [-]th Division on the Nanxun Railway—the battle on the Nanxun Railway is the highlight!

Several planes flew through the air with a huge roar, then stopped above Gutang Town, dropped a dozen aerial bombs, and flew away.

As the dozen or so bombs fell, Gutang Town was immediately filled with smoke and dust. Obviously, this was caused by the explosion.



The huge explosion was clearly audible even two kilometers away.

Watching this scene through the binoculars, Zhang Tianhai's fists were lightly clenched immediately: These are all his soldiers, they were all raised by their own parents.

If Zhang Tianhai was not a calm commander, if it were someone else, he might have immediately stepped forward to command the troops to charge.

Because Zhang Tianhai knew that he must not be impulsive at this time. Once impulsive, all the sacrifices ahead would be in vain—from his point of view, sacrificing part of the third battalion's strength to maximize the benefits of annihilating the enemy, This is the best choice!
"Wait for them to fight again! This battle will never end so easily." Zhang Tianhai murmured, as if to comfort himself.

"Old Zhang, I know what you're thinking. The mission must be completed, and the war must be sacrificed. This is the way to fight with the least casualties." Guo Qiliang seemed to have seen Zhang Tianhai's hesitation, so he patted his A word of comfort from the shoulder.

"That's it! I hope the cavalry battalion can withstand the enemy's attack for two hours. If we can stop it, we will win this battle." Zhang Tianhai sighed.


Under the order of Ximu Mizuichiro, the Japanese army began to outflank the positions of the national army from two wings. According to their years of research, it can be learned that most of the positions of the Chinese army are mainly frontal firepower, while the two The firepower at the intersection is weaker instead.

Compared with Nagashima Minato who sacrificed more than 100 people, the casualties on Xiki Mizuichiro's side were nearly 200 people.

After the plane bombing, the morale of the Japanese army has recovered a little, as if the dozen or so aircraft bombs had caused very heavy casualties to the national army.

No matter what, Gutang Town is a town, not a village.

The advantage of a large town is that when it is bombed by enemy planes, casualties can be avoided to the greatest extent; but the disadvantage is that the larger the town, the fewer defensive troops.

That's right, Xiki Mizuichiro saw this weakness of the national army, so he unscrupulously divided into two wings to outflank the attack.

Just as Ximu Mizuichiro thought, the two wings of the position are indeed the weak points of the national army's position!

PS: The first update is here!

Please watch the second update at [-]:[-]!

Thank you for the 1000 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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