Chapter 873 Fighting Jiujiang ([-])

"It's not good, Battalion Commander, the little devils are rushing up! They are pressing towards our wings. Our firepower is very weak. Now the company commander has divided the machine guns and troops to the two sides to stop the Japanese army!" A soldier said. He ran to Yang Jiquan in a panic and reported, the violent ups and downs of his chest proved that this guy ran all the way back and reported.

What the soldier said immediately made Yang Jiquan frowned: Obviously, this is not good news.

"That's it! The third company will send out a platoon to support you in the battle. You have to defend the position for me." Yang Jiquan said in a deep voice, not because he was stingy, but because there were still enemies in the west. , may attack at any time.

In any case, he, Yang Jiquan, cannot live without a reserve team.

Of course, in fact, Yang Jiquan didn't have a reserve team in his hands anymore. His reserve team was temporarily drawn from the south and north positions.

In this way, Yang Jiquan reluctantly held up the defense of the small town of Gutang Town.

In fact, at the beginning of the fight, Yang Jiquan's defense was not fixed, but allocated according to the direction of the enemy's movement and attack direction-after all, the preparations such as trenches and so on were prepared at the beginning, just waiting to start, and then Entered the defensive position.

Obviously, the strength of this battalion is stretched in Gutang Town, but there are only so many troops that Zhang Tianhai can use!

With the launch of the Japanese army's offensive, Yang Jiquan could only choose to move the troops very passively, and then carry out blocking operations.



The offensive outside the city was once very ferocious. After all, the Japanese army was not a vegetarian anymore. After taking advantage of the superiority in firepower and troops, they immediately suppressed firepower and attacked at the same time.

Their goal is to take Gutang Town. If the two brigades have more than 2000 people and can't take down a small town, what face do they have to meet their captain?

Don't underestimate the more than 2000 people, this is more than half of the alliance...

Relying on the cover of light and heavy machine guns, grenades, and mortars, the Japanese army was approaching Gutang Town step by step.

Although the price paid by the Japanese army was not high, they finally pressed up step by step.

In short, they wanted to take Gutang Town at all costs, and they wanted to take down this small town that caused them a lot of losses at the beginning of the battle.

"Hit... Give me a hard hit!!" A platoon leader of the national army shouted, his comrades had died one after another, and his brothers were all good - because of these The soldiers were shot in the forehead and died!
Shot in the forehead, what does that mean?In addition to showing that the Japanese army's marksmanship was accurate, it also showed that none of his comrades deserted!

A mortar shell landed around the position of the national army, immediately setting off a burst of smoke and dust, and the broken shrapnel scattered in all directions with the shock wave.

Some unlucky national army officers and soldiers were hit by these shrapnel, and then injured and fell to the ground, unable to get up and continue fighting.

Fortunately, the establishment of the first police regiment is larger than that of other national army units, otherwise they would have faced the embarrassing situation of having no soldiers to use.

"Hit!! Keep hitting!! Beat these little devils back!!"

The grassroots officers of the national army were shouting, facing the enemy's ferocious firepower, they were not afraid, picked up the light machine guns in the hands of the fallen comrades, and fired forward.

No matter what, we must repel this wave of little devils first, so that they can survive!
They are soldiers, the last line of defense of this country, if they also retreat, then there will be no danger to defend the huge China!

The national army is suffering casualties, and the price paid by the Japanese army will never be less!

The camera turns to the edge of Poyang Lake.

With the start of the battle in Gutang Town, the pace of the Japanese army's advance was much faster. Perhaps to support the frontline operations, they only sent a small number of troops to protect the logistics and logistics troops, including the two [-]-caliber howitzers. Inside.

Two squads, about 140 Japanese soldiers, protected a supply force of about 300 people, including two heavy artillery, moving forward slowly.

As for the other large troops, they had already been ordered to move forward quickly to support the battle in Gutang Town.

From Iizuka Kunigoro's point of view, ghosts know how many damn Chinese troops there are on the front line.

However, every move of the Japanese army did not escape the eyes of the First Company of the Cavalry Battalion, and they were staring at it.

Even the secret service company, under the guidance of the cavalry reconnaissance company, assembled in the direction of the Japanese army's heavy equipment, followed by the second and third companies of the cavalry battalion, plus the special service company, but a total of more than 500 people fought Troops up.

More importantly, there are more than 500 people armed to the teeth, which is more than one level stronger than the infantry battalion of the police regiment.

These troops were created by Zhang Tianhai's painstaking efforts. When they start fighting, can they be described as fierce?
"Company commander, I see that these little devils are not moving fast, why don't we get rid of them now?" A second lieutenant platoon leader next to him suggested to Liu Houming eagerly.

"You are stupid, attacking the little devils at this time, have you never fought against the main force of the little devils? The main force of these little devils has not gone far, and they can kill us at any time. When the time comes, we will be the ones who will suffer. It's over." Liu Houming patted the military cap of the platoon leader in front of him lightly with his hand.

Liu Houming dared to guarantee with his life that if he hadn't been afraid of being alert to the little devils below, he would definitely have "dunk" this ignorant guy in front of him.

If you don't work hard, you won't be lazy, and if you specialize, you won't have eyes.

"Yes, company commander!" The platoon leader replied resentfully.

"Liu Lianchang, you are really experienced. As expected of a person who is used to group seats, he has art when fighting... Haha..." It was Wang Yongcheng who spoke, this time he was not the kind of heroic laugh, but He said it in a low voice.

"Battalion Commander Wang, what you said sounds wrong to me...By the way, are the two companies of your cavalry battalion ready?" Liu Houming asked Wang Yongcheng.

"Don't worry, everything is ready. As long as we give an order, we can act. When it comes to fighting this kind of battle, you are an old expert. I believe you can do it, and I will fight with you." Wang Yongcheng smiled, quite a bit like "I'm here to make soy sauce".

Just two words, I owe you a beating.

"All right, all right, I really can't do anything about you. Wait for a while, we'll fight after 5 minutes, and then fight after they enter our ambush circle. The point is to make a quick decision. Also, those two cannons are the point , take care of your people, don't let them hit the shells." Liu Houming said helplessly.

"Don't worry, your spy company is strong in combat, and our cavalry battalion is also not bad. It's a mule or a horse, and you'll know if you pull it out for a walk." Wang Yongcheng grinned, revealing that the two rows of smokers caused excessive smoking. Rhubarb Teeth.


PS: Well, finally caught up, it's not easy.

Good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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